As an online course, the writing that we do in English 305 is substantially different from a face to face course. As such, it is imperative that you understand the course style from the start. Nearly all of your work in this course will be posted on the course blog. EACH WEEK YOU WILL HAVE THREE BLOG ASSIGNMENTS:

Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the Friday (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. You have all week each week to complete the reading and writing for that week, but there are no late assignments accepted, so be sure to be disciplined about the work from the start.

Let me re-state that point; if you do the assigned work before or during the week it is due, you will receive full credit. If you do the work after the Friday of the week it is assigned, you will get zero credit for that week.

Grading Scale


Weekly Blog Entries: 10%
Writing About the Reading: 10%
Restaurant Review: 20% (DUE SEPT 24)
Tipping Point Essay Final Draft: 30% (ROUGH DRAFT DUE OCT 28) (FINAL DRAFT DUE NOV 4)
In Class Essay: 10%
Peer Revision: 10%
Participation: 10%

Friday, August 12, 2011


The most beautiful place I've been in the world is...


  1. The most beautiful place I've been in the world is Haleakala! I set out early in a sunny Fall day with my husband at the wheel of our rented convertible Mustang, the top down, sunglasses in place, and Cheshire cat smiles upon our faces. Puffy globs of clouds blew by above on the wind, the sky was azure blue, and kissing the ocean breakers below it, as the flowin gair pushed the waves against the shoreline highway. Maui is wonderful! We hugged the coastline and climbed, climbed climbed up a narrow winding road. We cruised by happy cows grazing in the Hawaiin wind. Up, up through cotton candy clouds we rose at last to Haleakala! We must've been on the moon really. We overlooked the dormant volcano 10,000 feet above sea level. Cinder cones pushed upwards from the flat surface with dried flows of different colors of earth and cold lava. The crater was several miles wide. Far out to sea, 100 miles southwest, we could see the big island of Hawaii. Native Nene geese pecked in the volcanic dust for bugs and food, on top of the world. The clouds floated below us, and the sea below that. I could not believe that I had been able to see this place in my life. Haleakala!

    Laura Harris

  2. I'm not a native to Bakersfield, nor am I much of a fan of the environment here. Any place that really has the opposite climate would be much more enjoyable to me. So, I think the most beautiful place I've been in the world is the central Oregon coast line. As you are driving there, you are met by mountains filled with great pine forests that drop down into the ocean. Wispy fog gently drifted down the mountainsides. Small towns and beaches were packed in between these mountains. Despite being the middle of July, the temperature stayed cool, even cold perhaps, and never went above sixty-five degrees. This was a refreshing break from the Bakersfield heat. While you are there, you feel as though you've been transported through time, far away from the modern world, to a time where nature still reigns supreme. It's a place where you can imagine tribal men hunting deer, and shamans performing rituals around a ceremonial fire. The entire experience felt extremely calming, and allows you to let go of all of your frustrations, letting you just relax and enjoy the tranquility of nature.

    Matthew Jeffries

  3. Matthew and Laura, please stop! Your fabulous description here is making me want to leave right now. I can imagine being in both places. I think this sort of writing, when done so well like this, spurs the imagination.
    By the way, my most beautiful place would have to be Gili Air, a small island off of Lombok which is a small island off of Bali. I walked all the way around Gili Air in 2 hours. It has crystal clear, warm blue water, small huts that you can rent for 8 dollars a day and that included all three meals but not beer(does low price make it more beautiful? Ummm, yes), there were fishermen who brought in fresh fish to eat, and the whole place was bathed in lush vegetation of a million different types of green. One day, I was lounging on the beach and this 70 or so year old Indonesian dude wandered out of the forest with a basket of pineapple. For 50 cents, he would cut the pineapple so that you could eat it like a popsicle, slicing smooth the green fronds on top as a handle, and chopping the pineappley inside. And this pineapple, oh boy, I can almost taste it now, so deliciously sweet and full of sugary juice...then again, I always wonder, does place have an impact on taste. If I had that same pineapple in some nameless dusty hot town with bad air, lots of oil fields, and agriculture, would it taste the same? I think not...maybe that is food for thought for your restaurant reviews coming up, yes?

    Dr. Schmoll

  4. I have really enjoyed all of your posts, because they are all places that i have never been before. You guys explained them so well, that I can imagine being there and how amazing it must be. It definitaley makes me want to make a few trips to open my eyes to new things.

    The most beautiful place I've been in the world is Yellowstone National Park. The first time I ever left California was when I was 12 years old and was going on vacation to visit my dad in Wyoming. This was a very memorable trip and it was the first time, I had ever seen anything that people would define as beautiful. When we first began driving through the park I remember the sky, it was so clear and was different than anything I had ever seen, I was amazed by it. When we first stopped to get out and explore the many natural monuments I remember the air being so crisp and fresh. There were two things that stood out to me as beautiful while at Yellowstone, one was a buffalo and the second was the old faithful geyser. When we were out looking at the natural hot springs, I remember thinking it smelt like rotten eggs, that was when I saw a huge buffalo standing inches from me. I had never seen a buffalo before and this one was standing so close and it was the biggest animal I had ever seen up close. I was in awe of this animal and couldn’t believe what I was seeing, wild animals are not something I just see roaming around, but at Yellowstone the animals are everywhere. Old faithful was definitely a different kind of beautiful, it only goes off at certain times, so I remember waiting for the moment it would erupt. I was just sitting there and it just looked like a big pool of boiling gravy, and then it erupted and was unlike anything I had ever seen. It was like a huge waterfall shooting into the sky, the smell was of rotten eggs, but the experience was very beautiful and memorable. Being at Yellowstone I saw things that I had never seen before and the situations made them easy to remember. Now everytime I smell hot springs I remember my time in Wyoming and how I experienced so many new things that helped me be able to identify beauty. Before going there I never really looked around at the scenery, it opened my eyes to be able to see natural things as beautiful.

    Lacey Patterson

  5. A pool of boiling gravy? What a great description! Rotten egg smell, too. With all the food references, I think you are really wanting to write that restaurant review.

    Also, remember, everyone, that your most beautiful place doesn't have to be travel related, but it might be at the delivery of a child, at the wedding altar, in your mind on a happy day, or sitting in a really great class...okay, probably not in class, but my point is that this little writing piece is totally open to your interpretation!

  6. once again, that last one was me...Dr. Schmoll

  7. Lacey: Your description of Yellowstone is very apropos. Did you see the "Fountain Paint Pot?" These are boiling mud pools with boardwalks around and through them. Essentially, they are hot springs filled with dirt and the boiling dirt is so colorful, full of muddy rainbows and rivulets of color circling the basin. I still have postcards of the Fountain Paint Pots in my scrapbook. It was as amazing as all of the other sights you so wonderful described. Did you know there are more than one "Old Faithful" Geyser in the U.S. I visited another Old Faithful in northern California at Calistoga. The sulfur smell of rotten eggs was reminiscent of Yellowstone.

    Laura Harris

  8. I love to travel and have been blessed to see beautiful places. Choosing one is difficult for I love these places for different reasons that are equally breathtaking. So for the purpose of this post I will say the last place I visited for it too was amazing. Over the summer I went to Costa Rica which during our summer it is considered their green season. Meaning it is their raining season but during my stay it only rained once. By traveling during this time everything and I mean everything is GREEN! Just seeing a country that takes such care of their environment and respects their species made me fall in love with the country. I took full advantage of sightseeing tours from ziplines in the jungle to kayaking in the ocean. It is a one of a kind place!
    Olivia Sarullo

  9. Matthew-
    I will be traveling to Oregon in the summer and after reading your post I am even more excited! Do you recommend any spots?
    Olivia Sarullo

  10. I have a few places on my list to visit, but I would have to say that so far I think Washington State is the most beautiful place I’ve been to in the world. The drive through Washington is amazing because you are surrounded by dozens of giant, fresh smelling trees that combined with cool air is so refreshing and makes me want to go back. I miss the cool air filling my lungs and the breeze going through my hair since I truly dislike the heat in Bakersfield. I lived in Washington for only about three months, but visited quit often. I visited the beautiful city of Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, a small town of Arlington, and a breath taking island of Whidbey Island near Washington. All of these cities were great in their own way, but they all have the same commonality that they are surrounded with beautiful wildlife and green trees, hence, the nickname “The Evergreen State.” The sense of freedom you get from seeing a wild deer come a few yards away from the woods and close to my backyard was a phenomenal and different experience for me that I will never forget. It seemed as if it was the mother and her fawn, but the mother stayed further back and watched as her baby deer walked to my backyard curiously. It was like a scene from Bambi. It was a little scary at times to live near the woods with wildlife, but truly an amazing memory. I believe that even after traveling to the places I want to see that I will still rather live somewhere in Washington State.

    -Liz Sanchez

  11. Matthew,

    You couldn't describe Oregon any better. I drive through Oregon to get to Washington and the scenery is so calming and refreshing. Completely different from the plain mountians of California I'm used to seeing. I havent explored Oregon very much since since my destination is always Washington so I only see what's on the freeway, but I can say it's also a beautiful state worth visiting.

    -Liz Sanchez

  12. I would definitely have to say that the most beautiful place I have been to is Springville because of its natural beauty and all of the recreational activities it has to offer. Coffee Camp is the lowest campground located in Springville California, and there are many others like that of Camp Nelson for those who like to go hiking. To my convenience Springville is just about 45 minutes from home, so we go there a lot during the summer. I see that a lot of you have written about the natural beauty surroundings in the places you have visited, and this place too is just so wonderful. While visiting here, there are many recreational activities that you can do with the whole family, and that I think is also part of the beauty. Visiting here, there is no doubt you will get a great wilderness experience. I remember that one of the last times we went up there, on our way back home we had to stop because there was a deer crossing the road. The sound and the view of the clear water coming down the mountains are priceless. For those that are up for challenge, swimming takes place in the freezing waters from the ice that is melting and traveling down the mountain. There is one particular place that we like to go to (it’s part of Camp Wishon). You go down the trail and when you reach the bottom, it looks like a huge pool with rocks all around. Our whole family likes to spend time here barbequing, swimming, and socializing with each other. I must say thought that any experience that is shared with the family, and is filled with good spirits, is a good experience that will be filled with memorable moments.

    Brenda Castro

  13. Lacey,
    After reading about your experience at Yellowstone I think I might have to plan a trip there during our Christmas break. It’s always nice to get away and experience new adventures.

    Brenda Castro

  14. Like your post Liz the most beautiful place that I have ever been is also Washington. When I was younger me and my family would go every summer to Washington and visit our relatives who lived in a little city called Manson. The drive through Washington to get there is so beautiful because of all the trees and fresh air. Being over there the air felt crisp, clean and fresh. I would always look forward to this trip because we would go hiking and to the nearby lakes. Nature can provide some of the most breath taking scenery that is truly unbelievable, and when your are there you could see why this is true. The water at the lake was always crystal clear and cold the mountains and trees were always green. Even the sunsets seemed more beautiful there. We would stay with my relatives for around two weeks and I would always dread leaving and coming back home.

    Agustin Garcia

  15. After reading some of the other posts I feel like I need to do some traveling of my own and maybe visit some of these exotic locations.

    Agustin Garcia

  16. The most beautiful place I have ever been would be anywhere with my one year old niece, Layla. On the day of her birth, I had never seen such a beautiful baby. I immediately felt the joy of being an uncle the first time I held her in my arms. I continue to get that feeling every time I am with her. She is tiny in stature, but big in personality. Her nonsensical babbling can be heard from across the room. She is the center of attention in my family and couldn't be more loved (spoiled). I am anxious to see her grow and to teach her new things. I've already taught her to be a San Francisco Forty Niners fan! She is the highlight of my week and I feel so blessed to be her uncle.

    Ross Hoffmann

  17. Olivia,
    I am jealous of your experience in Costa Rica. I have heard many amazing things about the country and have always wanted to travel there. I would love to zip line through the jungle! Maybe one day I will be lucky enough to go there.

    Ross Hoffmann

  18. Olivia-
    I didn't get to explore too much of Oregon, but while I was there I stayed in Waldport. It's in Lincoln County, about half way up the state. Literally, it's one of those small beach towns (population a bit over 2,000) just packed between the mountains. On one side of the highway you have about three miles of mostly vacant beach, and on the other side is a national park. There isn't much to do there, but it's very peaceful and quiet. If you're looking for more things to do, a bit bigger town called Newport isn't too far away, and with a bit longer drive you could visit the Tillamook cheese and ice cream factory. They give free tours of their cheese production.

    I would also recommend visiting Crater Lake. It's a lake that was formed by the collapse of a volcano and is the deepest lake in the United States.

    Matthew Jeffries

  19. The most beautiful place I've been in the world first thought after reading all of the blogs is that I need to get out more...and while I'm out I need to catch up on a few movies!
    I would have to agree with Ross and his thoughts on his niece. I have two of the most wonderful sons ever, and I would have to say the most "beautiful place" for me is when we are together as a family. I guess you could say it's a mindset. The places we've been, whether it's Pismo Beach, Disneyland, Dodgers games or Angels games (yes, how did that happen that they like opposing teams!), playing at the park, or swimming in the backyard, they are all beautiful places simply because we did these things together.
    It doesn't get any better than watching your child take his first step, watching him look with awe and sheer terror into the eyes of Mickey Mouse for the first time (and you tell him to hold that pose so you can get a picture!), and frantically getting them to sleep on Christmas Eve so you can play Santa with gifts for all (and please, please don't forget to eat the cookies or you'll have a lot of explaining to do!). The adventures we have been on, no matter where they might be, are the most cherished of memories. Oh the beautiful places you'll go as a parent are amazing!

    Theresa F.

  20. The most beautiful place I have ever been to would have to be this tiny town in Michigan. I don’t remember the town’s name because it was several years ago but I can remember thinking that it was some faraway place that you only read about in story books. It was my sophomore year in high school and my friend and her parents invited me to drive across country to go visit their family in Michigan. The whole trip was amazing seeing all the different states. It felt kind of like driving through a long quilt with all the unique pieces seamed together. When we finally arrived in Michigan it smelled so good and the air was fresh. There was green everywhere and the tress were as tall as skyscrapers. At night when you looked up, the sky looked like it had more lights then Vegas. The first night we were there I Seen these bugs that were glowing and I knew they were firefly but I had never seen one in person before. I have always been a fan of Tinker Bell since I was a little girl and seeing those made me think she was real. The people there are different from people in California. The way they talked and acted was like I had traveled back in time because they were so traditional. The town was small so everyone was like family to each other, it made me feel like I was at home. I hope that one day I get a chance to visit that place again and to see what it’s like now.

    Lindsey McGuire

  21. I have really enjoyed all of you posts bacause these all places that Ihave never beeb before.I m in America since 4 years so I did not get more chances to explre more places.Definately one day I wounld like to visit these places because you guys elabbrate these places so well.Now I can not stop myself to visit these places may be one day one will visit.
    The beautiful place I have been visited is"Varindavan"in India birth place of Lord Krishna.Last year I went to India to visit my family and we whole family decided to visit 'Varindavan"my mother, my brother, sister, brother in law and their kids , we all were togetherwent there.Varindavan is really good city becauseit has many beautifulplaces to visit and beautiful temples of Lord krishna because I m devotee of Lord Krishna, so I was exicited to visit there and touch that land. It was 10 -11 hours away from our home town.So we started early in morning and when we reached to Delhi we took some rest and enjoyed lunch in restaurant , kids of my sister did buy some toys.we stayed in Delhi and next day we again started for Varindavan.when we reached to Varindavan , we stayed in one Ashram'Vatsalyagram Asrhram" next day priest of that Ashram went with us.First wewent to "Banke bihari"temple.It was our pleasure that we were standing in temple.It is beleived that if you have any wish , you can demand from Lord krishna while standing infront of statue of Lord Krishna.we participated in evening pooja{prayer}of Lord Krishna.There were people not only from India but all thw world ,participating in evening pooja.we saw many people from different countries.When I was standing in temple i realised that I m standing in front of my Lord Krishna ans He is asking me about my mistakes what i did and He is giving me chance to help others and giving me strenth to help others and to see everybody as human being.I promissed with my Lord that I will be kind with everybody,after pooja. we went to Escon temple" for prayer , really good temple.Isaw the realy culturethere, culture of friendship ,brotherhood.Then we went to temple where Lord Krishna spent /played as child.The prist told us that we have to play and we have to lie down on earthto get blessing og Lord. we did. I really rejoyed beacused all theses things were new for new. I saw many people were enjoying to do this even that people out of India also.I really enjoyed. Afer this we went to garden where peolpe beleive that Lord krishna and Goddess Radha still comes in night and played and dance with each other.Interesting thing which i knew that no body can enter in this garden in night hours and it is order by court. It was really excited to know and I was courious to know why It is by law that no body can enter in garden in night.The priest told us that in begining people were trying to enter into garden to know Does Loed krishna comes in this garden in night and dance with Goddess Radha and those people had physical and heath problem later on.It was really new thing for me to know.In the same garden people were singing and dancing, I joined that group and danced for a while while I was dancing i felt that all my stresses and problems in my life are going away and I feeling energy to fight with those problems. I felt very leaxed after dancing with those people. In the evening we went to a widow house,riest told us this temple helps all women who are widow and are illitrate and handicaped and does not work.we saw many other places also. I really enjoyed there and I felt that i got energy to come over my problems ans help other peolpe in need.So I think my visit to 'Vrindavan" is best visit and best place in World becaus I really felt relax, enjoyed and got strnth to fight with my problems.I really want to go to Varindavan again, when I will be in need to boost myself and want to get relaxtion from my life.


  22. First, I would like to point out that I haven’t been to many places that are astonishingly beautiful; however, Mammoth Lakes has an incredible view of what nature has to offer. When I was younger, my family would go camping at the Mammoth Lakes during the summer. During our stay, we would hike, fish, and even rent a boat to take out on the water. Those of us that have lived in Bakersfield for quite some time, know that our air quality is not up to par; however, the crisp mountain was one of my favorite parts of the vacation. Even though it was summer during our visit to Mammoth Lakes, we were still able to see the snow caps on mountains in the distance. The coolest thing about camping up in those mountains, is the ability to come in contact with wild animals. While we camped, deer would walk right through the campground and collect food from the campers. Guilty as charged, I was one of those individuals. My mom would always bring extra grapes and carrots just so she could feed them. Of course there were bears that felt comfortable enough to do the same, but they would like to search for the campers’ food at night. This is why it was very important that any food items be locked away. Overall, Mammoth is a wonderful place to escape all the “hustle and bustle” and just settle down with nature.

    -Kryston Honea

  23. Matthew,
    I loved your description of Oregon. The way you depict Oregon's nature made me want to get out of this 100 degree weather even more. I have yet to travel to Oregon, but just by your description of the scenary added Oregon to one of the places I would like to check out.

  24. I would have to say the most beautiful place I have been in the world would be Hawaii (The big island). I have only been to Hawaii once in my life and it was a present for my high school graduation and my 18th birthday. I was so excieted due to my parents trips over to Maui, they wold come back with descriptions about how beautiful and peacful it was there. We went to Hawaii for 14 days and amazing is all I can say! The trip started with a flight of course wich made me nervous because I had never flown before, but once we got in the air I was so speechless due to the beautiful fluffy coulds all around us. As we landed it was still daylight on the island which made for a wonderful view. As we got into the car to go to our living quarters the drive was so different from what I was used to. The whole drive I could see the pretty blue ocean and lava rock from the valcanos, it was just spectacular! Our whole trip consisted of traveling by car to see the whole island, snorkaling, hikes, and of course many trips to the beach. I was so amazed with Hawaii because there was so much to experience and just so relaxing for a family vacation. One thing that I really loved about the trip to Hawaii was all the sea turtles we saw when we went to the beach, they were just so extordinary! One day I would love to go back to Hawaii and even vist the other islands to see what they have to offer.

    -Stephanie Nodal

  25. Lindsey,

    Your trip seems to be from a storybook. It seems so magical and simply perfect. I hope one day I could go on a road trip like yours through little towns to see other parts of our country. I really like how you said, "It felt kind of like driving through a long quilt with all the unique pieces seamed together." I think that summed up your experience and makes me think of how I could experience a feeling like yours.

    -Stephanie Nodal

  26. Olivia,

    A close friend of my did her study abroad term in Costa Rica. She had some wonderful things to say about Costa Rica. One day I wish I can experience Costa Rica and see it for the beauty you have described it as. Maybe after I graduate I can take some time to travel to different places in the world to have an experience such as you have mentioned about Costa Rica.

    -Stephanie Nodal

  27. Stephanie,
    I have to agree with you about Hawai'i. I went right after graduation of high school and I could not wait do all of the things that you see in movies with Hawai'i in them. At first when landed on Maui Island and after renting our car, I was not too sure about it because of the industrial area that you need to drive through. My family was with me so I was not alone on this adventure but we had rented a hut right on the beach, feet from the crystal blue waters and we could not be more excited. After arriving at our hut, there was no electricity on, and no manager around to help us. So we decided to try and see what we could do with the place. There were geckos running over our feet, bugs everywhere and the floors were not safe for my one year old niece to walk around on. So my pregnant sister-in-law cried. It was horrible. Even though as you walk out onto the balcony the stairs led straight into the water, we could not stay there for two weeks. We found an awesome guy that was willing to cut us a deal and rent us a condo that was literally feet from the beach as well. We settled into out new place as the light refreshing rain began to fall. The summer was warm but the rain must have been in love because it could not help but fall. We had to walk through a small garden to get to the steps that led to our North Shore beach. The water was amazingly blue, amazingly clear, and crisp and refreshing! The most beautiful and scary thing I can remember was snorkeling. It was completely unreal to be able to breathe with your face in the water and watch all of the fish swim around underneath you. We saw a huge dark green turtle that simply sat at the bottom of the ocean watching the surrounding schools of fish. I mentioned it was scary and for me it was. As breathtaking as everything was, the though of swimming with nothing beneath you but fish and not positive what else could be in there was a tad frightening for me. Nontheless, I spent most of my time in a hammock, read the first Harry Potter book and having an amazing time. I only spent a lot of time in the hammock because five days in I decided to get a tattoo on my foot and afterward realize, "I cannot walk in the sand or get in the ocean!" Silly me.

    Tysanne Cullum

  28. I really want to visit Oregon and Washington because I love fresh air, grennery, and all the nature it has to offer! Hopefullly I can get to these two places in the near future.

    Ryan Barker

  29. Olivia,
    I have always wanted to travel to Costa Rica. After reading your blog, it makes me really want to travel; there, even during the green season! Good Stuff!

    Ryan Barker

  30. The most beautiful place I have ever been to is Maui, the second largest island of the Hawaiin Islands. I was 12 years old when I traveled to Maui with my family. It was quite some time ago, but being the most beatiful place I have ever been to; how could I ever forget about it? We did a lot of sight seeing while we were there. Everything we saw was amazing and beautiful. The fresh air, with a nice ocean breeze, the white sandy beaches, and the clear blue warm water was unforgettable. I remember taking a drive along the Hana Highway, which runs along the east coast of Maui. We drove through and around the mountainous highway, stopping along the way to look at breath taking waterfuls and lush green rainforests. We even got to see black sand beaches which I have never seen before. At the end of the trip we took a helicopter ride back to where we started the trip. It was absolutely amazing looking down on Maui from up above. The beautiful colors of dark, bright green and the crystal clear blue water were awesome. Maui has so much to offer and is such a beautiful place. The beauty there is endless.

    Ryan Barker

  31. Matthew-
    Thanks for the tips I am looking into renting a R.V. and cruising the coastline!

  32. Ryan-
    Another perk to traveling during the off season is prices. It cost half of what you would normally pay if traveling during their high season and no lines for tourist attractions. I recommend Gunacaste they also have what is considered a mini summer only lasting a few weeks during end of July and August so less rain.

  33. The most beautiful place I've been in the world is...

    There are many beautiful places around the world; some are here in Bakersfield and others need a 15 hour flight to get to. If anyone has ever been tubing down the Kern river during summer, it's truly a beautiful site. The water is cold, but not too cold, the sun is shining, the water is flowing, and the sounds of families and friends having a good time is infectious. Other destinations near and far include the drive up and down the California coastline, green trees on the highways of Georgia, bright green grass and blue rivers in Ireland, and the slate mines in England. However, out of all these places I've been, as beautiful as all these things are, there is one place in particular that has always stuck out in my mind, a place not many might think to be beautiful. My story starts while staying at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. To kill a little bit of down time, some fellow students and I decided to take a walk and explore the city. Nestled within the city buildings, we stumbled upon a Cemetery. This isn't like any Bakersfield cemetery. The grass here was overgrown with different shades of greens and browns, the ground was uneven and the paths winding. Some headstones were even as tall as people! Soon after we entered the grounds, the sky started to let a few droplets of rain escape, but without hesitation we continued on. The grass was long and uncut and the paths not kept up, the beauty of the place was the history it held. Many tombstones were broken and toppled over from age, but there were many that we still could read, messages left behind by loved ones long forgotten. It made me think of our own town and what people hundreds, even thousands, of years from now will think about how we laid to rest our dead. A small marker, flat on the ground, a word here and there, what does that say about us? We spent around an hour or so there, walking slowly and silently in the moist air, admiring the love and beauty put into each resting place. To this day, whenever I think about the most beautiful place I've been to, I always remember reading the history of a town across the headstones at Dalry Cemetery in Edinburgh, Scotland.

  34. Wonderful posts everyone!!! Every single place that you all have described has painted a picture in my imagination. It makes me want to get out there and travel the world, since I am not much of a traveler; it makes me feel as if I were missing out.

    Dacia Zamora

  35. I am not much of a traveler since I am mostly bombarded with work and school. Once this changes, I am planning to explore the world and visit those wonderful places you all have been describing with lots of descriptions.
    However, as of now, the most beautiful place I’ve visited is a small park in Kernville, CA. I am not familiar with Kernville nor visit this place often, so I don’t know the name of the park. Moreover, this park, besides being a beautiful park located in a small town, has sentimental meaning to me; it is where my fiancé proposed to me this summer. I cannot think of a better place where this memorable moment could have taken place. I mean, this park is located alongside a river and a walking trail. The sound of the water running down the river was amazingly beautiful. It made me feel extremely relaxed and made me forget about everything, all I could think about was the beauty of nature. The weather was perfect; even though we were in the middle of the summer, the temperature was not above 70 degrees (I even felt a small breeze). After having a nice little picnic without being interrupted by flies or mosquitoes, we went for a walk alongside the walking train by the river, we noticed several people walking their dogs, but the most interesting part was that they carried a doggie bag to collect their dogs mess. After noticing people carrying doggie bags, it made so much more sense of why the park was extremely clean. My fiancé and I came to the conclusion that the town’s residents all contribute to keep the place clean. This park is beautiful, I will try to find out its name and let you all know. It doesn’t compare to anything in Bakersfield and it is not far away, so you should all try to visit it someday.

    -Dacia Zamora

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. The most beautiful place I have visited has been Disneyland. It is not your typical "location", but to me it is as good as it gets. Disneyland is not an island, it is not a resort, nor a walk in the park; it is a whimsical magical place where you step foot and all your dreams and wishes can come true. It opens a portal of imagination and makes your imagination come to life. I first visited Disneyland when I was about 8 years old and I thought it was heaven on Earth. I remember feeling as if I had stepped into a movie and I was the main character, anything and everything was possible. There was a constant flow of bright beautiful colors, wonderful yummy smells, and funky looking characters walking around everywhere. I remember it all as if it was just yesterday!!! Disneyland lets me escape my everyday life and encourages me to become a kid all over again. It does not judge on color, age, weight, or gender. You can walk around and be astounded by anything and you will not be made a fool. It offers the chance for you to create your own beginning and end. No resort, ocean, or view has been able to do that for me. Even though the visit eventually ends, you hold the memory of this place and hope to come soon again! I personally have yet to visit a place that does all this for me. I get to escape my life, stress, and problems and focus all my attention and dedication to this theme park. I guess you could say I am a kid at heart and I love the opportunity to be a careless child with no worries or fees!

    Ana Garcia

  38. All your post really encourage me to get more out there and pursue my traveling career a bit more. Costa Rica seems like an amazing place to visit! Hawaii also seems like a great one as well. Hopefully throughout my life I can experience some of these places!

    Ana Garcia

  39. Ana,

    I just have to say, I love Disneyland! It really is not only the happiest, but one of the most beautiful places on earth too! I just recently got a season pass so I can go anytime I need to break away from the stresses of real life! Great place, great selection!

  40. The most beautiful place I have ever been to is Cancun. I went to Cancun right before college and it was one of the best times of my life. The hotel I stayed at was literally on the beach and the sand was so soft and warm, and the water in the ocean was crystal blue! I had never seen water like that before and it was amazing. The first thing I did after checking into my room was jump into the ocean and then realized that the water there is a hundred times more salty than the water here in California! However, I still loved how pretty it looked. During my trip, I also got to go scuba diving and it was so beautiful to be able to see under the light blue water and see different types of fishes; there was also another tour to see sharks, but I was too scared for that. On the last day of my trip, I got to see the sunrise over the ocean and that had to be the moment I fell in love with Cancun and knew I had to go back and visit again.

    - Christina Manriquez

  41. Stephanie,
    I have always wanted to go to Hawaii! By what you said, it sounds like it would be a wonderful place to go too. I’m going to have to put that on the top of my list of places to see. Thank you for your comment; it was an amazing trip driving across country. It’s a great way to see the different parts of the United States.

    Lindsey McGuire

  42. Wow! All of these posts are so varied and intriguing. Washington and Oregon beckon for sure! The most exotic of all was Dr. Schmoll's post about his island escape and the post about India. However, all of the places that everyone has been are where I would like to go. Seeing the land and continents, and the smiles of your sleeping newborn baby, all of these experiences enrich and expand our lives, filling our hearts with the joy of living. This was a most enjoyable blog week!

    Laura Harris

  43. One of the most beautiful places that I have ever been to would have to be Catalina Island. I'm a Bakersfield native, and don't get to do too much traveling, but I did get the pleasure of traveling to Catalina Island this past summer for my birthday. I left from Newport Beach which is only about two hours or so from here. The boat ride to Catalina was beautiful in itself. So when I got to the actual island I was amazed at the stunning view and clear blue waters. After seeing the dark, dirty water in Newport, I thought it would be the same on the island since it's only an hour boat ride out. I was very wrong. I had never before seen beaches so striking, and so clear. There were fish all around! You could literally snorkel just about anywhere and enjoy the brilliant sea life. The thing I loved most about Catalina was that there were no cars allowed on the island. All there was were small golf cart looking things, and a few of those tiny smart cars. The air was incredibly clean and the beach was extremely well-kept. Everything was in walking distance on the small island, but you could also rent bikes or golf carts if you wished. I chose to walk the whole time that way I could enjoy all of the scenery and take in the fresh air. I rented a private spot at the Descanso Beach club which is at the very end of the island and it was honestly like a small paradise! Other people there described it as a mini Hawaii. I have never been to Hawaii so I'm not sure if they were right, but it was exceedingly beautiful with palm trees, white sand, and clear beach. While I was there my friend and I rented a peddle boat and got to go a little ways out into the harbor. It was absolutely amazing because the fish are literally all around you in the beautiful greenery on the ocean floor. If you take some fish food (which you can buy on the pier) they will really get close to you. Overall, I think that so far Catalina is the most beautiful place I have ever been to, and I cannot wait to go again next summer! (I've decided to make it an every summer trip since it’s so close!)

    Ashley Cockrell

  44. The most beautiful place that I have ever been would have to have been my house after a long day of work. I know it may seem weird or strange but after an exhausting day both physically and mentally, there was just a sense of peace and serenity that flowed over me as soon as I walked through the door and settled in for the evening. I don't remember exactly what was so taxing about the day, it was most likely just a difficult day for the students I work with, but I do not think I have ever been that tired. When I came through the door into an empty house that was quiet and dark, and as soon as I took a seat the day's troubles just melted away and I was at peace.

    Chase Amos

  45. All of the places that everyone wrote about seem very interesting and now I wish that I can travel to all of those places. One of my favorites is the travel to Hawaii because I have always wanted to go to Hawaii and swim in that beautiful clear blue water but that will have to wait a few years.
    There are many beautiful places that I've been to but the most recent beautiful place that I have been to was when I got the keys to my new home that I just purchased two months ago and stayed the first night in my home. I was so excited and overwhelmed with different emotions. I am now close to all my family members and my job. It is an excellent location by the panorama bluffs right in back of the cemetery so it’s just so peaceful and breezy. The feeling was so amazing to know that this is the start of new beginnings. I had so many feelings going through my head and felt so comfortable with my fiancé by my side. I had a feeling of accomplishment by knowing that this is my home. Overall, it was an awesome day because I had all the support and love from my family and friends who were there celebrating the day with me.

    Helen Rosario

  46. I have a huge list off places i want to travel to, but so far i have not been lucky enough to travel to too many places. I would have to say the most beautiful place i have been to is Washington state. I went there 2 christmases ago and it was absolutely gorgeous. I was in Seattle most of the time, but i also took a fairy to an island, and also visited some of the suburb areas. There was not a single area i hated. Everything was so green, and the air was amazing! I could actually BREATHE! Most people say it rains every single day there, but the whole time i was there it was sunny! Not a single cloud in the sky.
    I think what also makes this place so beautiful is that there is so much culture and history there, and AMAZING food. i wish i could go back and visit all the time.
    Hopefully i will get to travel the world someday and find many other beautiful places.

    -Haley Garmon

  47. The most beautiful place to me would probably be Catalina Island. My family and I go there every other summer and while living in Orange County for the past few years, visit as much as I can. I love Catalina Island because of the island beauty and the awesome marine ecosystems it holds. The kelp forests are such an amazing sight!!I would love to go see tropical marine ecosystems too someday but Catalina is a thrilling adventure. In Avalon, there is a cove where snorkelers and divers can enjoy interacting with fish and other organisms. The fish are protected and aren't scared of humans at all; you can actually hand feed them!

    In addition to snorkeling and diving, people can also take the "glass bottom boat" if they don't want to get in the water. This also gives viewers the opportunity to see the beautiful kelp forests native to our California coast. The garibaldi are so beautiful! You can also see flying fish at night if you take a boat out.

    I am a big marine/ocean person and Catalina has wonderful marine life! I would have to say that it's probably the most beautiful places I have been so far.

    Quinn Holsonbake

  48. Ashley Cockrell,

    I didn't even see your post before putting mine up about Catalina Island. Isn't it such an awesome place?? Newport Beach and other southern OC cities are amazing too (like Laguna) but with Catalina you get the feel of the island and ocean all around you. I loved that you brought up the bicycles and little golf carts. Did you know the waiting list for a vehicle on the island is about 5 or more years? It's pretty crazy. There are a lot of protected areas on the island and the UCS Wrigley Institute is in Two Harbors (on the other side of Avalon). It's a great place to visit for anyone who has not been!!

    Quinn Holsonbake

  49. I went on an Alaskan cruise this past June. The Tracy Arm Fjord I can happily say is the most beautiful place I've been too. The cruise director told us we would entering the fjord around 5 A.M. so we left our window curtain open. I'm not usually the type who likes to, or is able to, wake up that early. I really had no idea what to expect so I figured I would just wake up when I wake up and it would be fun. I'm up and 6 in the morning just staring out my window. The water is blueish green and there are huge hunks of ice just floating by. The mountains on both sides have waterfalls of all different sizes. The big ice bergs in the water are so blue they don't even look real. The best part was that we got to go out onto the helipad on the front of the ship. I was able to get a few pictures of seals just chilling (see what I did there) on an iceberg as we cruised ( I did it again) past. Once we arrived at the end of the fjord there was just a massive glacier. The director announced that we were lucky because this was the closest they had been to the glacier in years. It was great being able to experience that right from the helipad of the ship. It was a seven day cruise, but I would have gladly spent all seven days over at the Tracy Arm Fjord.

    Kyle Bennett

  50. Olivia

    I am so jealous! Costa Rica is one of many places i have on my list to travel to! I would absolutely love to see the jungle from a zip line! hopefully one day i will be able to travel there!
    -Haley Garmon

  51. Kryston your absolutely right about the Bakersfield air. When I was in Alaska I would just hang out on the top deck and enjoy the fresh air and just look around. It was great. I saw a couple people mentioned Hawaii. I totally agree, that place is great. I stayed on Kauai a few years ago and that place is right behind Alaska for me anyways. Something about the cold weather and the ice along with huge green mountains. It feels like your on another planet almost. It's just completely not what I'm used to.

    Kyle Bennett

  52. One of the most beautiful places I have been is London, England. My family and I went several of years ago and had a wonderful time. We went to visit my aunt. It was a 10 day trip and everyday was a new adventure. From the old stone structures to the rolling grassy hills, England was beautiful. The people on the other hand take a little bit to get use too. Also, driving, they are insane. I don’t think I have ever been in such a beautiful place and fear for my life on the road at the same time. One of the places we went was the Windsor Castle. The castle was one of the biggest things I have (around 14 acres) and the stone work is remarkable. The architecture is very detailed and had a gothic theme. One of the greatest things I remember about the castle is when we were traveling up this long spiral staircase in a really tight space and coming out on top of this tower and looking out over incredible gardens and rolling grassy hills as far as the eye can see. (A beautiful place to watch the sun set on the horizon) The last place we went before we left was Stonehenge. All I can say is astonishing and why? It’s amazing once you get there and see these colossal structures and start to think of how they got there? It’s stunning and mystifying at the same time. This trip was a great family vacation and I have long lasting memories that I will never forget. I highly recommend if you ever get a chance to go do it, you will be surprised.

    Nealson Hanner

  53. The most beautiful place I've been in the world is cruising on the USS FORD from San Diego to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The USS FORD is a Naval Frigate named after my father. My family and I have had the honor of joining her on a few cruises. The most beautiful was the cruise from San Diego to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The sea was so calm and blue and the sky was beautiful and as blue as blue could be. My family had a great time as well taking pictures and sharing them with our family when we came home. The only bad part of the cruise was the Mexican government does not allow United States Naval vessels to come into port, so we did not have a chance to stop and visit Puerto Vallarta.

    Jim Adams

  54. I have to agree with all of those who pick Hawaii as the answer. I have been there a couple of times and it really is a beautiful place. From the clear blue ocean to the waterfalls and rainforest, Hawaii is one of those places to visit once in your life. The thing I like most about Hawaii is the golf courses. They have some of the best you can play.

    Nealson Hanner

  55. Everyone’s posts sounds amazing!

    The two places that really sound beautiful to me are Hawaii and Costa Rica. I am hoping, well actually planning to go one day and see what you guys are talking about. Both places sound amazing.

    And I would also have to agree with Disneyland being a beautiful place. I can go there every year and still be amazed how pretty it is there.

    -Christina Manriquez

  56. Ana

    I really enjoy going to Disney Land as well. A few summers ago, I got to spend four days at Disney Land which I found very enjoyable. All the buildings are so cartoony and fun to look at at. Music is playing all over the park. And yet, despite having so many tourists there, it always is extremely clean.

    -Matt Jeffries

  57. Loved reading all the posts! To everyone that mentioned Hawaii, it is a beautiful place that I hope to get back to one day. I was there many, many years ago and would agree that it should be on everyone's list of adventures.

    To Heather, Scotland is a place I'd like to visit. I loved your description of reading about "the history of a town across the headstones". It reminds me that everyone, everywhere has a story to tell.

    And to Chase, your post was fitting, probably for most of us! There's nothing like home, sweet, home.

    Theresa F.

  58. The most beautiful place I have been in the world is Las Vegas, Nevada. To me all the bright lights and loud noises brings excitement to me. I love being around hundreds of people that do not have a worry in the worry. Every casino has a different style and is decorated with beautiful art. There are exhibits to be found everywhere. The most beautiful place in Las Vegas would have to be Caesar's Palace. From the gardens to the galleries to the giant glass blown Chihuly glass all over the casino, there is not a more perfect place in the world.
    The environment is what drives me crazy here. It is unlike any place in the world and is one of the few places that I can ignore the real world and live in a dream land. To me, Las Vegas is the most beautiful place in the world.

    Daniel Betancourt
