As an online course, the writing that we do in English 305 is substantially different from a face to face course. As such, it is imperative that you understand the course style from the start. Nearly all of your work in this course will be posted on the course blog. EACH WEEK YOU WILL HAVE THREE BLOG ASSIGNMENTS:

Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the Friday (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. You have all week each week to complete the reading and writing for that week, but there are no late assignments accepted, so be sure to be disciplined about the work from the start.

Let me re-state that point; if you do the assigned work before or during the week it is due, you will receive full credit. If you do the work after the Friday of the week it is assigned, you will get zero credit for that week.

Grading Scale


Weekly Blog Entries: 10%
Writing About the Reading: 10%
Restaurant Review: 20% (DUE SEPT 24)
Tipping Point Essay Final Draft: 30% (ROUGH DRAFT DUE OCT 28) (FINAL DRAFT DUE NOV 4)
In Class Essay: 10%
Peer Revision: 10%
Participation: 10%

Friday, August 12, 2011


After reading a bunch of random quotes about writing, how would you define good writing?


  1. I am definitely not a professional writer; however, I can tell when someone has really thought about what they wrote because you can feel what they are feeling. I love reading something and putting it down and feeling like I just experienced what the writer wrote about. I hate when writers try to explain something but fail to go into detail, so the context lacks a certain element that makes you feel connected. Regardless of what it is, I don’t think there is any excuses why there should be a dull, thoughtless reading. For example, cookbooks are a joke when it comes to telling you how to prepare a meal because most of them are cut and dry. However, the cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, is a perfect example that anything written can be meaningful; even if it is just a recipe. I also noticed that when writers are more humble it’s easier to feel comfortable reading what they wrote. If a writer is coming off as a know it all, then the audience is going to be turned off by their ignorance. With all this being said, I would define good writing as writer that puts emotion into what they are writing.

    Lindsey McGuire

  2. Good writing is something that one must work at to achieve. It takes time and will need revision, but good writing is something that progresses as you go. There are no stipulations when it comes to writing, you are the boss and a writer can choose their own story. There is no specific rule that a good writer follows, they just do what feels right and the rest just flows. When a writer is good, it is because they believe in themselves and what they write, you can’t write a good story unless there is some sort of passion behind it. Writers tell stories and the more work you put into it the better it will turn out. In writing, practice makes perfect. It may take many drafts and corrections, before you get the right one.

    Lacey Patterson

  3. Writing is definitely one of my biggest weaknesses. At times it feels like you may have the perfect story or idea in your mind, but when it comes time to write that idea down on paper, it may feel like you are scrambling through a word bank in an attempt to find the right wording. Because I am not a good writer part the definition I will give, others may not necessarily agree with. I believe that good writing is writing until you run out of things to say because it is better to have more than not enough. If there is a limit for any reason, for me personally it is easier to just go back and cut pieces out. Good writing to me is also about choosing the right idea that will be interesting enough to keep the reader wanting more, and staying organized. I believe organization is accomplished by understanding how each sentence or part relates to the next and how it all comes together as a whole. It is important to keep ideas organized and not to be jumping around because this will make the reading easier for the audience to understand and follow.
    Brenda Castro

  4. Lacey,
    I definitely agree with you. Good writing is definitely the result of much practice, making mistakes, and learning to correct those mistakes. Although a piece of work make take hours for one and minutes to another, a person’s willingness to work at it will in return come to be better at it. For me writing is not the easiest thing to do, and I make tons of mistakes and corrections as I go.

    Brenda Castro

  5. In my opinion,good writing is in the eye of the reader. There are many types of writers, and I believe each writer has its own audience. I don't think there are any set of guidelines one needs to follow, but to just write. That is what is so enjoyable about the writing process. There are no rules. You are in control and have the ability to engage others into an environment that you have created. Good writers can truly transform words into feelings and emotions, and can provoke the thoughts of their readers.

    Ross Hoffmann

  6. Brenda & Lacey,
    I can also relate to practice makes perfect when it comes to writing. Rough drafts and peer reviews are invaluable and essential in learning how to develop good writing skills. It took me years to learn that!

    Ross Hoffmann

  7. The writing of successful writers was enlightening, amusing, and inspiring. To become a real writer one must want, need, and HAVE to write. The words of these writers evoked identification with one or more of the points they were making. There are no rules, there are no dull subjects, just dull writers, and writing is just work, are all wonderful parallels to the act of writing. Iain Banks put it wonderfully best when he wrote, "just get to the end of the damn thing." These quotes epitomize the struggles and the triumphs of writing a work, whether it turns out good or bad. Writing is all that they say: therapy, easy, continuous, and should be done with effort. The inspiration given to me to just simply sit down and write motivated me to do just that. Sharon O'Brien causes us to laugh at her and ourselves when she wrote, "I couldn't wait to get to work in the morning: I wanted to know what I was going to say." Daniel J. Boorstin had to discover what he thought by writing since the bars aren't open that early. All of these insights contribute greatly to an understanding of what writing can be for writers who have succeeded at it. It has made me look forward to writing and writing and writing. After all, for a dream to be realized, it must be lived. Just the same as wanting to become a writer; one must simply write, and enjoy the process of doing so.

    Laura Harris

  8. Ross, your statements ring true in my ears that a good writer can transform words into feelings and emotions, provoking the thoughts of their readers. When I read a good book, my heart is provoked to emotions and I live in the story for the time that I journey through to the end of the book. I just finished The Help, and spent several days in the 1960s, Jackson, Mississippi. I cried with the characters, I hated with the characters, and I lived for their victory. I especially enjoy the elements of the setting when a writer can evoke the temperature outside and make you swelter with the humid heat of the day, or smell the caramel cake baking the oven. You know a story is good when you can't cook, clean, do your homework, or stop thinking about getting back to laying under the open pages, escaping your reality in order to live in a writer's reality for a short time.

    Laura Harris

  9. I'm a bit surprised by many of the quotes, because there is this recurring theme that pops up in so many of them. And the theme is that writing is always an extremely difficult task to do; that writing very rarely comes easily. This really parallels how I feel about writing. Writing, I believe, is likely my absolute weakest skill, as math and sciences come much more easily to me, while history and arts are far more interesting. When I sit down in front of a piece of paper to write out something, I have many ideas stuck in my brain that just can't seem to translate down my arm, into the pencil, and onto the paper. So I guess I would have to define good writing as the writing that needed the most thought put into it, and the most difficulty to write. Like one of the writers had said, if it wasn't difficult to write, then it likely wouldn't be pleasurable to read. Writing really needs to come from a place deep within your mind and your heart, and must present a challenge for you to achieve in order to be compelling when read. Writing takes time to complete, and good writing is not fully achieved in a first draft. And just like any skill, or possibly even more so, writing must be practiced, but not just through writing on your own, but also through reading what other great writers have written.

    Matthew Jeffries

  10. I believe that good writing is raw and from the mind and soul. Well written literature should not necessarily give a person the chills, but something that is well thought out and expressed on paper, should leave the audience in a moment of clarity. Good literature should depict to the audience the same feelings as that in it. It doesn’t have to be poetic or long. Good writing can be found in the shortest sentences, it just has to capture the audience’s emotions.

    -kryston honea

  11. To Matthew Jeffries-

    You took the words right out of my head. Well written literature takes time and more effort than a rough draft. I believe something is well written when something is well thought out, which you similarily addressed in your comment.

    -kryston honea

  12. Good writing in my opinion does not have to always be perfect. Writing in general is probably considered one of the more difficult things to do. Generally the hardest part is actually starting. I sometimes will find myself staring at the computer screen and wondering how I am going to start writing a certain paper or something else. This is generally the same problem that many people face. We get to caught up in trying to write the perfect paper the first time and not realize that it is okay if there are errors because we can go back and revise them later on in our next draft. What I got from many of the quotes is that when we start writing we just need to not think to hard about what we are writing about and just begin. It is often easier to begin writing when we are writing on our own like in a notebook or diary.

    Agustin Garcia

  13. Good writing, in my opinion as well as a few others who have posted, is a process. It can be messy to begin with and even messy until the end. I loved Iain Banks' quote about not trying to perfect writing as you go along, or you may never get past the first chapter. I have always been a huge Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling fan and she also has had some tips for good writing. Her passages have been similar to many in the reading for this week. Make tweaks here and there but don't try to perfect it the first time around or it'll never get done. Good writing, like the Harry Potter novels, have depth and meaning to them; they aren't just empty words. By having a meaning, a history, or a story in writing makes it great. Someone has to be intrigued or interested in what you're writing, even if it's only you. Errors will always occur and it's important to not obsess over them or they will make you go mad. That's basically what good writing is to me.

    Quinn Holsonbake

  14. Kryston,

    I loved your post! I completely agree with you. Good writing that is well thought out, captures readers, and expressed with meaning. The worst kind of writing, in my opinion, is when people try to write a bunch of big words to make themselves sound a lot smarter. It doesn't have to be long and poetic or down to a fine art. It can be in a variety of ways! As long as it grabs your attention, your emotions, or your interest, has proper grammar, etc., it's great writing.

    Quinn Holsonbake

  15. After reading all these quotes I would have to say that everyone has there own definition of a good writing. To me, good writing is something that ic clear and concise but is also very imaginative. You have to put your heart and soul in a writing so people who are reading can feel the same feelings you had as you were writing. My favorite part about reading is when i cant put the book down, and i just want to lock my self in my room for days to finish the book. That is when you know you picked up a book of a writer who is outstanding, who puts every piece of her mind into her work. Good writing takes time. You definitely have to revise and think it through. Good writing always catches the readers attention and doesnt lose the reader half way through.
    -Haley Garmon

  16. Writing for me is a weakness, but I would define good writing as never stopping. I believe that a good writer just starts to put words and sentences down on paper or the computer. Just continue until you feel that you have put all your thoughts down about that subject. Once that has happen, then you can go back look over it and make a clear concise free flowing paper about whatever the subject is. I feel that most people just write until they meet the required length, but that is not good writing. (I have done this many times of just doing the require length and then just wrapping up the paper) Good writing is putting all your thoughts into a well understandable and detail paper. Good writing is detailed; bad writing is more general statements with no in-depth analysis. The person reading the document should be able to image themselves in the situation. That is good writing.

    Nealson Hanner

  17. There are many ways to define good writing. Many different people have different thought son what on what good writing is. I feel that the quotes given in this blog are all very true. Just as all the quotes are coming from different people with different opinions, the reader also has their own opinions of what good writing is. The two quotes that stick out the most to me are "Writing is like everything else: the more you do it the better you get." and "Real writers are those who want to write, need to write, have to write."
    In my opinion a good writer is able to provoke real raw emotions, make you think and reflect, keep you interested, and make what you are reading an experience. That is only my opinion when you are reading a book, such as a novel, for pleasure. Then there are other forms of writing such as research, which I feel need to be full of facts and very concise in what they may be trying to argue. For me I would rather read than write. I enjoy well written pieces of work.

    Ryan Barker

  18. Lacey,
    I agree with you, good writing takes time and practice.

    Ryan Barker

  19. Haley,
    Good points, I like what you said about putting our heart and soul into writing so the reader can feel what you are reading.
    I enjoyed what everyone had to say about good writing and I hope with practice I can become a better writer.

    Ryan Baker

  20. Good writing can be explained differently by one individual from another, and after reading these quotes that’s what was brought to my attention. Everyone has different points of views in writing, to some it’s hard and to some it’s the easiest thing ever; for me it is a pretty difficult task. I think I put way too much thought into what I’m writing and scared if it is right or wrong, and after reading some of these quotes writing should not be that difficult. Writing should be easy and fun and not so stressful. One of my favorite quotes is, "Writing is not hard. Just get paper and pencil, sit down, and write as it occurs to you. The writing is easy--it's the occurring that's hard" (Stephen Leacock). I can really relate to this quote, it is very hard for me to start writing and get my ideas thought out, but once I do it comes pretty easy after that. I also realized writing is like any other subject or matter and the more you practice the better you will get at it. After reading all these quotes I will take in that writing should not be so hard, but more natural and relaxing and the more you do it the better you will get.
    -Christina Manriquez

  21. Ross,
    I agree so much with what you said about writing. A good writing is in the eye of the reader, and that is the beauty of writing. i love that there are no rules about how imaginative you are aloud to be. it is what makes writing and reading so enjoyable.
    -Haley Garmon

  22. I describe good writing as something I can read not only once, but multiple times. Or better yet, even after reading it a few times I want to make others read it so I can talk about it with them. I don't like many of the technical aspects of writing. For example, being forced to write in a certain way or placing too much emphasis on punctuation. That's why I never liked writing papers growing up. It felt like I was forced to right about things I could care less about. Like when you had to write a book report about some book you didn't like. Hated it. I remember one of my teachers said you should just write about what you like. I agree with that one hundred percent. In high school, I wrote my senior research paper about why the NHL needs fighting. It was awesome. It makes the writing feel less like "work" and it's a more enjoyable experience. I never used to read many books either growing up. That probably didn't help my writing ability. My problem was that I never knew what to read. It wasn't until this last summer that I really started reading more. I read about 6 books this summer. I read the Hunger Games trilogy and the the first three books in Game of Thrones. The Hunger Games had a great pace to it, the action never really let down. So you always wanted to keep reading. Game of Thrones is another great story. So many characters and so many different things happen all at once. The author switches back and forth between character perspectives for each chapter. I found myself more interested in certain characters at times and wanting to skip ahead to find out what happened to them. I think that's just a sign of good writing and a great story. I also have a few blogs I read daily as well. Not so much for the content, but because the writing is really well done. If any of you have ever heard of What Would Tyler Durden Do ( or Filmdrunk ( they are great. It's adult humor no doubt, but it's hilarious stuff.

    Kyle Bennett

  23. There is no right or wrong definition for good writing because it depends on the person who is attempting to define it. For example, to some it may be writing that touches their heart, or has an impact on their lives. While to others it may be writing that is fun to read, and keeps their attention. To me, however, writing is something that leaves a mark on me even when I'm done with all the pages. The words, themes, opinions, etc. stick with me after I have read something that I consider to be good writing. Writing is something that I enjoy doing, even though it doesn't always come easy. There are sometimes when I feel that good writing pretty much just flows from my fingertips, while other times I feel like everything I'm writing is pretty much crap. It depends on what I am writing about, and whether or not I have true opinions and connections to what it is that I am writing on. Some of the best forms of 'good writing' that I have read have been complete ramblings from different authors that at first doesn't make sense so you are forced to think abstractly and make your own assumptions at the points that they were trying to get at.

    Ashley Cockrell

  24. Good writing is getting words down and not worrying about what comes out. I say this because it took me several tries just to get the first sentence out. Everyone's opinion of what they like to read is different and it doesn't seem possible to define what good writing is with that in mind. With every word typed or written, someone likes it and someone doesn't. I believe the only way to be a genuine good writer is to simply write, believe in your words, stay true to yourself, and practice!

    - Heather Irvin

  25. I think that good writing is anything that evokes emotions in people, either the writer or reader. Any piece of literature can be good to a certain person. Perspective is what creates good writing. To someone a piece of literature like "Atlas Shrugged" might just be a giant 1000+ book that is a waste of time to read. For others it is a life changing experience that can never be replicated.
    Good writing is really in the eye of the reader.

  26. After reading the so many quotes, I came to conclude that writing is not as complicated as one thinks it is or as people make us believe it is. Every piece of writing is unique in many ways. The English language is a complicated language that has so many grammatical regulations and laws. However, when transcribing words onto a piece of paper, sometimes grammar is not important; the importance here is the message that is transcribed onto paper. I also believe that practice makes perfect and the more one practices to write, the better one will become. As I read in some of my classmates posting, I agree that words can transform into emotions and feelings. Good writers are able to transcribe stories with sentiment, love, passion, and happiness. However, one has different interpretations of writings as we do for paintings, so it is always leave the reader wondering around.

    Dacia Zamora

  27. Agustin Garcia-
    I face the same problem as you do. I get stuck trying to begin writing a paper or an assignment, because I want my first draft to come out perfect. In reading these quotes, I have learned that this is never the case. There is always room for error and to make corrections.

    Dacia Zamora

  28. Good writing I believe takes hard work to accomplish. It is truly just writing what you feel, being honest to oneself, practicing, allowing your imagination to be free. Also, good writing requires balance of all your thoughts, confidence, assertiveness, and passion or good writing can just be fun. Overall, the more you do it the better you get. My error when writing is is that i try to make everything perfect but that just turns out to be a waste of time because nothings perfect. So I just write and proof read it and make it the best out it.

    Helen Rosario

  29. Ashley Cockrell-
    Like they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder; this is the same case in writing. What might be good writing to one might not be good writing to others. We all have to learn to interpreted how to define our own definitions of good or bad writing, because we cannot speak for others other than ourselves.

    Dacia Zamora

  30. Agustin,

    I completely agree with what you said and it is easier to write when we are in our own comfort zone.

    Helen Rosario

  31. Kryston, I completely agree with your definition of writing. Writing should make a statement, it should not matter how long the writing is, the point is to cause some sort of emotion or thought. You could have not put your meaning into better words!

  32. I think part of good writing involves the author’s knowledge of their own writing techniques and weaknesses. An author may have a great topic or deep thoughts on a subject, but without proper corrections and balance, the piece of work may not be as enjoyable and properly understood by the reader. As many have said before me, good writing takes time to develop and it’s up to the writer to understand how to successfully transfer their creative thoughts onto paper. Creativity and having detailed descriptions lures in the readers and allows the reader to feel as if they are part of the book and become engaged in the story. Details allow the reader to easily picture the scene and create a mini movie in their head as they read. I tend to do that when a good writer gives me the tools to have a clear vision of the story or poem. Good writing is also using the proper language for the intended audience. Writers do not want to lose a reader’s interest because they might not know the meaning of many words the author used. There’s no doubt writing takes time and effort, but once revisions are made and the final product is done it will be all worth the hard work.

    -Liz Sanchez

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Describing what pertains into a good writer can be a bit challenging. Personally I am not one that likes to write, but to me a good writer is someone that makes a statement; someone that makes mistakes and learns from them. A good writer is able to receive criticism about his writing and construct that criticism into something positive. I believe that as long as a writer causes an impact of some sort, his/her job has been accomplished. Good writing should be free and with no regulations, just simple feeling and emotion.

    Ana Garcia

  35. Kyle,

    Couldn't agree with you more on how you said that good writing makes you want to read it again because you enjoyed it so much and that you want everyone else to read it so you can talk about it. I've read good books and just want everyone around me to read it because I loved it so much. Great point you brought up.

    -Liz Sanchez

  36. Heather,

    I agree that a writer should always beleieve in their words and stay true to themselves. It's true that if you think too much about what other people will say about your writing that you won't get anywhere because it has happened to me too. I've been stuck with a pen in hand and blank paper in front of me too many times and I think I should just believe in my words and write what I want to write and not so much of what others want to hear. It's all about taking that chance.

    -Liz Sanchez

  37. Defining good writing for me is somewhat difficult. There are times when I can just sit down in front of a piece of paper and write pages and pages of nonsense and other times where I sit down and feel like I just hit a brick wall. Writing can be difficult and for me it is a majority of the time, but in order for me to conquer my writers block I just have to push through and let my mind wonder. Good writing to me is when I allow myself to relax my brain and just let my thoughts flow even if as I write it down none of it makes sense. One quote that I liked was "Writing is not hard. Just get paper and pencil, sit down, and write as it occurs to you. The writing is easy--it's the occurring that's hard" (Stephen Leacock). I like this quote because it gives meaning to why some feel writing is difficult.

    -Stephanie Nodal

  38. Lindsey,

    I would have to agree with you when you say that an author that tries to explain a concept but fails to give any details is a writer that puts no feeling into their work. I dislike books that are dull and not true to what an autor really feels. I think that the best thing a writer can do is write with feeling and from the heart to make their words something that is considered meaningful to others.

    -Stephanie Nodal

  39. Lindsey,
    I do believe you take the cake on this one. There is a show on the food network I believe that two ladies takes a few recipes from a cookbook and try to prepare them just as the book says. At the end they have the author of the cookbook or someone who specializes in the type of cooking that they prepared, test and critique their cooking. I find it interesting because most of the days, the ladies bomb them all. But this definitely portrays what you mean!
    Writing needs more detail when it comes to certain aspects. Some writing can be completely cut and cry and the words or the context make the piece. However, it depends on the writer and how they work the words.
    My experience with writing has taught me that free writing and writing with no structure have been my best work. Writing an essay or something for a final can be extremely daunting and I think that is why it scares so many people. It definitely makes me anxious. I do enjoy laying out details when I have time but to try and rush writing is never fun.
    To write, for me, is simply getting out the way you feel on a subject. It will never be perfect the first time but that is what creative and constructive criticism is for!

    Tysanne Cullum

  40. How would I define good writing? There are definitely some great posts that answer this question. I agree with Dacia that every person's writing is unique in many ways. I will take it one step further and say that it is as unique as the individual doing the writing. I also agree with others who say that good writing takes time, practice, and putting your heart and soul into it. With all of that said, I sometimes find myself staring into a blank sheet of paper or in this case, a screen that says, "Post a Comment", wondering what exactly is going to come out of the tips of my fingers. I like that Graham Greene (from the reading) said that writing is a form of therapy...from all that is inherent in the human condition. I would say that I agree with that statement - from writing in personal journals to writing Christmas cards to posting blogs, there are emotions and personal glimpses of the writer that will peek through. I think good writing gives you that emotion, especially when you find yourself rereading something to really let it sink in.

    Theresa F.

  41. A good writting reflects feelings, thinking of people.A wrtting which is face of mass and thinking of people.A good writter does not misguide people.A good writting is always vioce of peole and benefit of society. veena kumar

  42. I define good writing when it flows out, not forcing it to. I especially like the quote from Mark Twain about not trying to add words because you think that's what it needs rather keep it simple and by doing so more meaningful. Sometimes I get caught up in trying so hard to make a "perfect" sentence and end up not being able to write a word at all.
