As an online course, the writing that we do in English 305 is substantially different from a face to face course. As such, it is imperative that you understand the course style from the start. Nearly all of your work in this course will be posted on the course blog. EACH WEEK YOU WILL HAVE THREE BLOG ASSIGNMENTS:

Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the Friday (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. You have all week each week to complete the reading and writing for that week, but there are no late assignments accepted, so be sure to be disciplined about the work from the start.

Let me re-state that point; if you do the assigned work before or during the week it is due, you will receive full credit. If you do the work after the Friday of the week it is assigned, you will get zero credit for that week.

Grading Scale


Weekly Blog Entries: 10%
Writing About the Reading: 10%
Restaurant Review: 20% (DUE SEPT 24)
Tipping Point Essay Final Draft: 30% (ROUGH DRAFT DUE OCT 28) (FINAL DRAFT DUE NOV 4)
In Class Essay: 10%
Peer Revision: 10%
Participation: 10%

Friday, August 12, 2011


Consider the image of McCarthy painted by Draper in this article. Is it positive? Negative? Powerful? What do you think of McCarthy after reading this article?


  1. After reading the article, Draper made McCarthy seem like a very influential and down to earth man, not afraid to step up and help out the underdog. He seems to be a very determined individual that is driven to get things done and can be very powerful over others. He takes a different approach to things, but this is what makes him unique and believable. The people see that he speaks about what he believes in and can put things into perspective so that you too can understand his intentions. McCarthy has a way of connecting with people, that makes them feel comfortable. He is very outgoing and seems to be very talkative and interested in people and their stories. He has a way of talking to people that make them trust and believe in him, giving him the advantage of persuasion. He is always optimistic and exerts a very powerful persona that draws people in. McCarthy is a politician and his attitude shows that he is very passionate about it and has a certain goal in his mind at all times. He seems to be the type to always want to reach his goals no matter what it takes to get there. Although McCarthy is seen as a person who can influence anybody, he is just doing his job and he is doing it very well. The article made me want to learn a lot more, because I have never really been interested in politics, but I think its time I become aware of what is really going on in the world.

    Lacey Patterson

  2. I agree with Lacey and have never really been into anything politcal. People tell me all the time that I need to be interested because it is how the systems all work. Anywho, after reading this article, Kevin McCarthy seems like the type of politician America needs. Not only because he is from Bakersfield but because he is personable. I think that is a major thing that a lot of politicians lose. After making it into politics, a lot of people worry more about making money and how to "see more green" instead of working on the people around them, their team, and then collectively as a whole work on helping the people. It goes to show that not everyone in politics is a bad guy and there are some good ones trying to make a difference.

    Tysanne Cullum

  3. After reading this article I feel that McCarthy is a very persuasive man. I think that Draper wanted to portray McCarthy as a man who takes special interest in the young tea party politician. McCarthy recognizes their potential and influence and as Draper refers to it “wrangles” them to vote accordingly. McCarthy knows that by tending to these youths that one day they will be the elders and by then establish a strong bond with them. As the article reads, in politics it is all about who you know and who not to upset. If you scratch my back I will scratch yours, so McCarthy acts as a big brother to these youths not pushing to hard, but compromising with their hard “no's” and changing them to “if's”. After reading this article I think that McCarthy is a very crafty man who is decated to his job and puts work before anything else.

  4. Tysanne-
    I agree it was nice to read about a man from Bakersfield, definitely makes the story more enjoyable.

  5. I really enjoyed Draper's article and his portrayal of Kevin McCarthy. I felt that it gave readers great insight into not only the politician, but the man McCarthy is. He is a very influential political figure that is also down to earth and practical. I liked his tactics on not using intimidation but to teach and inform the "Young Guns" of Washington, allowing them to make their own decisions. Kevin McCarthy's continuous optimism is refreshing during this political time. I feel that his actions are all for the greater good of his party, and his integrity while getting things done is inspiring.

    Ross Hoffmann

  6. Tysanne and Olivia,
    I also agree that it was nice to read about a man from Bakersfield. It made the story more intriguing and also made more interested in the article.

    Ross Hoffmann

  7. Everyone!!! I agree with all of you McCarthy is a persuasive man.

    Olivia- I agree with you. As soon I read “Bakersfield, CA” in the text, I automatically became more interested in the reading.

    Dacia Zamora

  8. Consider the image of McCarthy painted by Draper in this article. Is it positive? Negative? Powerful? What do you think of McCarthy after reading this article?

    The image painted by Draper about McCarthy is definitely POSSITIVE and POWERFUL! By the way Draper describes McCarthy, I believe that McCarthy is an influential professional who is willing to help his colleagues, because he has been in their shoes before; he knows what it’s like to be the underdog. McCarthy is an individual who is enthusiastic and passionate about his career. It is individuals like McCarthy who make differences in the world, because he looks out for others, not just himself. McCarthy is also an optimistic individual, because even after being distanced away from his wife and children, he does not seem to fall into a bed of tears or depression. Instead, he is there for others to encourage them not give up and to continue striving, because according to him, it will all pay off in the near future. I am not acquainted with any politicians, but the media portrays them as selfish and heartless, and in the case of McCarthy, this is not the case. McCarthy is a man with a huge heart, and cares for others.

    Dacia Zamora

  9. In this article, Draper paints McCarthy in a positive, yet powerful way. Draper’s article depicts McCarthy as a “down to earth” guy just trying to do what he believes will help America. Draper does an excellent job at distinguishing McCarthy in a good light. He illustrated that not only is McCarthy a caring individual, but that McCarthy is willing to push the limits for what he believes is right. Draper also depicts that McCarthy cares about the youthful freshman and their votes in the House. McCarthy understands that he can influence them, but Draper does not illustrate McCarthy’s actions as tactful. Like most politicians, McCarthy is very persuasive; however, Draper does not shine him in a negative light. It is interesting to read an article on a politician that is so heartfelt instead of the usual heartless bashing. After reading the article, I am more interested in politics and what moves McCarthy will make as America pushes closer to elections in 2012.

    -Kryston Honea

  10. So far most of our class has gleaned a similar perception of the Draper article on McCarthy. I also felt empathy toward the politician and decided I liked him just from the presentation of a short article. I did notice that he was from Bakersfield which made him more real and close for us who live here in the Central Valley. But since I live outside of Bakersfield a good ways, I did not identify with him being "my" representative as some of you may have done. But, it makes sense to do that, and I know I would have felt even closer if the politician was Allan Ishida (whom I've met and rubbed shoulders with at occasional functions.) Olivia, you wrote "I think that McCarthy is a very crafty man who is dedicated to his job and puts work before anything else." I liked your overview and thought it was good insight. This was a very interesting article which I think all of us have agreed upon. I'm glad we got to read it and comment for this week's blog.

    Laura Harris

  11. After reading this article and some of the other comments I believe Draper depicts McCarthy in a positive light. McCarthy seems like a humble and passionate kind of man who goes out of his way to help his fellow Republicans. McCarthy as Draper described in the article is always willing to help the incoming freshman class and be more than just a colleague but also as a mentor, just like Bill Thomas was to him. He always has his door open if anyone needs to pop in for a chat about legislation or if they just need some company. He also knows how to deal with all their different personalities and knows when to encourage them or to calm them down. He is also very influential and also persuasive because of the way he was able to get "yes, if" votes from the freshmen class about the debt ceiling when they were all hard "no". From reading the article McCarthy seems like a genuine person which is remarkable because this is not always the case when dealing with politics.

    Agustin Garcia

  12. It was refreshing to read an article about a politician that is caring and passionate and especially a hometown product. Usually the articles we see today seem to only care about what scandals a politician is involved with.

    Agustin Garcia

  13. Draper paints McCarthy in a positive light. McCarthy seems like a real charismatic politician. The author shows how McCarthy always wants to be talking or working with people. Whether it's at the gym, at lunch, or in the office he is constantly on the job. Draper makes a point to show the interaction between McCarthy and the "Young Guns." It is presumed that he is helping out the freshman politicians and that he genuinely cares about all of the people he interacts with. I'm not big on politics, but I know how the system works. This article portrays McCarthy as not just a politician, but a nice guy. He is respected by both the old and the new members of office. He almost seems too nice. Which makes me suspicious. With the current political climate, I'm more concerned about results than an article about a nice politician.

    -Kyle Bennett

  14. Draper was definitely trying to paint a positively influential picture of Kevin McCarthy in this article. He was showing us just how passionate McCarthy is about his career in politics. I think by helping the young politicians he is wanting to help our future because the young politicians are our future. I like that he is willing to help his newer colleagues get through the tough times and help them learn and grow as politicians. McCarthy seems very down to earth, and I think this article shows his integrity. Its nice to read an article about a politician from bakersfield.
    -Haley Garmon

  15. I think everyone did a great job of reviewing this article. Once again, like everyone agrees, Draper was painting a positive and powerful light of McCarthy. It was very nice and refreshing from what we have been hearing about politics lately.
    -Haley Garmon

  16. I also agree with many of you in that Draper's intentions for writing this piece about McCarthy was to depict his sense of charismatic personality. McCarthy was there for the underdogs and not try to push them in any way they did not want. He was willing to help others and encourage them in several ways. He seems to be very dedicated to his life as a politician. What I liked about this article was that it didn't dive too much into McCarthy's views as a politician but more about his characteristics as a person. Draper's intentions wasn't to cause an argument or debate about politics. It was to show what a charismatic and sensible person McCarthy is. No one really needs to agree with his political opinions to point out his good qualities. I think most of you also agreed with what I got out of this article.

    Quinn Holsonbake

  17. Laura,
    I also agree that McCarthy being from Bakersfield didn't have much of an effect on me as well. I grew up originally from Bakersfield but have lived in a couple other places, including Orange County for a few years. Although I didn't become closer to him based on his origin, I still understood the message of the article about McCarthy as a person and not just a politician.

    Quinn Holsonbake

  18. Dacia, I agree the article depicted McCarthy as both positive and powerful. Draper shares stories instead of just listing off things he thinks of McCarthy. This makes it both powerful and obviously positive.

    Quinn Holsonbake

  19. Draper did a good job of painting a positive and powerful picture of McCarthy in his article. After reading this article I felt as if McCarthy is an influential, down to earth guy who knows what he is doing in Washington. He seems extremely hard working and always on the Job. Draper paints a picture of a real people person who is passionate about the people around him and what he believes in. Most media today tries to portray politicians as deceptive, cold, and greedy. In this article it seems as if McCarthy is the opposite of that. I think it is pretty cool and very wise of McCarthy to have a connection with the young politicians and the freshman of the 2012 class. McCarthy has a way of doing things and his tactics seem to work very well for him. He seems like a genuine guy, and to be a politician you have to be careful of the way you play of the game, and he seems to be playing the game very well.

    Ryan Barker

  20. The article written about Congressman Kevin McCarthy is both a positive and a powerful one. Draper portrays him as a compassionate leader, someone who respects the individuality of his contemporaries, yet knows they all must come together in the end to bring about change.
    Draper states that McCarthy was groomed and mentored by Bakersfield’s own Bill Thomas, who was also a powerful force in Congress. McCarthy is seemingly paying it forward by becoming a mentor to Duffy and other Tea Party newbies. He isn’t just telling them how to vote, he is providing information and feedback to help them understand the impact their vote has – not only on their constituents but on a national level as well. Draper shows how McCarthy sees the bigger picture and through his style of bringing the younger, newer Congressmen together with the senior members of Congress he is communicating to each and every one of them that ultimately they are all in the same boat, on the same journey.
    You get the feeling the “new guys” trust him. And while McCarthy is by no means one of the elders who could be mistaken for a statue in the rotunda, he has been around long enough for them to believe he has the wisdom and know-how to make things happen. They watch him, they listen to him, they test him, and they watch him some more. He has earned the respect of his colleagues through his sincere compassion for them, his concern for his constituents, and his genuine desire to make a change in the world.
    What do I think of McCarthy after reading this article? I’m proud that he’s from Bakersfield - born and raised here. I’m proud that Bakersfield has produced a man who is inspired and driven by his constituents to make positive changes. I’m proud that he has the resolve and fortitude to get the job done.
    Theresa F.

  21. After reading this article, my opinion of McCarthy hasn't changed much. To me, he's just a politician, doing his job better than others. Draper depicts McCarthy as the golden boy on capitol hill, he has charisma, is dedicated to his work, and can convince almost anyone to do what McCarthy thinks is best. I do believe that Draper was intending to portray McCarthy in a positive light; However, because of my utter disinterest in this subject and article, I find it hard to hold any new opinion of McCarthy, positive or negative. I'll be honest, I don't know much about politics and parts of this article were lost on me. Maybe if I had a better understanding of the subject matter, I could have taken more away from this reading.

  22. The article paints Representative Kevin McCarthy in a positive light. Draper tries to give us an idea of what Kevin is like in both the political sphere, but also what Kevin is like as a man. He scratches the surface, and we are able to see just how hard-working and dedicated he is to his country. McCarthy is extremely diligent, and yet, even when a lot of his work might be wasted when a bill gets struck down, or the Republicans lose a seat in Congress, he is still able to continue working with optimism, sincerity, and without the use of scare-tactics. While being firmly rooted in the Washington establishment, McCarthy is easily able to identify and associate with the House newcomers.

    I have some interest in politics, and try my best to keep up with the news, so I do already know who Kevin McCarthy is and what his views are. But, this article did change my view on him a bit. It showed me a side of him that's more than just what he thinks about certain policies, and has given me some pleasure in knowing we have an elected official like Kevin working for us.

    -Matthew Jeffries

  23. Theresa,

    I agree with you about Kevin McCarthy being a good whip when it comes to establishing a good relationship with the newer representatives. He really tries to get to know them beyond the politics in an attempt to more unify the party.

    -Matthew Jeffries

  24. I believe this article painted a rather pleasant image of who Kevin McCarthy is. It was a breath of fresh air to read about someone who is in office who is not uptight, and rather pleasant to be around. I love the way others go to him for guidance and support; it is very admirable of him to be open and encouraging to newcomers. Another thing that really stuck out to me was how assertive he was; Yes, he jokes around and can be goofy, but he does not lose his professionalism. He knows he has a job to do and it seems as if he will perform to the best of his ability and nothing less. It was encouraging to read how he is not afraid to make a point and prove it to those above him; he is not afraid of spreading his word and that is very valuable for someone in his position. For once, I really enjoyed reading something in regards to politics; this is due to the portrayal of this man and his passion for success and simplicity. I am not very interested in politics, but I can say that after reading this I feel a bit more encouraged to go out there and learn about what goes on in this country!

    Ana Garcia

  25. I really agree with the majority of you. It is refreshing to read something about a person not only from Bakersfield, but who is making a difference out in the world.
    Great posts everyone!

    Ana Garcia

  26. Quinn and Matthew – I agree with your assessments of the article – that it is a reflection of McCarthy’s character rather than an article with political points of view. It reveals the man he is rather than the politician. Optimistic, charismatic, and sincere – great words to describe McCarthy.

    Theresa F.

  27. After reading the article, I can see how Draper painted McCarthy as all three: Positive, Negative, and Powerful. I see the positive light in how Draper shows how McCarthy is very open to new and veteran politicians. McCarthy is very personable and is willing to talk with anyone. In addition, McCarthy is willing to talk about anything, from personal, political, and public issues. McCarthy is painted as a guy you can go up to and have a great conversation with. He’s down to earth and a straight shooter. I see the powerful light in how McCarthy has so much influence over “freshmen.” McCarthy is painted as an significant person that anyone can go to and get advice. Also, he is powerful because is leads and sets up these backroom meetings to talk about political issues that this country faces. This is where I believe the negative light comes in. Draper does not state or suggest that McCarthy is a negative person or negative in politics, but I think that Draper is amazed at how one individual can have so much power in government (other than the President). I do not believe that power is a negative thing, but when I read the article the tone seems very astonished by the power McCarthy has. I believe that McCarthy is a great individual that is willing to fight for America. He is willing to help others when asked or needed and never forgets where he came from, Bakersfield California. I really enjoyed the article and I’m even more interested in following Kevin McCarthy now.

    Nealson Hanner

  28. Haley,
    I would have to agree with you when you make the point about McCarthy helping the freshman of politics. I think that it is wonderful that he helps the so called “underdogs” because they are our future, and without understanding how things work and play out, the future would not be in good hands. I too agree that it is nice to read something that mentions our hometown, Bakersfield.

    -Stephanie Nodal

  29. Lacey,
    I would have to agree with you, I myself have never really been into politics but I think it’s about time I get interested. I think you made valid points about McCarthy and how he strives to help really make a difference in the world. Good job on your post!
    -Stephanie Nodal

  30. After reading this article I have to admit I was somewhat interested in learning more about politics. I have never really been someone that understands or actually pays attention to what is going on in the political world. I think it’s time for me to at least pay attention and try to understand politics because it is how the world works. I found it to be intriguing how McCarthy is a man of determination, persuasion, and is someone who helps the underdog. I think that for McCarthy to help the underdog is very generous and courageous because many people do things for themselves in this life time. He wants to help the freshman politics because they are our future and if they can’t prosper then it will be difficult for us all in the long run. I think that McCarthy is the type of politician that our country needs because he is a personable person. Many politicians today forget about the reasons they are where they are and what their job really is. I think overall this article allowed McCarthy to be shown in a positive light and allowed me to see what kind of person and politician he really is. This article also helped me realized that politics are important and that I should become interested in politics because that is how our world works and will continue to work.
    -Stephanie Nodal

  31. Draper did an amazing job at vividly painting a very positive picture of McCarthy in his article.  He sheds light on all of the amazing qualities that the politician has and that he is eager to help the underdogs of his profession. He portrays McCarthy as a powerful man who serves as a significant mentor in the lives of many of the less experienced politicians. McCarthy encourages these young politicians to step out of their shell. He always keeps his door open to them, and is willing to listen to their perspective on things and give them positive feedback.  Draper explains how McCarthy is a people person with an addictive personality.  McCarthy seems like a very respectable man who has good intentions and genuinely cares about an respects those that are considered beneath him in his field of work.  I really enjoyed this article because it shed light on a lot of the positive attributes of McCarthy that I have never heard before.  It gives a clear description of his personality and makes me feel like he, unlike many other politicians, is in it for the right reasons, and that he really cares about the future of this country. He invests a lot of time in the future politicians of America, and realizes their potential power.  I also liked the fact that in the article, Draper makes it clear that McCarthy isn't materialistic, and that he doesn't live a lavish lifestyle like many believe.

    Ashley Cockrell

  32. Stephanie, I too felt the need to get more involved in politics after reading this article.  I am familiar with Mccarthy's name just from living here in Bakersfield, but never really knew what he was all about. It was interesting to find out that he actually is someone with good character, and someone that really interests me. 

    Ashley Cockrell

  33. This is about a man , from bakersfield who is very influencial political figure. vey down to earth and sincere for country and for his family.A determined man who know how to get thing done. He is sincere Republican and concerned about america.This reading article is about Mccarthy 's story........veena kumari

  34. It is nice to read about a man from bakersfield.Mccarhty is famous figure politician. He is down to earth ans knows how to get things done. He isincere to his family. He is very determied man,and can be very powerful over others.He has different approaches that makes him different and unique from others.He is very determined man and good Republican as he gathers his colleouges and discussed with them" How to save America"He is always optimistic, He is sincere to his family and country.he looks very talkative and intersted to know about others and their stories..He is vety infuluencial political figure but down to earth with strong determination to get thins done ............veena kumari

  35. I agree with what everyone is saying about Draper making McCarthy powerful but in a positive way. I think McCarthy could really teach other politics in today's society how things should be handled. It seems as if everyone is caught up in bringing the other side down that they forget what is really important.

    Lindsey McGuire

  36. I have taken quite a few political science classes here at Cal State and at Bakersfield College. After my political education, I can say without a doubt Congressman McCarthy is a very powerful, yet caring man. Draper portrays him in much the same light. Kevin is a very friendly fellow, I have met him on several occasions and I was quite impressed by his wit and knowledge of how Washington works. He is also portrayed by Draper as a man who remembers what it was like to be a freshman congressman and how hard it can be on one’s family. I also feel Congressman McCarthy is an ambitious man as painted by Draper in the article. I feel one day he will leave congress to become a Senator or Governor of the State of California.

    Jim Adams

    I agree with Ana Kevin is a definitely a breath of fresh air in Congress.
    Jim Adams

  37. I also think Draper painted a positive image of McCarthy. From what the article portrays, McCarthy is a man who not only cares about his job in politics, but also looks after the youth in politics. I think he is powerful in the sense that he is able to be somewhat of a mentor to the young politicians and helps them think politically. He taught them to be more open minded and not only give “no” as an answer. McCarthy seems like the type of person who does not allow himself to get lost in disappointment and continues to want to improve his work. That is a great quality for a politician because things do not always go as planned and a person like McCarthy is the one who keeps everyone and the boat moving after a setback. I think I would like McCarthy for his work ethics; putting aside his political party affiliation. The image of McCarthy in this article makes me believe McCarthy to be a respected role model in the political world because of his way of handling situations and for being proactive in taking part of helping the freshman succeed in politics.
    -Liz Sanchez

  38. Overall, Draper paints a positive andpowerful image of McCarthy. I believe McCarthy is a genuine, down-to-earth anddetermined man, who influences many young political candidates. He works onmaking a special kind of relationship with everyone he knows. Draper explainshow social McCarthy is and never likes to be alone, but rather being engagedwith others. McCarthy is also a good listener; he actually asks questions tohis politician so he can hear their ideas and opinions. McCarthy seems to bevery motivated and determined as well, he sets a goal and does not easily giveup. I believe he knows many look up to him and see if he is confident anddetermined so will others. I believe McCarthy has a very powerful role in a lotof the peoples live he’s in, and just like he had a mentor he is being a mentorfor others.

    -Christina Manriquez

  39. After reading the article I too believe that Draper portrays McCarthy in this article in a positive and powerful way. Not only does Draper depict him as a politician who is very dedicated to what he does, but he also describes him as a very kind and sincere individual towards the other members of his party. According to Draper he allows freshmen to come by his office late at night, and that shows how much of a caring person he is. He is very influential towards other members of his party which I think is a very worthy characteristic to have. He is very dedicated and influential individual, and makes a true difference within his party.
    Brenda Castro

    I know a few of you guys have mentioned that after reading this article, it makes you want to be more involved as to what is going on in politics. I feel the same way. I think its important to be involved and know about what is going on in politics because it affects virtually everything we do in our lives. I also must say that everyone did such a good job on their post.

    Brenda Castro
