As an online course, the writing that we do in English 305 is substantially different from a face to face course. As such, it is imperative that you understand the course style from the start. Nearly all of your work in this course will be posted on the course blog. EACH WEEK YOU WILL HAVE THREE BLOG ASSIGNMENTS:

Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the Friday (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. You have all week each week to complete the reading and writing for that week, but there are no late assignments accepted, so be sure to be disciplined about the work from the start.

Let me re-state that point; if you do the assigned work before or during the week it is due, you will receive full credit. If you do the work after the Friday of the week it is assigned, you will get zero credit for that week.

Grading Scale


Weekly Blog Entries: 10%
Writing About the Reading: 10%
Restaurant Review: 20% (DUE SEPT 24)
Tipping Point Essay Final Draft: 30% (ROUGH DRAFT DUE OCT 28) (FINAL DRAFT DUE NOV 4)
In Class Essay: 10%
Peer Revision: 10%
Participation: 10%

Friday, August 12, 2011


If you could travel to one place in the world, where would it be and why?


  1. I thought a lot about this question, and there are SO many places i want to travel, but if i had to chose one place in the world to travel to it would have to Italy. I would love to go everywhere in Italy and experience all of the culture, history, and FOOD! I could only imagine how beautiful Florence, and Rome are. I want to go to all of the famous museums, and other major attractions most people only dream about seeing! i really hope one day i get to go! These past few discussions have really got me thinking about traveling and i cant wait until i graduate so i can do so!
    -Haley Garmon

  2. I’m totally on the same boat as you Haley. There are tons of places I would like to travel to, but if I had to choose on place this very moment I would choose Australia. I would also try to visit as many places in Australia as I could to learn about their culture, and different ways of living compared to that of ours. Learning to interact with different cultures is very important for me, and why not make Australia a place for that opportunity. A must while there would definitely have to be to go to the Great Barrier Reef. It looks so beautiful on TV, and I know that snorkeling in those beautiful turquoise waters would be a magnificent experience. I would definitely love to go there; the only thing missing is the money to do so. Maybe I can make it my honeymoon trip someday.

    Brenda Castro

  3. Since I have not traveled out of the United States, there are so many places I would love to see. However, if I had to choose just one place in the world to travel to it would have to be Italy. I love the historic buildings and the culture that engulfs the country. I feel that there is so much to learn from the countries in Europe, Italy being one of the main ones. It was once one of the most powerful countries in Europe; therefore, lending a lot of information to those who look into its background. Not only are the buildings beautiful to me, but I love Italian food. Yes, I know it is not like the American food chain, Olive Garden, but nothing beats real authentic Italian cuisine. I believe you can take so much information from real experiences; therefore, I feel that if I was to visit Italy, I would learn more than any history book could ever express to me.

    -Kryston Honea

  4. The one place in the world I would like to travel to is Alaska because I have not been there yet. Alaska is the farthest northern state in our national union, located on the western edge of Canada, and just across the Bering Strait from Russia in the North Pacific Ocean. It is a land of glaciers and mountains and cold ocean water. The topography is covered in massive mixed conifer forests. It is a land of green, green trees. Alaska boasts the highest mountain peak in the United States, Mt. McKinley. There are high, high mountain tops you can visit and see across great expanses of forests to the sea. The cold ocean is filled with wild salmon, many other fish, and sea mammals including great whales. There are Native Americans living there who have descended from Asians in ancient history. The Aleuts are a group that lives mostly in the Aleutians Island chain looping off from the southwestern peninsula of Alaska. The location of this great state is in the sub-arctic region of the North American continent. It’s proximity to the North Pole means that it doesn’t get as much sun as we do here in the Central Valley. Because of the rotation of our planet, in the winter the sun will not come up, and darkness lasts for long periods of time. Can you imagine walking around in the dark at noon? Conversely, in the summer, the sun will dip down to just above the horizon, but it will never actually set. Try sleeping when it is daytime all night long! The Aurora Borealis is located north of Alaska and so the phenomena of northern lights appears at a certain time of the year where you can watch meteor showers put on an impressive fireworks-like light show. Alaska is an amazing and wonderful part of our country, and more astonishing is that the Russians sold this land to the U.S. because they needed money to finance a war they were engaged in. What a boon for America the Beautiful! For, Alaska is a great part of what makes us beautiful, for sure. Alaska is also a great symbol of our American ingenuity because we have managed to travel 2200 miles north (from CSU Bakersfield, anyway) to pioneer and settle this vast, wild, cold country. We have not only established and colonized another unique state, but we have learned to live with the Native Americans who were there already. Even more, though, is that we have managed to find and produce oil, big oil! You can see great forests, pristine and lovely, but also with the giant Alaskan pipeline, silver and round, on great stilts, snaking its way across the country. Alaska is truly a great wonder in our country and the most exciting thing about Alaska is:

    I am going there next year! Woo Hoo!

    Laura Harris

  5. If I could travel to any place in the world I would have to choose Egypt. I have always been fascinated with the pyramids of Giza. The three pyramids of Giza are some of the most famous structures in the world. The three pyramids are the Great Pyramid of Khufu, Pyramid of Khafre, and Pyramid of Menkaure. Every time I see these pyramids in books or on television I always say to myself that I will one day go and see them for myself. I have seen countless programs on television that discuss these pyramids and just marvel at how massive they are by their dimensions. These pyramids were constructed thousands of years ago and still stand to this day. It is amazing that the Egyptians were able to construct something that will probably last for thousands of years to come. There is also some mystery surrounding the pyramids that also intrigues me. There are theories that alien or alien technology was used by the Egyptians to help them build these pyramids. There are also practical theories that say it was sheer man power that constructed the pyramids. This is why I have always been intrigued by the mystique and mystery of the pyramids of Giza. One day hopefully I will be able to journey to Giza and see these massive structures up close.

    Agustin Garcia

  6. Where is that one place in the world that I would travel? I would have to agree with Haley and Kryston that Italy is at the top of the list, more specifically, Rome. I can’t imagine a more intriguing place. If you are a history major or an art buff this is the place to be. Rome is considered a “museum” in itself and it’s easy to see why. The architecture is fascinating and the sculptures and fountains are breathtaking. To see the works of Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel would be simply amazing. There is also Vatican City and the ancient ruins of the Roman Colosseum and the Pantheon -- each so captivating and historical. There are museums housing some of the greatest art collections in the world and piazzas each with their own unique history. At the top of my list would be St. Peter’s Square and Basilica to attend church services there with my family. I have always thought it would be great to be there for Easter or Christmas Eve. I couldn’t imagine a more peaceful and serene place to be, a place that is the heart of where my faith lives. I have traveled to many places in the U.S., from New York to Boston, from Denver to San Antonio, from Memphis to Orlando, from the Basilica at Notre Dame to the missions in California and each place I have visited has its own unique story to tell. I would like to know that someday Rome will be a part of my story.
    Theresa F.

  7. Just like everyone has already stated, I would love to visit someplace outside of the United States, but that is not the place I have been dreaming about for months. Italy would be nice and I’m sure I will someday go there, but right now the place I would love to be is Orlando, Florida. I have never been to Florida before, but the reason I want to go is not to tour the city and admire all the beautiful things it entails. I would love to be in Orlando so that I could visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Orlando. So now everybody knows I am a huge Harry Potter fan! I love the Universal studios here in California, but the one in Orlando has so much more to offer. While I would definitely be visiting Harry Potter world, I would also be visiting the other park. There is so much to see at a place like this, and it is also a learning experience. I want to be able to go to all the shows and see how everything in the film industry works. Going to Orlando would be a dream come true for me, because I have been wanting to go there for so long. I know it is a weird place to want to go when I can choose anywhere in the world, but at this point in time when I think of places I want to be, that is the first thing that pops into my head. I like to keep realistic goals and I know that I will be visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter someday soon.
    Lacey Patterson

  8. Kryston, Haley, and Theresa
    I would actually love to go to Italy too! One of my friends actually got to go and she said it was amazing, but there are so many things to see you would need a very long trip or more than one trip to enjoy everything. The thing she didn’t like were actually the food and drinks, she said the food was very bland and they don’t put ice in their drinks. We are so used to the Americanized way of doing things that we would definitely have to get used to the culture. The thing I would be worried about is the 14hour flight, I hate flying!

    Lacey Patterson

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. If I could travel any place in the world I would go to Italy. I have always been infatuated with its culture and way of living. I have seen Italy in movies and books and it looks like a beautiful place to experience. the language is so breathtaking and interesting to me. every word sounds like music, it's as if they are singing a song. there are a few landmarks that I would have to see in Italy. the coliseum in Rome and the leaning tower of Pisa. these two places are known to be some of many attractions in Italy. From what I have read about, the food is also important in Italy. I love Italian food here in the states, I could only image how it would taste in Italy. However, most of all I want to see a villa in Tuscany. I think these houses have so much character and bring the country side to life. I have seen pictures of Villas and they are usually surrounded by sunflowers and tall trees. I can only hope that it is this way in real life. I plan to travel to Italy when I graduate but until then, I will just have to dream about it.

    Lindsey McGuire

  11. Like many of you, the place I would love to one day visit would be Italy. I find their culture, people, food, their everything to be fascinating. I would love to visit different parts of Italy, not just one. I actually would love to stay there for a couple of months or so; it would be awesome to learn and experience the Italian lifestyle. They have so many beautiful sites that I bet it would take awhile to visit them all. I would mostly really like to experience their food; I love food and especially Italian, so being able to experience authentic Italian cuisine would be great! This is of course, one of the many places I would die to visit one day; hopefully I can fulfill this dream of mine one day!

    Ana Garcia

  12. I agree that Italy would be an awesome place to go and would also love to go to Ireland. But that one place in the world that I would love to travel to most is Boston, Mass. I am a Red Sox fan even though they just got shut out of the playoffs! I think it would be amazing to go to Fenway Park and experience all of the green that is there! It seems so much more lush that California is! I hear that the lifestyle is just different and they dialects are all Irish and American slurred together. Maybe I could get a little of Ireland in with my trip to Boston! Anyway, Boston is where I would love to go.

    Tysanne Cullum

  13. I thought to visit many places in my lifelike Switzerland, Perris, Thailand .Switzerland is my dream thinking place, I never went to Switzerland but maybe I read a lot about beautiful Switzerland, beautiful places there, may be that why Switzerland is in my dreams even I never went day in my life I will get a chance and go there but now I want to go Thailand again as I went to Thailand in Jan 2009 from America. I want to go there again because Thailand is really beautiful country and peaceful also. We went there in Jan 2009 my friend came from India, we stayed in a hotel very beautiful hotel. Hotel administration hired a tourism bus and we went to many places. We visited many Lord Buddha’s temples, very peaceful temples. In Thailand very beautiful beaches are there. I tried for deep swim drive, they had trained swim drivers. It was really good experience for me. The one thing which I liked was foot measure that why I went to massage center every day for foot message, you will feel relaxation and you will forget stresses in your life and all tensions.Thiland is not very expensive, you can see money of one month work and spend good trip there. I did lot shopping there and we went to diamond factory and I did buy ear rings diamond and pearl. There they have pure pearls and diamond factory. We spent good time in shopping and eating good Indian food. Thailand is not very expensive that why many people from other countries will visit there. I like beauty, green trees, greenery and peaceful enviourment there. The one thing which I did not like that legal prostitution after the age of 12 for girls , very young age for girls .otherwise Thailand is very beautiful country and I want to go there again very soon……


  14. I guess Italy is the most desirable place to visit for people. I went a few years ago and will be traveling to Sicily this summer to visit some family. Any place that closes the stores half way through the day so everyone can relax at the beach is my kind of place! I suppose the place I would most like to travel to is Tahiti. I would stay on one of those huts out in the ocean and have a romantic getaway with my husband. The water there looks crystal clear and the golden sunsets and swaying palm trees is just what I need for a relaxing time.

  15. Oops the previous blog entry about Tahiti is from me OLivia

  16. Lacy-
    You are right they do not use ice, there is no need for a freezer since everything is bought fresh daily. I went to a little town in Sicily a few years ago and everyday we would walk the streets picking up fresh seafood that the fisherman would catch right off the shore.

  17. Veena-
    Did you and your friend feel safe in Thailand? I have watched too many shows that show young girls being captured there. I was just wondering if that is true or just a few cases that scare everyone. I would love to go there that is why I ask.

  18. If I could travel to any place in the world, I would go to Scotland. I chose Scotland because I am a huge golf fan and would love to play at St. Andrews Links. St. Andrews is made up of seven golf courses, making it the largest public golf facility in Europe! It would be a dream of mine to be able to play on a course considered to be the birthplace of golf. Aside from golf, I would like to explore the many landscapes of Scotland. From the castles in the countryside to the amazing beaches, it seems as though Scotland has many attractions to offer.

    Ross Hoffmann

  19. Tysanne,
    I would also love to go to Fenway Park in Boston and sit on top of the green monster. The only thing that could top being at Fenway Park would be catching a home run hit by Adrian Gonzalez. Although I am a Seattle Mariners fan, Fenway is the one park that I would absolutely love to see!

    Ross Hoffmann

  20. Great posts everyone!!!

    Haley- I agree with you in many of your thoughts. The culture, food, history, and landscapes are definitely factors that would make me decide on a place. I would most definitely visit Italy for its delicious foods. I wonder how it would be like to eat Italian food daily. Would it be like eating lunch at Olive Garden every day or even better? Hmmm, I wonder!

    Brenda- I am on the same page as you and Haley. There are tons of places where I would love to travel. Australia sounds like an exotic place to visit.

    Laura- Alaska seems interesting. I also wonder how it would be like to be wondering the streets during the day time, but if it’s actually dark outside with no sun.

    Lacey- Outside of the U.S. definitely!!

    Dacia Zamora

  21. If you could travel to any place in the world, where would it be and why?

    I would travel to Italy, as most of you. There are several factors that drive my imagination to traveling to Italy, which include its landscape, history, food, architecture, and culture. I would like to travel to Italy to experience the Italian lifestyle; I imagine it is extremely different from one’s life in the United States. I would definitely visit Rome, Milan, Venice, and Florence. Every city and every region in Italy is extremely unique. One example is Italy’s eclectic range in agricultural designs. I would also like to relish the authentic Italian cuisine; thinking about it makes my taste buds have an adrenaline attack. I would also like to pick up a bit of the language and its fashion. I hope time permits me to plan a trip to Italy soon.

    Dacia Zamora

  22. Brenda-

    I thought it was interesting that you wanted to go to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. I too would like to see such a beautiful nature made exhibit. In fact, I almost chose the Great Barrier Reef as the place I would visit. I have only see pictures of it and I know the pictures don't even do it justice. I'm sure a honeymoon trip to it would be spectacular.

    -Kryston Honea

  23. Wow! Italy, Switzerland, Ireland, Egypt-these are all amazing places to aspire to visit. South America seems very interesting too. You all have wonderful ideas. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to be world travelers and visit? Australia and the Great Barrier Reef would be a lovely place to honeymoon. I also hear that New Zealand is pretty spectacular too. I love the natural beauty of all the lands, but you are all correct in pointing out the culture, peoples, foods, and traditions of these different areas of our world too. Those things are all very interesting as well. Isn't it intriguing how people establish customs that are symbolic and meaningful in which everyone participates in similar manners? There is a lot we can learn from being impressed by the lives of others that are foreign to us.

    Laura Harris

  24. If I could go anywhere in the world, my current choice would have to be Canada. I know it probably doesn't sound that amazing to most of you. I'm thinking somewhere in Western Canada. All I really want to do over this is play some pond hockey, go on a few hikes, drink a few canadian beers, and go to a few hockey games. It doesn't even have to be a pond. Basically I just want to play hockey outdoors in Canada. I've heard that in some places they've got heated locker rooms and then a little walkway that leads you right out to the rink (pond). You can even buy your hockey gear at gas stations. I was thinking my day would go something like this. Tim Horton's donuts and coffee on the way to the rink. I'm also hoping the shop will look exactly like Stan MIkita's donuts straight out of Wayne's World. Some poutin for my post hockey meal. Naptime. Then off for a night of beers and hockey. I'd be perfectly happy watching my team (San Jose Sharks) at a local bar, or going to a game. Minor league or NHL hockey, both are great. Once I've had my fill of hockey I would definitely go check out some the national parks across Canada. There are lots of cool sights to be seen. It might not be most people's idea of a great time. But I love hockey, the outdoors, cold winters, and hot summers. Not to mention Canadian beers are way stronger than U.S beers.

    -Kyle Bennett

  25. Ross, Scotland sounds like a great choice. I've always wanted to check out the castles and the highlands as well. I'm not much of a golfer, but I'd still grip it and rip it over at St. Andrews.

    -Kyle Bennett

  26. Laura,
    I completely feel the same way as you. Italy, Switzerland, Ireland, and Egypt sound like great locations too.

    There are several places I would love to go in the world only if I could afford to travel. The places that come to mind are Bora Bora and Italy. Why because I love to feel, touch, and swim the beautiful clear blue water. It would be such a wonderful experience to do that. Also, I would love to see how the language and the culture are at both of locations. Of course, there is a huge difference to be at those places than just watch them on TV. In addition, I would love to be able to eat the food from these places because I could only imagine how delicious they can be. I’m sure eating in Italian food in Italy would taste very different than just going to Olive Garden and having their Italian food. Either way, traveling to these locations would just be an amazing experience to do because it’s a whole different world away from home.

    Helen Rosario

  27. All of these places sound amazing and it is making me want to just pack my bags and leave! I was surprised by how many people, like me, said Italy!
    But there were also so many tropical places like Australia and Bora Bora that struck my interest!
    Helen- Bora Bora is definitely at the top of my list. I want to stay in one of those Huts that are in the water! how amazing would that be!? i guess i can just keep dreaming! Maybe one day!
    -Haley Garmon

  28. Haley, Kryston, Lindsey, Ana, Dacia, and Helen,

    I love your posts on Italy – I, too, chose Italy and can’t believe I forgot to mention the food! I was so into the sightseeing that I forgot that I would need to eat! Like all of you, I imagine that Italian cuisine is some of the best in the world.

    Lacey – I agree the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando would be a great vacation! I would never have thought of that. My family loves the movies and books.

    Theresa F.

  29. Laura, wow I really liked your post about Alaska. Really descriptive and sounds amazing.

    Ryan Barker

  30. Tysanne,

    Boston is rad. Really cool city with lots of history and culture. I went to three games at Fenway park while I was there. It was awesome and the Boston fans there are die hard fans. You will definitely enjoy Boston.

    Ryan Barker

  31. If I could visit any place in the world, I would probably also agree with Brenda about visiting the great barrier reef in Australia. That would definitely be a trip to remember!!! I love snorkeling and spending time on the beach. Australia has always been one of my places of interest for their wildlife and diversity. I would definitely be spending a lot of time on the beaches and snorkeling in the great barrier reef with an underwater camera in hand! Bora Bora, like Haley said, would be a lot of fun too! Those huts above the water look amazing! Australia would definitely be fun too for the fact that I don't speak any other languages than English and it would be easy to communicate with the natives. I am a big fan of different cultures and language, but not having to have someone translating or speaking bits and pieces of another language, I'd enjoy learning a lot about Australia's culture. The great barrier reef would be so enjoyable for me. I'm hoping to go there some day.

    Quinn Holsonbake

  32. Lacey,

    Heck yes! The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is on my list for Orlando! I am a really huge Harry Potter fan, and have been for the past ten years. I have a tattoo of the Deathly Hallows symbol on my hip I got in 2008. I have always been to the midnight releases for the books and movies. I am usually one of the crazy ones on the front page or on the news at those releases. I'd finish the books in a day or so. I'm torn that it's all over, but visiting Orlando and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter would be a lot of fun!

    Quinn Holsonbake

  33. Ross,

    That would be a great place to visit. Scotland is on my list too! One of my favorite people, Jo Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter books lives in Edinburgh and she's always talking about the highlands and beauty throughout the country. It seems like it would be such a beautiful place to visit. We obviously have different reasons for wanting to visit Scotland, but great choice!

    Quinn Holsonbake

  34. Like a few other students have already stated: if I could travel to one place in the world it would have to be Italy. I have always wanted to go to Europe and travel all all throughout the countries there. My brother told me that I have to go to Italy. I want to travel there because of all the history and it was so many attractions. There are so many cool cities that I would like to visit such as Rome, Florence, Milan, Naples, and Venice just to name a few. And all the beautiful cities along the beautiful coastline. I would love to see the ruins of Rome, and walk where Caesar once did. " When in Rome" I would have to check out the Vatican and all the Vatican museums such as the Sistine Chapel. I would love to try the real Italian cuisine which I hear Florence has to have offer, and then after a nice meal top it off with some real Italian made gelato. Then, off to Venice to check out the city built on water and take a gondola ride through the canals. There is so much to see and so much to do in Italy. Italy has so much to offer, and I hope one day I can make it over to Europe and see Italy.

    Ryan Barker

    If you could travel to one place in the world, where would it be and why?

    If I could travel to one place in the world, it would be the ICEHOTEL in Sweden. This isn't just any hotel, it's made entirely out of ice and snow! Every winter, the entire structure is rebuilt with a new design. Architects, designers and artists come from all over the world to participate in this monumental event. At sub zero temperatures, this Hotel seems the least likely place that anyone would want to visit; however, I view this place as icee challenge, waiting to be conquered. I want to sleep on bear skin blankets in an ice and snow suite, have a drink in an ice cup at the ice bar, and wonder the hotel admiring the many ice sculptures and designs. Unfortunately, until I can afford around a thousand dollars a night, this dream will remain on my bucket list.

  36. If you could travel to one place in the world, where would it be and why?
    The one place that I would love to travel to in the world would be Paris. I would love to go to Paris because it seems so elegant, interesting, and definitely a different environment from Bakersfield. I would like to visit Paris because I would love to see the Eiffel Tower in person; it just seems so breathe taking in pictures. I think I chose Paris because when I see Paris in movies it just seems like a dream world and I would love to be able to make my own interpretations of how amazing Paris is for me. The culture, environment, and way of living in Paris seems like something that I would enjoy to understand and be able to live it for myself even if it’s just for a few days. I would also love to go to Paris to view fashion and see their views about the fashion industry. Paris always seems to be on top of the new fashions and trends, and some even designing their own fashion I think would be awesome to see in person. Another thing that attracts me to Paris would be the people. The people in Paris (a least in movies) seem so different than people here in Bakersfield. I’m sure the people there are somewhat the same compared to people here just in a different living environment; I would like to experience that first hand and actually observe people in Paris. I know, I’m basing where I would love to travel to in the world off movies, but Paris just seems like a dream world and I would love to experience it.
    -Stephanie Nodal

  37. If I could travel to one place in the world, I would like to visit Germany, because I am largely of German descent, and after having taking four years with of German language courses, I've developed a huge interest in my ancestry. Specifically, my family comes from Frisia, a long coastal stretch of North Western Germany, encompassing a bit of Denmark and the Netherlands as well. Bordering the North Sea, being sparsely populated, the main industries are fishing and raising animals. Frisia is also home to a few of the remaining pagan sites, such as the island of Heligoland. Heligoland was known for its people worshipping the Norse god Forseti, with a sacred water well attributed to him. With mild to cool temperatures year round, it's an excellent location to travel to. But Germany is a large country, and there is much to see outside of Frisia. One of the most well known forests in the world is located in south western Germany, called the Schwarzwald, which in English would translate to “Black Forest.” This forest is called the Black Forest, because the conifers are so dense that it blocks out most of light. But out of all of the things I could do and see in Germany, what I would like to do there more than anything else would be to try all of the regional foods. I’d likely gain twenty pounds by the time that trip is over, after sampling all the different types of cheeses, sausages, and schnitzel variations.

    Matthew Jeffries

  38. Quinn,
    Australia I think would be amazing to visit! I would have to agree with you about the snorkeling and beach time; it would be so much fun! I agree with you about if you did go to Australia it would be easier to communicate with the people there, because they just have an accent, whereas if you went somewhere else the people might have a different language. I hope that one day you do get to go to Australia and enjoy the beautiful atmosphere and culture.
    -Stephanie Nodal

  39. Heather,

    Sweden sounds like a really cool place I'd like to visit some time as well. But if I were going to be visiting any part of Scandinavia, I would have to see Norway. Though this is mostly so I could stock up on as many obscure black metal albums as humanly possible.

    -Matthew Jeffries

  40. Tysanne,
    I think Boston would be a great place to visit! Honestly, anywhere out of California would be fun to visit. I haven’t really been too many places outside of California, but I have been to Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and Hawaii. I would love to travel more and see the world, but as of now I can only dream!
    -Stephanie Nodal

  41. One place in the world I want to visit is France. I do not really want to go to Paris or anything like that, but to the beaches in which our soldiers stormed in World War II. When I heard about a one day tour to Normandy, I put this trip on my bucket list. This event influenced our country and every other country around the world. On the tour, you get to visit Omaha, Utah, and Juno beach. In addition, you visit the Normandy American Cemetery where you see the names and burial site of true American Heroes that fought for a freedom. The reason I want to go is to get a real since of the D-Day landing and see in person what Soldiers when through. I have read about this event my entire life and all I want to do is be on the beaches in which our brave soldiers fought. From seeing the weapons and battlefields to the memorials and burial sites, I think it will be a great experience and would leave me some great stories to tell my grandchildren. The last thing I want to see is the museums of the D-Day events and the historical battlefield movies that you get to see at the end. Once I have completed the Normandy Tour, then I would probably indulge myself in some French pastries and wine, the best way to end a great trip.

  42. One place in the world I want to visit is France. I do not really want to go to Paris or anything like that, but to the beaches in which our soldiers stormed in World War II. When I heard about a one day tour to Normandy, I put this trip on my bucket list. This event influenced our country and every other country around the world. On the tour, you get to visit Omaha, Utah, and Juno beach. In addition, you visit the Normandy American Cemetery where you see the names and burial site of true American Heroes that fought for a freedom. The reason I want to go is to get a real since of the D-Day landing and see in person what Soldiers when through. I have read about this event my entire life and all I want to do is be on the beaches in which our brave soldiers fought. From seeing the weapons and battlefields to the memorials and burial sites, I think it will be a great experience and would leave me some great stories to tell my grandchildren. The last thing I want to see is the museums of the D-Day events and the historical battlefield movies that you get to see at the end. Once I have completed the Normandy Tour, then I would probably indulge myself in some French pastries and wine, the best way to end a great trip.

    Nealson Hanner

  43. Laura,

    I think you did a very good job at describing Alaska. I do would love to visit Alaska at some point in my life. The cold weather, the untouched nature, and the small population all sounds amazing to me.


    I was born in Florida, and it is a pretty nice place to visit. The beaches have nice, soft sand. The water is warm and shallow. And Disney World is a much nicer theme park than Disney Land. There are multiple parks with even nicer resorts, but best of all, everything is spread out. Unlike here in Anaheim where the whole park feels very compacted, in Orlando they had a lot more land to work with. Other than all of the theme parks, Orlando Florida is one of the birth places of death metal, which I think is super awesome.

    -Matthew Jeffries

  44. Matthew Jeffries

    Germany sounds like a fun place to travel to. The “Black Forest” seems like a interests place to go. It’s hard to think that something is so thick that the sun can’t break through it. Also, trying all the different kinds of food seems like a daunting task. Might be a long trip.

    Nealson Hanner

  45. Agustin Garcia

    The trip to Egypt sounds like a great place to visit. I wish some time in my life that I will be able to see the Pyramids of Giza in person. Just to see one of the Seven Wonders of the World in persons seems crazy, but one day I hope it comes to fruition.

    Nealson Hanner

  46. If I could travel anywhere in the world I would have to say that I would go to South Africa for a few different reasons. The first reason is obvious... Because it is BEAUTIFUL! the second is because, I am half African American, and even though I'm not sure exactly where my ancestors would be from, it would be neat to see the country itself, and South Africa (I believe) is more modern than the rest of Africa so it wouldn't be too much of a culture shock for me. Also, beaches are my ultimate favorite, and south Africa has amazing beaches. Also, there is a wide variety of wildlife in South Africa that would be very interesting to see. I have wanted to visit Africa since I was a child, So if I got the chance to go anywhere in the world, I would jump on the opportunity and fly to South Africa in order to put my years of wondering and interest to rest. 

    Ashley Cockrell

  47. The one place in the world I would love to visit is New York City. I have seen several shows on New York and I would love to go and visit. I think I would visit Brooklyn and try some authentic New York cuisine. I would also love to visit Manhattan to go and pay my respects at ground zero. I would pay my respects to all who dies so needlessly on that day, especially the firefighters. I would also like to visit the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island to experience some of our countries history. This is why I would like to visit New York City

    Jim Adams

  48. After reading all the post I too feel like just packing y bags and going somewhere.

    I am surprised at how many people mentioned Italy to be the one place they would like to travel to. I too would love to visit there someday. I’m excited because I’ve been saving money, and although I won’t be able to visit Australia or Italy, I plan on traveling somewhere (not sure where yet) towards the end of this year. I might just go to Florida. Going to Universal Studios in Orlando like Lacey mentioned sounds fun!

    Brenda Castro

  49. Everyone’s post sounds interesting! Italy does seemlike an amazing place to travel and get to experience the different culture andall the amazing buildings. I would have to agree and want to travel to Italy;however, since a lot of peoples posted Italy already, I will have to go withSpain. I would want to go and experience the tours they have there and try to experiencethe culture there. I have seen a lot of beautiful pictures of Spain and hope I amable to travel throughout Spain and visit many of the cities. I also read onhow Spain is known for the festivals they have and would love to experiencethat as well.
    -Christina Manriquez

  50. If I could travel to one place in the world I would like to visit Spain. From what I’ve seen in the media, Spain has beautiful old cathedrals and building structures that look amazing. Their architecture is so detailed and different then what is seen in the United States. It would be a whole new experience for me and I’m waiting for my chance to go. I’m interested in their language too because they mostly speak Spanish in Spain, but it’s a different Spanish from what I know. I might be able to have a good level of understanding that could help me communicate, but to learn some of their language would be a goal of mine. Even though they are known for bullfighting, I would not attend one. I do not want to see a bull being killed right in front of me just for entertainment. What I would do is go see flamenco dancers and their beaches. I’ve seen pictures of Spain’s fantastic beaches with bright blue waters and they look so relaxing. I prefer winter days, but who can say no to beaches like that! I can’t wait to be able to go and get out of the U.S for a week or two. Nothing against the U.S, I’m just ready for a new experience.
    -Liz Sanchez
