As an online course, the writing that we do in English 305 is substantially different from a face to face course. As such, it is imperative that you understand the course style from the start. Nearly all of your work in this course will be posted on the course blog. EACH WEEK YOU WILL HAVE THREE BLOG ASSIGNMENTS:

Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the Friday (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. You have all week each week to complete the reading and writing for that week, but there are no late assignments accepted, so be sure to be disciplined about the work from the start.

Let me re-state that point; if you do the assigned work before or during the week it is due, you will receive full credit. If you do the work after the Friday of the week it is assigned, you will get zero credit for that week.

Grading Scale


Weekly Blog Entries: 10%
Writing About the Reading: 10%
Restaurant Review: 20% (DUE SEPT 24)
Tipping Point Essay Final Draft: 30% (ROUGH DRAFT DUE OCT 28) (FINAL DRAFT DUE NOV 4)
In Class Essay: 10%
Peer Revision: 10%
Participation: 10%

Friday, August 12, 2011


Where do you see yourself in five years? In ten years?


  1. In five years I hope to see myself with a steady job working with teenagers helping them better their lives somehow. I see myself still in school hoping to achieve a doctorate degree.I hope to have done some traveling and experimenting with where I want to live.
    In ten years I see myself with a PH.D and working with what exactly I want to do (which I am unsure as to what that is right now). I don't know about children, but I hope to at least be settled down with someone, if not then I hope to still be traveling and achieving all I can. I see myself with my own home and car. Above all I hope to be healthy, because having good health helps you maintain your dreams and hopes alive.

    Ana Garcia

  2. In 5 years I see myself finished with college, and starting my career. I want to be at a comfortable place, where I can start my life. Having a career will be the first step in the right direction and to living a long fulfilling life. I want to travel and enjoy life, before starting to raise children. I will be enjoying life and preparing for the future, with all my loved ones by my side.
    In 10 years I see myself being married and having a family. I will be established in my career and finally ready to have children. I will be a child psychologist and will be able to better understand my own children when I do have them. Ten years from now I will be at the most important part of my life and have all of the things I have worked so hard for. At this part in my life I will be able to look back and be happy for all the decisions I have made to get where I am.

    Lacey Patterson

  3. Where do you see yourself in five years? In ten years?
    Well I do have to say I have asked myself this question quite a few times, and the answer has changed many times. Five years is quite a long time to be picturing where I would be, but I guess it does not hurt to dream. In five years I see myself as someone who is happy with what I have accomplished. Although I am not exactly sure what it is I want to do for my career, my dream is to be able to help children. Within the five years I will have graduated with my bachelor’s degree, and hopefully moving on to my master’s degree. I will have a steady career that I love; I plan on doing something that helps children with their life. I also hope that in five years I will have invested in a house of my own, maybe have gotten married and ready to start a family.
    As for ten years, I hope that everything I have mentioned for the next five years have been accomplished. Although, the marriage and starting a family may have been put off but by ten years I hope that those two aspects in my life will have been successfully mastered. In the next ten years I would also like to have been successful in helping children and young adults with their lives through my career. Also in the next ten years I would like to be back in schools completing my master’s degrees and maybe even moving on to my Ph. D.
    This is just a quick view at where I see myself in five and ten years. I just want to be happy and feel that I have accomplished the goals that I had set for myself.

    Stephanie Nodal

  4. I am very ambitious about my life since child hood, my father taught us that nothing is impossible in this world; only need is determination to get dreams true with hard work. My father used to tell us that we have to make our dreams true and we have to make ourselves so perfect that world will come to us, So that’s
    Why I am very ambitious about my future because I know that I am hard worker and can struggle to get my things done. I see myself as an owner of big, beautiful house in Chandigarh of India. I also see myself as MSN nurse; I will complete my MSN and settle down in my personal life by having nice and caring husband and one baby. I see myself as PHD in nursing or physician or chief nursing officer. I have also dream to be best nurse. Hope so my dreams will be true. But definitely I see myself as nursing chief officer or physician in 10 years and a rich woman, having all facilities of life.I also see myself as a doing financial adoption of more babies for their care and studies………..I will try my best and will do hard work to make myself on that position where I’m seeing myself today, 5 and 10 years before………..
    venal kumari

  5. I see that we all kind of agree on where we want to be in 5 years. Successful and beginning our lives. And most importantly, finished with College!!! We all have that in common, we are working hard to achieve our goals in life.

    Lacey patterson

  6. In five years I am hoping to have found a place to work. I am hoping by that time that I will have passed an actuarial exam or two and would be able to work in the field. If all goes well I should be working for some insurance company doing risk assessment and have passed several actuarial exams. My brother will be 20 years old at this time and I see myself helping him pay for tuition(either at BC or a CSU) and helping my little sister with junior high. I would like to own a house and a car at this point in my life and hopefully pay off some debt that I owe.

    In 10 years I see myself being married or in a monogamous relationship on top of doing well financially. If I stick with the actuary thing there is a lot of room to start a company after this amount of time has passed. If that doesn't happen I would see myself being one of the head actuaries for an insurance company. I will be traveling as much as I can and enjoying the money that I would have.

    Daniel Betancourt

  7. Five years from now I see myself finishing my Masters degree and beginning my career. It has always been in my plans to get my Masters degree, so I do hope five years from now I can say I graduated from CSUB with both my Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree. After graduating, I see myself settling into my new career, which I hope is to be working with teens and children .I honestly think the next five years are going to fly by, so for those five years I see myself focusing on my school and career. During these five years I see myself living own my own before getting married and starting a family. As for ten years, I see myself married and starting a family. I want to travel and focus on my career first, then get married and start a family. So, I hope that in ten years I am happy where I am and accomplished with my goals so that I can get married and start a family. I am really excited to get married someday and start a family; however, I would want to focus on me and my career for the next five years. That way, ten years from now I will be able to focus on my husband and family. Overall, I hope to accomplish all these things and at the end be proud with my accomplishments and where I am in life with my career and family.
    - Christina Manriquez

  8. In five or Ten years I can see myself married with a few children. I hope that I will be a social worker by then and helping children in bad situations. I hope that I will be settled and feel like I have made right choices. I hope that I will have traveled to Italy and Ireland before then because I have always dreamed about going there before I started a family. I also hope that my parents are still a big part of my life. I hope they are still near to me to see their grandchildren and be a part of their lives. People too many times say that if they could go back, they would have done things differently. Sometimes I worry if the choices I make are right or wrong and if they will affect my future in a negative way . I guess that's what everyone feels though, we are all making decisions that will guide us to the future and it's all just a learning experience. However, Most of all, I can see myself happy and living life to the fullest.

    Lindsey McGuire

  9. oops! sorry, just ignore that post! :)


  10. In five years from now I hope to see myself as a very successful individual. By next year I will hopefully, if everything goes as planned, be finished with the nursing program. I hope to find a job right away and gain solid experience. I plan on being a workaholic, and saving as much money as I can. Like my parents always have said “Work hard when you’re young so that you can enjoy your future.” I can definitely see myself staring off at one of Bakersfield’s hospitals. I also have a feeling that I will be making the biggest commitment of my life in this time period. I have been with my boyfriend for almost five years and both my family and his family have mentioned that he plans on breaking the big question as soon as the program is over. And like many others have already mentioned, I also hope to purchase my first home within the next five years.
    In ten years from now I plan on having a beautiful family and spending lots of time with them. Concerning my career I don’t really know where I see myself with that. If just having my BSN is enough to make a good living, and still be able to afford vacations then I must say that just my BSN will probably be enough for me. If for any reason I chose to go back to school I would specialize in anesthesia, or probably just try to become a nurse practitioner. During this time I plan on vacationing, putting family first, and just enjoy life.

    Brenda Castro

  11. In five years I see myself still at CSUB for a Masters degree. By then I’ll have a BA, but I feel like I probably won’t have my dream job so hopefully a Masters will help me get there. In five years I’ll be twenty-seven so I hope I’ll be married or at least engaged. I don’t see myself having children by then, but it would be a thought roaming in my head. With or without being married, I believe I will be cohabitating with my boyfriend or maybe moved in with a close friend. In ten years I will be thirty-two and I see myself having a professional job where I get to have the money and time to travel the world with my loved ones. After fulfilling my dreams of traveling and between the five and ten years, I see myself happily married and with three children living somewhere out of Bakersfield. More than likely I’ll be living in Washington State since I love it there. I will be an example of success for my nieces and nephews, since most of them will be entering college in ten years. I’ll be a better person overall and I’m going to continue working hard on my goals so I can achieve the life I see for myself.

    -Liz Sanchez

  12. Venal-
    I like how you mentioned that your father taught you that nothing is impossible in this world. I was brought up the same way; I too believe that anything is possible with strong will and dedication.

    Brenda Castro

  13. In the next five years the only thing I would want differently is to have a small business that I run. I would like to have flexible hours and do something I enjoy. My family is done growing and I love my home and life. So for the next 5 to 10 years I want everything to stay the same, but start a little business on the side. Oh and of course graduate!

  14. Liz-
    Sounds like a great plan! I had my life planned out too about 10 years ago and guess what? Nothing happened the way I planned, and I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out. Life has a funny way about knowing what you really need.
    Good luck, I hope you do move to Washington it looks beautiful.

  15. Where do you see yourself in five years? In ten years?

    In five years, I will have completed my schooling if everything goes as planned. I will have completed my Bachelors Degree, Teaching Credentials, and Masters Degree. I will continue to substitute teach until I get picked up as a permanent teacher. Purchasing a house and getting married is already in the process, so I will be married and have a small home.

    In ten years, my career will already be established. I will be working as an elementary school teacher or a school counselor. In ten years, I see myself having at least two children. Having children is definitely in my plans, since I have always been family oriented. I will be a young mom and successful career women.

    -Dacia Zamora

  16. It seems like our common goal is to have completed our education within 10 years. Those who are planning to travel, start careers, and get married or start a little family, good luck with your dreams! =)

    -Dacia Zamora

  17. Well some of us are planners and some of us are not. (haha) I had my life planned out beginning of 2010 and decided I was going to finish my college degree and find an amazing job. I was single and did not have anything to hold me back and I had the ambition to just go, go, go. Three days after Winter quarter started in 2010 I found out I was pregnant and from then on out that plan has changed. Five years from now I will have a six year old and I would love have found that job I wanted to find before and be making money. As a single mom, I am the only provider for the both of us and considering I will finish school in Spring quarter of this year, I cannot wait to begin that journey with her on my hip. I would not mind finding my other half and sharing a life with someone but right now, my focus is my baby girl. Five years from now, I would love to spend the weekends spoiling her and getting pedicures. Just doing mom and daughter stuff all the time. I cannot imagine what the next five years will be like but I cannot wait to find out.

    And ten years... Can we just slow down?? I just got used to the fact that I have a daughter!

    Tysanne Cullum

  18. For starters, in five years, I will almost be twenty-six years old. Therefore, I would like to think that I would have graduated with my Masters of Science in Kinesiology and no longer be a resident of Bakersfield. By this time, I see myself finding a career in my field, so that I can start establishing a quality reputation. I understand that working for a sports team inquires a lot of traveling, which is what I see myself doing at the age of twenty-six. The clichĂ© that women at that age should be settled down and maybe have a family, is not for me. I don’t see myself getting married or having a family, especially not in five years. As for ten years, I do not see much of a detour from what I see myself doing in the first five. In ten years, I will almost be thirty-one years old. Therefore, I guess I could possibly see myself married, but I wouldn’t bet on it. I like to work, and I can’t imagine doing anything other than athletic training for professional sports. I know that the constant traveling would hinder any type of serious commitment towards another person, which is why I think that I will not be married or have a family in ten years. I feel my outlook on where I am headed seems pretty realistic. I don’t want to sugarcoat anything. However, whatever happens, happens.

    -Kryston Honea

  19. Tysanne-
    Congratulation on your baby girl! I like how you stay realistic during your description. I also think that is awesome that you are finishing up your degree in spring! I honestly do not know how you were able to pull off getting school done with a child. I can barely handle it with a part time job and being a full-time student. I applaude your determination.

  20. Christina,
    Well it seems like we are have the same goals in mind for the next five to ten years. I think having that goal of going for your Master’s degree is awesome; it will benefit you so much more in your future! As for the family, I would have to agree, I would love to have that within the next ten years. I can’t wait either! Well good luck through your next five to ten years and I hope all your goals are accomplished.
    Stephanie Nodal

  21. I am a bit unsure of where I will be in five years. By that time, I will have graduated from CSUB with my degree in accounting and will have passed the Uniform Certified Public Accountants exam. So, I figure that I’ll be working as an accountant. And other than that, I am not quite sure what the future holds for me, so all I can do is speculate.

    Since I will be twenty-six years old, I will hopefully be married, or will at least have a very serious girlfriend by then. I doubt I will have and kids by that point, since I’m not really planning on having children. Bakersfield isn't where I grew up either, and I am not really a fan of living in California. So since I'll be done with school and won’t be tied down to any children, I would be able to move back home to the South. A few of the places on my list are Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee.

    In ten years, I have even less of an idea where I may be in my life. Maybe by that point, I’ll have dropped being an accountant all together. I will have gotten fed up with the water cooler gossip and the office politics. Maybe I’ll become the frontman to a small black metal group called Von Der Memel and release a few albums independently. We won’t be huge, but we’ll develop a cult following within the metal community. Then we will do a few European tours, opening for the mighty Mayhem. Actually, this doesn’t sound too bad. I should probably try to make that my future.

    -Matthew Jeffries

  22. In five years I hope to be immersed in the field of writing. Magazines, short stories, manuscripts are all areas in publishing I hope to participate successfully in. I also hope to have a nice orange grove, just 10 or 20 acres growing steadily. Or maybe lemons, but they have an inconsistent crop. Pistachios would be great as well, but I don’t know enough about them. My family, however, farms several hundred acres of oranges. They had mello golds, which are yellow grapefruit, but they had trouble selling the crop, so they budded them over to oranges. I like the country life and prefer to live in the hills with beautiful views and birds singing all day long.
    In ten years I hope to have 20 or 30 acres of successful orchards producing well each year with good weather. I hope to have my children not too far away with grandchildren that can visit and spend time with me so I can show them and tell them everything about life that might help them live theirs in a good way. I hope to have written books that entertain and inspire people to a greater understanding of life, its mysteries and its pathways. I hope to also be able travel all over our country and see all the wonders of the United States in the four corners and everything in between. The bayous, swamps, mountains and streams, the urban areas and the different people that make up our nation and all the natural beauty we possess as treasures in our nation. I would also like to see all the historical landmarks and learn about the people that have built our foundation and contributed to what we have become: the good, the bad, and the ugly. I also hope to be healthy and strong and fit so that I can live life to the fullest and I also hope the same for all of my family, friends, and loved ones.

    Laura Harris

  23. by mistake i wrote my name vinal kumari . this is veena kumari......sorry friends..........

  24. In five years I hope to see myself working in the field of sales. I would already have graduated from CSUB with my degree in Marketing in Sales. Hopefully by than there will be enough jobs to go around. I could see myself living in Bakersfield still and just doing local work just to build my resume. In five years I would only be 29 so I would still be fairly young and would still be single so that I could focus on my career. That way if I am offered a job anywhere in the US I would be able to take it since I wouldn't have a family at the time. In ten years I could than see myself finally settling down, getting married and starting a family. The reason I would wait is because I want to be able to provide for my family and have to live pay check to pay check. Than maybe I can see myself living in another part of the country or maybe just another part of California because I would not want to move far away from my family.

    Agustin Garcia

  25. Tysanne,
    I agree with you on the next ten years! I mean why do we have to think so far in advance when things are changing constantly? I love that you were the go getter and became flexible once you found out you were expecting. I bet your daughter is amazing and your whole world. I can’t wait to start my family! I do have to say that your ambition and drive due to you being a single mother is very inspirational and I wish you the best for you and your daughter! Congrats on graduating at the end of this year, you will do great, good luck!

    Stephanie Nodal

  26. Where I see myself in 5 years? Let me first start with finishing college this fall and getting my bachelor degree in business administration. I’m planning on applying for the MBA program and starting either this winter or in the spring. After I have finished the MBA program, I want to get a job at either one of these companies: Oxy, Chevron, Area Energy, or some local oil business. I plan in working in the finance or operation department helping manage the daily duties of the company. I want to be out of my parent’s house by the end of the year and start living on my own. I really need a new truck and one goal I have over the next five years is to save money and get a new truck and get rid of the one I have now. With any luck, I will never see my truck ever again. In addition, I want to save money and invest it over the next five years so I can have an easy going financial future once I get older. (better to invest early)

    Where I see myself in 10 years? Hopefully I have accomplished my 5 year plan, but my 10 plan includes buying my own house and getting married. Also, having at least one kid by then and raising my family in a decent neighbor and good school district. I want to be in an executive position within the company I work and making good money to provide for my family. Furthermore, I hope that I can shoot a round of golf in the low 70’s and do it with a couple of friends so that I have witnesses to the event. Hopefully, in the end, my family will be happy and in good health.

    Nealson Hanner

  27. Five years from now I see myself having my BA from CSUB and  my Masters degree in counseling psychology from wherever I ended up going.  I see myself working either in one of the prisons as a counselor, or as a marriage and family therapist (I know, they are two very different options). I also plan to be married and have one child by then. Hopefully, I'll have traveled a bit more and been to Hawaii, Mexico, and Europe at least once. 
         In ten years from now, I see myself still working in the career of my choice and hopefully enjoying it. I also seeing myself having another child by then.  So, if all has gone as planned I will be happy, healthy, and wealthy! If all has gone downhill by this time, I'll probably be a raging alcoholic with a death wish..... Just kidding :)

    Ashley Cockrell

  28. I forgot to add my name to my comment to another post, so I am posting it again with my name.
    Congratulation on your baby girl! I like how you stay realistic during your description. I also think that is awesome that you are finishing up your degree in spring! I honestly do not know how you were able to pull off getting school done with a child. I can barely handle it with a part time job and being a full-time student. I applaude your determination.

    Kryston Honea

  29. In five years, I would like to be married with a one year old son who loves baseball!!! I am looking forward to starting a family and settling down with the love of my life. Family means so much to me, and to have one of my own would be a blessing. In ten years, I would like to be running the healthcare company I am currently working for. I am working to become as knowledgeable as I can in my field so I can one day grow the company. It is something that I am very passionate about and I hope to be an asset. The future is something I am looking forward too!!!!

    Ross Hoffmann

  30. I also agree with everyone that in five years, I would have received my bachelors degree! That is my current goal.

    Ross Hoffmann

  31. Where do you see myself in five years? In ten years?

    At first glance, this seems to be a fairly straight forward, easy to answer question. But it’s kinda throwing me off a bit. Honestly, I don’t look at my life in terms of 5 years or even 10 years from now. Being a cancer survivor makes me look at life one day at a time and just making it the best it can be. Corny, I know, but cancer gives you a whole different perspective on life – or maybe it’s having a bit more life experience than most of you that can adjust one’s thought processes. Whatever the case, I tend to look at my life from a perspective of milestones, especially when I think of my boys. I’ve raised two of the finest young men you could ever meet (yes, I know, every mom says that!). My oldest has already graduated from college, has a fabulous career, a beautiful wife, and the most precious little boy ever (my grandson!). My youngest is a sophomore in college and is having the time of his life. I wonder about their lives, what twists and turns they will encounter, and hope that if they find a boulder in the road, they will have the resilience and fortitude to see themselves through anything. And in the next five to ten years I look forward to being their biggest cheerleader as I watch them flourish and grow. As for me, I am back in school now (having been away for 18 years) finishing a degree I started when my youngest was born. I’m not back full time so I’m guessing I’ll graduate from CSUB around the same time my son graduates from his university. If I figure that out in years, this degree will have taken me about 25 years to achieve – as old as most of you! Who would have ever figured I had a twenty-five year plan?!

    Theresa F.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Where do you see yourself in five years? In ten years?

    In five years I will be done with my Bachelors, finishing my masters, and hope to be no longer living in Bakersfield. I am currently employed as a Database Developer and hope I will continue that same career path, but with a bigger company, bigger pay, and more growth potential. I also intend to be in more of a innovative and creative position. My current development position is geared towards reacting to problems and needs, instead of being proactive and anticipating needs and solutions.

    As for ten years, I hope to find myself married or in a monogamous relationship with a family or one on the horizon. I intend to be continuing in my present career, making significantly more than what I make now, and living comfortably. When I'm not working or with my family, I will be donating my time and efforts into a non-profit organization. Currently, I'm highly involved in Relay for Life, but in ten years, I can't say where my time and energy would be needed most. It is also my goal by this time to have taken the time to travel overseas at least twice and be planning another trip within the next year.

    It will take a lot hard work and effort to make this path a reality. I can definitely say, some days are harder than others to stay focused, so my only hope is, I can live up to this dream that I've painted for myself.

  34. In five years I better be living up in the bay area with a nice job. I should have my degree by then. Most of my friends who have already graduated are already up there. So hopefully they can help me out on the job front. I'm thinking I'll probably be up in San Francisco, but I'd be happy with anywhere up there near San Jose as well. I'd also like to be able to play some beer league hockey during the off days. It's what I usually do during the summertime when I'm not in school. In ten years I'd like to have my own place and a nice new car. As long as I'm happy and healthy with some money saved up that would be all I can ask for right now.

    -Kyle Bennett

  35. Haha good call Ashley. If it goes downhill I'll see you at the bar!

    Oh I forgot too mention I will definitely be traveling after graduate. I'm thinking a Euro trip is in order.]

    -Kyle Bennett

  36. Theresa,

    I know what you mean. My mother passed after struggling with breast cancer when I was still pretty young, and that has definitely changed my perspective on the future. I focus everyday on what I need to be doing right now and working hard so that I'm prepared for whatever may happen in the future.

    -Matthew Jeffries

  37. Laura,

    That sounds pretty nice. I too would like to live on quite a few acres of land in the future. You'll get to have a lot of space and privacy, which should be very tranquil and relaxing.

    -Matthew Jeffries

  38. Tysanne -- Good luck to you and your little girl. You sound like you have the determination to make all your dreams come true.

    Ashley – I agree with Kyle – your post was funny. I think you both will be just fine. :)

    Ross – Who doesn’t want a son who plays baseball?!

    Matthew – I’m so sorry about your mom. My faith tells me she’s always with you – she’s your biggest fan. What a story you have to tell – you’ll be playing in a black metal group and in your free time you’ll be drawing comics and crunching numbers!

    To everyone – Congrats on your upcoming degrees and best wishes to all of you with your life plans!

    Theresa F.

  39. Anna,
    That’s a lot to accomplish in 5 years but that sounds like a great plan. I have big plans as well as you do. I wish you the best in your future endeavors.
    In five years, I plan to be married to my fiancĂ©; hopefully starting a family. Also, since I am currently looking at my final quarter here for my B.A. in Criminal Justice and Psychology, I plan to have continued and further my education and that is if I can afford it with these expensive tuition fees. Also, with the education I have learned so far, I plan to have started my career working with individuals helping them better their lives in any steady job maybe starting in the kern county probation department. Overall, I plan to be healthy, active, family oriented, and have traveled at least to Hawaii before I start a family. I think it’s a reasonable goal.

    Helen Rosario

  40. Oops. I left out the ten years part. I can only say I give it my all and take one day at a time with the goals that I already have set in place.

    Helen Rosario

  41. Stephanie,
    We do have about the same goals! And I'm pretty sure we can reach them. Hopefully we do reach them an overall be happy with our achievements.
    -Christina Manriquez

  42. Kyle,
    Good luck with moving to the bay area after graduating!! I'm sure and hope your friends help you out once you graduate. And I agree, traveling to Europe is a MUST!!
    -Christina manriquez

  43. Wow, it seems like we're all ensconced in studying for our degrees. It was so amazing to read the vast array of goals and aspirations. Life is so much like we all are, different, unique, varied. I wish we could put this blog in a time capsule and read it again in 5 years, and then 10 years, to see where we all ended up. Our collective educational goals are what has brought us together for this small amount of time and space and it has been a real pleasure to read about all of your different dreams and pathways. I wish you all very well and hope the best for everyone. Congratulations on wonderful plans, and intelligent decisions to get there!

    Laura Harris
