As an online course, the writing that we do in English 305 is substantially different from a face to face course. As such, it is imperative that you understand the course style from the start. Nearly all of your work in this course will be posted on the course blog. EACH WEEK YOU WILL HAVE THREE BLOG ASSIGNMENTS:

Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the Friday (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. You have all week each week to complete the reading and writing for that week, but there are no late assignments accepted, so be sure to be disciplined about the work from the start.

Let me re-state that point; if you do the assigned work before or during the week it is due, you will receive full credit. If you do the work after the Friday of the week it is assigned, you will get zero credit for that week.

Grading Scale


Weekly Blog Entries: 10%
Writing About the Reading: 10%
Restaurant Review: 20% (DUE SEPT 24)
Tipping Point Essay Final Draft: 30% (ROUGH DRAFT DUE OCT 28) (FINAL DRAFT DUE NOV 4)
In Class Essay: 10%
Peer Revision: 10%
Participation: 10%

Friday, August 12, 2011


What is the most important job in the world?


  1. What is the most important job in the world?
    It is difficult to narrow it down to one perfect job in the world because there are so many jobs that are very important. But since I have to decide, I would say the most important job in the world would be teaching. I think teaching is very important because children are our future. I have always thought that if our society is going to survive and evolve we need people to evolve with it. Our children and grandchildren will be the ones left in society, so they need to be educated in order to keep society going. I feel that a teacher is someone valuable and lately our educator’s value has not been seen as important in society. With how society is going today our educators are being left in the dust. Their wages, hours, and demand for their skill are decreasing because the government is cutting the funds for education.
    I think that a teacher is someone that puts the children first. They want to see them succeed and do great things in the world. They give guidance, advice, and futures to the children. They give a child the chance to dream and dream big. They are a support system, a coach, and someone that is always there. A teacher is important because they make a difference in the lives of our children, our society, and the children’s future.
    I can remember going through junior high; my teachers were the best. My teachers didn’t seem like ordinary teachers. They were like parents to us. If a student was not performing to the best of their ability and the teacher knew it, the teacher would take them aside and find out what is going on in the students life. They cared! My junior high teachers would take the time out of their lunch break, before the school day started, and even after school to make sure we understood the materials if we were having trouble. They were always there for us and told us that if we ever needed anything we could go and talk to them.
    For me a teacher is someone very important and should be valued because they create futures for our children and grandchildren.
    Stephanie Nodal

  2. I think that the most important job in the world is to be a parent. It might sound corny, but I have always thought that being a parent is one the hardest jobs out there. A parent not only has to provide financially to their children and family, but they have to set good examples that will mold children into good human beings. The harder a parent works to be good to its family, the better outcome. I have always thought that the way you are begins at home and with your parents. A good parent has to be able to listen, but know when to say no, they have to be there, but not be there, they have to say I love you, but yet set regulations, they have to say "no, don't do that!", but let us do it to learn, they have to show us right from wrong, yet let us make mistakes to learn what is wrong from right, they have to provide for one to eat, sleep, dress, etc; it is a never ending list. Being a parent is a job that lasts a lifetime and its up to you to set the positive example. I can honestly say that I find myself extremely happy and lucky to say that I have good parents that have provided that and more for me!

    Ana Garcia

  3. Stephanie and Ana,
    While I do agree that teaching is a very important job, I agree more that being a parent is the most important job in the world. I probably would have come up with an entirely different answer two years ago except for I became a parent 14 months ago. As a parent, you are depended on 24 hours of the day. I am a single parent, so there is not much wiggle room when is comes to responsibilities. When I am at school, I leave her with someone who I trust 110%. There is no room for messing up because she depends on me. Like Stephanie said, "children are our future." They are and that is why being a parent is the most important. Ana said, "who you are begins at home" and that is true as well. Personally, this job is the hardest thing I have done, the hardest thing I will ever have to do, and the most important thing in my life. Also, it is the most rewarding because I know that what I teach her shapes who she is. I would like to think I am a good person, so in turn I would like to think I will teach her good things. As a single parent, you are a mother, a father, a friend, an enemy, a disciplinary, a teacher, a helper, a doctor, and much more. As well as the person who puts them to bed every night. I have the most amazing mother that has shown me a lifetime of love, and I learn from that everyday to show the same to my daughter. Needless to say, I do believe that being a parent is the most important job in the world.

    Tysanne Cullum

  4. I agree that both teaching and being a parent are two of the most important jobs.

    Ryan Barker

  5. Tysanne,
    After reading your post I have to say that I agree with you. Due to me not being a parent, I didn’t see how important that job is. As from how you have explained it, I would definitely say that a parent is the most important. Especially if you are a single parent, I can understand how it is more difficult having to be everything at once, such as a mother, father, doctor, teacher, etc. I know that it can be difficult being an aunt; I can only imagine being a parent. Good post!
    Stephanie Nodal

  6. Ana,
    I think you make a great point about “the way you are begins at home.” Being a parent is very important and I can really understand that now after reading both yours and Tysannes posts. I guess I always knew that being a parent was important, but never thought about it due to me not being a parent. My parents have done a lot for me and keep supporting me through thick and thin, and I am so grateful for them. Thank you for bringing parenting to my attention of being the most important job in the world. Good job!
    Stephanie Nodal

  7. Stephanie,


    I can really see how having a child really changes your perspective on certain issues. You just gave me the point of view from a parent, and I actually think being a parent is three times harder that what I initially thought of. Great post!

    Ana Garcia

  8. I believe the most important job is that of being a mother or a father. Children are the most important resource that we have. Their love and care is the most important endeavor we can work out in order to secure our future and theirs. It is the children that we raise that become the teachers, engineers, policy makers, service personnel, fine artists, just every occupation we might think of. Every person became and adult after being born a baby and growing up from a child. The job of the parent is to equip their children with all of the knowledge, skills, and abilities to become the adults that live in our world. Our communities, our counties, states, nations, and continents are all shaped by the adults we produce to run our societies. The big picture is tremendous when we open our eyes beyond our own families. We see generational changes, my grandparents talked about their kids and how things are so different, and our parents talk about how their kids are so different. I believe it is not only just because of technological advances, or educational development, but also greatly predicated upon the generational changes that are impacted from one to the next. A parent is also shaped by their own upbringing which in turn shapes how they raise their children. What an impact and how important is the duty to do a good job in teaching our children to become positive contributors to adult society they will be a part of. Without those who strive to teach their children well today we would eventually see the complete breakdown of our societal cultures and boundaries and chaos would ensue. As a society we have so much to be thankful for those who love and care for their children and endeavor to teach them well.

    Laura Harris

  9. When I first read the question, I immediately thought that teaching was the most important job in the world (excluding parenting since “job” usually means employment). But I started to think about all the technology we have now, and just how far we have progressed as a planet. After considering this, I tried to figure out what allowed us to progress this far and what would happen if this disappeared. So I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that energy production is the most important job out there.

    Once we had developed the steam engine, we quickly realized that our first big source of energy (wood) was not enough to power trains efficiently. We needed something more, and we found that source in coal. Coal revolutionized our transportation capabilities. Trade became easier and items could be shipped farther, faster than ever before.

    Next, we discovered the possibilities of oil, and this led to another revolution in energy. And to date, we have no discovered a better source of energy yet. Oil exists in most products. It is used to make plastics. It fuels our personal vehicles, and our tractors used for food production. Literally every sector of our economy is connected to the oil industry in some way. Everything we do now is hinged to energy. Whether it is oil, coal, natural gas, hydro, solar, or wind, all of these sources of energy are essential to the world we live in. And without people producing energy, we might as well be living how we did 200 years ago.

    -Matthew Jeffries

  10. This one is really hard since there are so many important jobs in the world, and I do agree with the others that parenting is a very important job but not being a parent myself I don’t understand it quite as fully as some. Some important jobs are things like doctors, dentists, police officers, and so one. Since I can only choose one though I am going to choose something that seems simple, but is very necessary. Trash collectors are very important in our world. We live in a world where we have so much trash, if we didn’t have garbage men what would we do with all our excess trash? With all the fast food and other packaged things and old food and other household things, we throw away so much trash each day, each week, and each month. The trash collectors dispose of this and we don’t even have to worry or think about it, but imagine if every trash collector quit their jobs tomorrow. How long would it take before our streets were flooded with garbage? How fast would disease spread? Without these necessary people we would live in a dirty world that would be filled with rodents and diseases, it might even start some sort of epidemic. Although it doesn’t seem that important, these people make our lives a lot easier and cleaner, without us even thinking about it. I believe that all of us have important jobs, and together they make the world go round.

    Lacey Patterson

  11. Stephanni
    As you said that teachers are valued because they create future of our children.Yes I am agree with you
    And Anna
    you said that be a parent is important job in this world I am also agree with. I am agree with both of you that teacher and parent are both important jobs. I respect your ideas and argument for both these jobs.both jobs are very important both shape future of a child and both shape of a Nation both are absoletely right but from my point of view teacher is more important and responsible job to shape a future of a Nation. veena kumari

  12. This topic is very interesting because many jobs could be considered the "most important job" in the world. You have the President of the United States which many people believe is the most important job in the world. You could also argue police officers and firefighters are equally as important. I agree with Lacey's post and believe that trash cleanup, collectors or whatever their official title is, have the most important job in the world. This may seem like an exaggeration but what would we do if trash stopped being collected every week? We are always throwing things away and never think about this because it is such a convenience. Would we have to drive to the dump ourselves when our trash cans started overflowing with trash? What about the workers that bury that trash or dispose of it for us, would we have to do that as well? We would have to learn to be more cautious in the things we decide to throw away. We could learn to recycle more which in turn would lead to less trash overall. Once the trash starts collecting in the streets and in fields would we have realize how important trash collectors are to the world. It is jobs like this that may not seem important but once these services are gone we realize just how important they are to the world. So next time you are throwing something away just think about the people who dispose of the trash for us.

    Agustin Garcia

  13. Parents and techers are both are very important to create a future of a child, parents are first teacher of a child in house when he is not familiar with world.But from my point of view teacher is more important person in a child's life and in a person's life.If a teacher fulfills responsibilty , he is the creater of a child's personality.When a child is in school , he spends more time in school and with teacher, teacher is his ideal and guide for future. A teacher shapes personality of a student. Most of the time students follows personality of their teacher.They learn activities from teacher, they observe their teacher.Achild's mind is like a plain {totally clear} board, teacher is the first person, who writes on that board and creates personality of a child.In Indian history if we will have a look on history of Rani Lakshmi Bai{queen of Jhansi state of old India}Her teacher Tantia Tope made her so brave girl, even tha in that era when girls were suppose to be inside.He made her brave, he tought her fighting with swords, riding on horses and fighting like kings,and one day beacuse of her teacher, She was so brave and fighter that she did fighting with British in war even she was carrying her baby with her at that time, she was died but her name is in golden words in history, she was daughter of servant of king and because , she took guidance from a good teacher, she was queen and part of history.This is not only in history of India that teachers played a great role. In history of all countries if we will have look, we will see that teachersplayed a great role to shape personalityof a child.Teacher impact a lot on child's mind.They tought manners, how to behave in society, good and bad and creates good personality of a child/student. These students are presidents and prime ministers of countries.So I can say that parents feed their children , taught them as they gave them birth and they are their responsibilty but teachers does this to create a future of a nation so in my words and in my eyes teachers are great and their job is more important than parents veena kumari

  14. What is the most important job in the world?
    This question may be answered in many different ways depending on the individual’s beliefs. There are so many jobs that need to be done in order for one to survive. Therefore, all professions, teaching, nursing, lawyers, doctors, presidents, and many more are crucial and important to the society itself. However, in my perspective, the most important job in the world is to be a good daughter, sister, wife, mother (when I have children), co-worker, employee, and a good individual overall. I believe that being a good individual should be one’s priory and most important job in the world, because being a good individual will lead one to live happy and rewarding life. When one is a good individual and a happy person, then life is rewarding. Therefore, then one is able to acknowledge and to enjoy one’s careers, family, friends, and accomplishments.
    Even thought being a good individual is not an actual job in the sense that no income is provided, being a good individual should be everyone’s priory. A job may give one a source of income and provide us with recourses we need to survive. However, if we have all of those resources that are provided by jobs, and we are not happy individuals, then what good do jobs give us if one will not be a bad person.
    Dacia Zamora

  15. Stephanie Nodal,
    I agree with you that it is difficult to narrow down what is the most important job in the world, and that teaching is very important because children are the future. Moreover, I also agree with you that teaching is done by professionals that love their careers, because children important to them.

    Ana Garcia,
    I also agree with you, being a parent is challenging and demanding job. It is also very important because children mirror the parents, and parents have to set good examples for them. Parents also have to show their children good morals and beliefs.

    Tysanne Cullum
    I don’t have children, but you are right. Being a parent is a challenging and a rewarding job. I admire my mom so much because she scarifies and has scarified so much for me. She has shaped who I am now, and I would not like to be any different. She did a great job raising me, and even till this day, continues to shape who I am, because I learn from her every day that goes by.

    Dacia Zamora

  16. Jobs are not just to provide food and shelter for our families, but jobs also make the world go round. Everyone has a part in a business, like a chain reaction. If a link broke in the chain, the chain would not longer be as strong. This goes the same for jobs. They establish levels in a business that makes everything run more smoothly. If I had to pick a job that help establish quality workmanship, it would be the job of a mother. We carry ourselves the way our mothers stressed upon us for years. If it wasn’t for our mothers, we would be raised to hold a job.

    Kryston Honea

  17. Dacia-

    I totally agree that being a good individual is the most important job. When people display great acts of character, it is like a chain reaction to the person that encountered such demonstration of good character. It seems like it makes the world run a little smoother.

    Kryston Honea

  18. I think that the most important job in the world is a job that you love and enjoy. We are so blessed to be given this life that I think it is very important for us to make the most of our time here and find a job that fulfills us. Whether it be parenting, teaching, or helping others, as long as it is something you enjoy that is what matters .I also think that the most important job is one that teaches us to be great- for ourselves and for others.

    Ross Hoffmann

  19. Tysanne-
    I also agree tht parenting is a very challening but rewarding job. It is a job that is hard to tell whether we are doing a great job or not. I also think that the hardest part about parenting would have to be watching your kids fail or to see them get hurt. As a parent, it is hard to watch them learn life's difficult lessons!

    Ross Hoffmann

  20. There are some really great ideas on this post, the one about energy and the job of finding it and providing it was unique. Teachers are important too, along with all the other ideas. Of course it's harder to think about parenting as a job, especially if you've not had a child. But, boy is it a real job! Probably one of the hardest jobs too. You work for 18 or more years putting all you can into a child, and then they leave, or don't turn out the way you'd hoped. One can't grow up to be a good teacher or to be able to find energy or work in the service industry or do anything at all, without parents to bring you into this world. Even if you didn't know your parents, or you lose one or both of them early in life, you still need one of each gender to become a person. The job of a parent is not one that anyone is ever paid to do, but it is gainful employment to the nth degree. There are many jobs in this world, and some I know I will never do again, but the most important job I can ever imagine, is still the job of being a parent. Without parents there would be no people. The better the parents the better the people, and sadly even that sometimes is no guarantee. But it sure helps! :)

    Laura Harris

  21. The most important job anyone could ever have is being a parent. When you are a parent you fulfill every other job there is out there at some point in time. You are going to have to be a doctor, counselor, teacher, investor, every job you can think of. The most unfortunate thing about this parenting job, is that there is no rule book or training. Yes, people can guide you along the way but not every child is the same. It's a learning process and you're going to have to make mistakes in order to become better. It also the hardest job in the world. To take care of another life and be held accountable for them is a major duty to fulfill. I respect all parents for the dedication and hard work they put into the daily and constant job they do.

    Lindsey McGuire

  22. Matthew Jeffries,

    You make a really valid point. Technology is very important, I mean where would we be without it. It's pretty cool to get a different answer and really think about it. Great post!!!

    Ana Garcia

  23. I like many of the post on this blog and agree with most of them. If I have to pick one job that is the most important in the world I would say it is the job you as an individual is doing at that particular point in your life. It’s hard to say that one job is more important than another, so I would say it depends on the individual situation. Since every job is important in our economy or the global economy, there is really not one job more important. Now, I know that there are many jobs that have huge implications and have huge consequences, but that comes with that particular job. Some jobs have more duties then others, but they all work to drive our country forward. It’s kind of like being on sports team. Every person has a particular job they have to do and some have more tasks then others, but they all work together to win. If one individual is not doing their job, then the team will not win. So, teachers, parents, The president, garbage men, firefighters, police officers, plumbers, public officials, doctors, military, farmers, and scientist all have important jobs, but one is no more important than the other, they all work together for the greater good. I believe there is no one job that is the most important in the world, there is just a lot of jobs that are important to the world.

    Nealson Hanner

  24. The most important job in the world is your job. Whatever job you have should be the most important job in the world. If you believe that the most important job, you will do a much better job at whatever you are doing. If everyone felt as their job was the most important job it, the world would be a better place!

    Ryan Barker

  25. Ross,
    You mentioned that the most important job for someone should be one that you love and enjoy. That is a good point to make because there are so many opportunities out there, but sadly some professions are only for certain people. It’s important for each individual to find the right job for themselves. Although some people choose certain professions for monetary reasons, I think that if that working environment doesn’t make the individual a happy person, then at the end of the day what good is it to make a lot of money.

    I agree with you that it’s really hard to say that one job is more important than another because after all, all jobs in this economy are important and contribute to our society in their own way.

    Brenda Castro

  26. As I read the blog entry assignment for this week, the first thing that came to my mind was that the most important job in the world was being the president of the United States. However, just out of curiosity, I decided to ask my mom what she thought was the most important job in the world and she immediately said “being a good mother, and doing everything possible to make your children good and successful individuals.” I believe she said this because of her life experience of being a single mother and raising three daughters all on her own. Whether there is a male figure or not just imagine how difficult it can be raising three daughters alone. In our home she was our mother and our father. She was the sole provider who worried about money to pay for the rent, and bills, still managing to have enough to buy us nice clothes and shoes. She was our advisor, protector, and provider. When we talk about some of the ways in which she would discipline us as teenagers, she cries and tells us how hard it was for to have done some of the things that she did. She said that she did it with hopes that we would thank her for it one day. Well, I can gladly say that I do thank her all the time. I believe that my mom has done a great job raising me considering that out of all my friends from high school (there were about 15 girls in our group that were always together at school) I was the only one who attended college. I went straight out of high school to CSUB, and in just one more year I will be 21 years old and have my bachelor’s degree in nursing. I know that part of my success has to do with me wanting to have a career so that if one day I too would become a single mother it would not be difficult for me to care for my children (when I have them), but I believe that my mom had the greatest impact on me. She shaped me into who I am now, and I can’t thank her enough for everything that she has done for me and my two sisters. Since the day that my dad left our home, she sacrificed having a love life and many other things to solely dedicate herself to providing for us, and make sure that we reached our full potential. Because I am my mother’s daughter and I lived through this experience with her, I witnessed how tiresome and hard it is to be a single parent, and I can definitely say that being a single parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world.

    Brenda Castro

  27. Matthew Jeffries

    I think I have to agree with you that energy production was and is a important job. If we don’t have energy, then we could not get anything done. Like you said, almost everything produced in the world has some kind of oil in it. Energy production is a interesting way to answer this question.

    Nealson Hanner

  28. What is the most important job in the world?

    Ana Garcia,
    I completely agree with you the most important job in the world is being a parent. For me would be my mom because I grew up in a single parent house hold and I know if I didn’t have her I wouldn’t be half the woman I am today. Also, yes it is definitely a tough job. It’s very difficult emotionally, financially, and more.

    It’s really difficult to say. Because what comes to mind is being a mom. To be a mom and a parent takes all the patience in the world, caring for another human being especially your own baby that you developed inside your own belly, and the most love you can give it. It’s that and more. I can only image this as well because I am not a mom but I have seen what the rest of my family has gone through and is going through just for being a mom. It’s sad for those children that do not even have a mom because they do not get the bare essentials that every child needs when growing up. I believe a mom and/parent shapes their child with value, morals, and all around so not to have that would be detrimental to their future. I can only say it would be hard to go through this world without that. Sadly, children have to grow up like that.

    Helen Rosario

  29. What is the most important job in the world?

    I would have to say the most important job in the world is being a parent. It’s transparent that I would pick this given my writings from the weekly blogs. As I break them down, the following is what I come up with. My greatest movie of all time isn’t so much the movie as it is the memory of my son as a toddler watching this particular movie over and over and over again. The most beautiful place in the world to me is anywhere my family is. Where would I travel – to Rome with my family. Wishing upon a star? Children, as they close their eyes and make a wish, would make any parent’s heart melt. In 5 or 10 years I see myself – you guessed it, watching my boys transform into two of the most amazing young men. My blogs on values being taught in school and children playing (or learning) are both based on my thoughts about raising children, teaching them values, and preparing them to face the world as they venture out to find their place in it. Even my feelings on evil in the world have to do with the choices kids make and teaching them there are consequences to every action, both good and bad.

    Being a parent is a 24/7, never ending job. It’s being a coach, a mentor, a teacher, a counselor, a protector, a listener, a provider, a guide, a supporter, sometimes the enemy, and always a friend. It’s being there for them on every level – emotionally, physically, and spiritually – whenever and wherever they need you. It is, by far, the best job ever!

    Theresa F.

  30. Like many classmates, I agree that whatever job an individual has and is fulfilling to them is the most important job. One job is no more important than the other even if one makes more or has a higher position. I believe everyone's job is important ti maintain the world in order. Like someone mentioned earlier with the trash example, everyone's job is important and needed and I don't think one is more important than the other. Doctors, teachers, mechanics, veterinarians and the list can go on forever!! Every job is needed for our world can continue, and if everyone fulfills there job then they have the best job.
    -Christina Manriquez

  31. Nealson,
    Really good post! I agree that many jobs have different duties and roles, but that doesn't make one more important than the other. That is something that I kind of mentioned in my post as well. Although some jobs have higher status and pay doesn't mean they more important.
    -Christina Manriquez

  32. Ryan,
    I agree with your post. Any job is important as long as that person is fulfilling their job and happy with it. The world would be a better place if everyone loved their job. But like you said, I don't think one job is more important than the other.
    -Christina manriquez

  33. Brenda – Great post! It’s definitely hard coming from a single family home. It’s good that you recognize the hard work and dedication your mom brought to your family and how it’s shaped who you are. Your determination to be successful should be commended.

    Nealson – Another great post. I agree that everyone’s job is connected and “they all work together for the greater good.”

    Stephanie – Great post on teachers – there are some who make such lasting impressions on us!

    Theresa F.

  34. Ana and Nelson,

    Thanks for the responses!

    I'm a bit surprised that no one has mentioned politicians and world leaders yet. Those are some pretty important jobs too with vasts amounts of power. Their actions can lead to huge world events, such as wars, or peace treaties, alliances with other countries, etc.

    -Matthew Jeffries

  35. After reading everyone’s post, I too agree that parents have the most important jobs. It is hard work, but the word “job” to me, implies something we have to have, in order to pay bills. So for this blog entry I will say what I think is the most important job for today. I think that astronauts have the most important job. When we use up all of our natural resources we are going to need to rely on something outside our resources. Now, this may be something that is needed in our grandchildren generation , but needs to be discovered in this generations lifetime. It takes time to research and implement new technologies and advancements. So any field that is researching our grandchildren futures is the most important job to me and my children.

  36. I think that teachers have the most important job because they teach all the necessary skills to do anything. Engineers tend to not just learn everything on their own and have to go to school to learn their trade. This same logic can be applied to anything. Most of the important jobs in the world require a teacher of some sort to have new employees to be trained. Without teachers the world would be a lot slower and our knowledge would not advance as rapidly as it does.

    Daniel Betancourt

    What is the most important job in the world?

    While both teaching and parenting are a critical parts of our lives, the most important job in the world is to just be happy, as long as that happiness doesn't come at the expense of others. If a teacher were unhappy in their position, it's unknown what the affects of that situation could be. It's not enough to be a teacher, a teacher has to want to teach and be happy to do it. The same thing can be said for a parent. Imagine an unhappy parent, or a parent who doesn't actually want a child, the affects of such a situation are unpredictable. In both situations, whoever is being taught or parented is likely to be unhappy themselves. Happiness is the key to a brighter future for everyone. It should be the most important job in the world to strive everyday for happiness.

  38. Ross, you could not have word it better. I agree with you on this one, and i was trying to communicate the same message.

    Dacia Zamora

  39. Honestly it is impossible, in my opinion, to pick the most important job because many jobs are dependent upon one another. I do however agree that being a parent is one of the most important jobs in the world. I myself have not experienced this tough job yet, however I have friends and family whom I commend for all that they do as parents. Parents have an enormous impact on the lives of their children. The way their children turn out to be as adults is for the most part completely dependent upon how they bring them up, and which morales they choose to exemplify and teach them as they learn and grow. Being a parent is a very scary thought to me because it's 24/7 and you can't just quit, or decide that it just isn't the right job for you. Once you're a parent, you take on a position for life.  So I suppose if I had to chose one job, I would agree with many of you and say that parenting is the most important. 

    Ashley Cockrell

  40. In my opinion the most important job in the world is being a good parent to your children. I have four children and I must brag each one has their own special qualities and special gifts. I have a twenty-eight year old son who is a Bakersfield Firefighter, a twenty-five year old who is in law school in Sacramento, a seventeen-year-old who is a senior at West, and my baby who is fourteen and a freshman at West. Each of my children are good kids and do not do drugs or any other stupid things which could ruin their futures. I think parenting has a lot to do with this, along with the grace of God.
    Jim Adams
