As an online course, the writing that we do in English 305 is substantially different from a face to face course. As such, it is imperative that you understand the course style from the start. Nearly all of your work in this course will be posted on the course blog. EACH WEEK YOU WILL HAVE THREE BLOG ASSIGNMENTS:

Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the Friday (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. You have all week each week to complete the reading and writing for that week, but there are no late assignments accepted, so be sure to be disciplined about the work from the start.

Let me re-state that point; if you do the assigned work before or during the week it is due, you will receive full credit. If you do the work after the Friday of the week it is assigned, you will get zero credit for that week.

Grading Scale


Weekly Blog Entries: 10%
Writing About the Reading: 10%
Restaurant Review: 20% (DUE SEPT 24)
Tipping Point Essay Final Draft: 30% (ROUGH DRAFT DUE OCT 28) (FINAL DRAFT DUE NOV 4)
In Class Essay: 10%
Peer Revision: 10%
Participation: 10%

Friday, August 12, 2011


What is the meaning of this article? What are the implications of the author’s work?


  1. The meaning of this article shows the hard work and dedication that goes into being a college football player. That man eats more than 3 times what any man should, he forces it down and then goes to work out. His body is condition that way and he fights to stay at 245 lbs. The meaning of that shows that football is not just a game you play or practice throughout the week, it is a lifestyle. By having an average man go in and try and eat what Selvie eats, one can see that there is no just jumping into something like that. A person must condition and build up to that kind of lifestyle. I believe the author is implying that hard work is not just something you do once and its over and you get the reward, it is something that needs to be kept up and struggle with. It is like someone trying to lose weight. They go to the gym and eat right for a few days and feel awesome and then they start to stray but when they see nothing has changed they want to give up. In order to see the results, you must condition the body and work at where you want to be. Selvie does the same thing, just backwards.

    Tysanne Cullum

  2. What is the meaning of this article? What are the implications of the author’s work?
    This article is a story of a lifestyle that a young man must obtain to stay in the game of football. The eating and training for football has become a lifestyle for him, not just conditioning. He eats and works-out year round, he builds himself to be better and bigger than the previous year. This story also shows what dedication and conditioning can do to an individual. Some people feel that in order to be good at something and in order to accomplish something you have to go to which ever length to be successful. Selvie did just that! He was determined to be better than the year before and be a part of history in the making. When a goal is in mind to be someone and you are determined to make it happen; if you’re diligent, it will! Selvie was a young man of will power and hard work; he ate the way he did for his teammates as well to be a part of history. What I believe the author is trying to imply is that hard work towards a goal is a constant struggle; yet you can accomplish it if you are determined. This reminds me of how many people try to eat healthy. They start eating healthy for a few days in a row, but once you slip it is hard to get back on track with healthy eating. There are always struggles that interfere, but if you are focused, determined, and are ready to make the change a lifestyle; then you can accomplish your goal.
    Stephanie Nodal

  3. I am a bit unsure what the meaning of this article is exactly, because I can see two very different interpretations of this story. The first meaning I see has already been touched on, and that is about hard work. Here we see a university student working his hardest to be the best football player that he can be. He already is quite talented naturally, but continues to push to be better. He’s underweight for his position, so he eats enough food for three average people, but even then, due to his strenuous work outs, he still is unable to keep on the weight. He goes so far above and beyond the average individual, both physically and mentally, it’s almost unbelievable. There is a real lesson here in hard work and dedication.

    But, the other interpretation of the article that I see is of a less positive light. Again, we still see a man that is working incredibly hard and pushing himself to be a great football player for his university. But, what he has to do to be such a great footballer player takes a real toll on his body. That toll might not even be worth it. He’s pushing himself the way the pro footballer players do, but he is not bringing home a multimillion dollar pay check either. He eats a huge amount of food to bulk himself up (muscle or fat, that extra weight is hard on your heart and your skeleton) so that he can tackle people. It makes me think we put way too much emphasis on sports, especially at the university level.

    -Matthew Jeffries

  4. Matthew,
    You actually make a really great point. I guess I didn’t take the time to really let the article set in to see both side such as you did. Sports have become so competitive, so demanding of an individual to better than ever. It’s not like it used to be, the sports world, many sports were played for fun, to pass time, and even just to do some type of activity. Nowadays, the fun in sports has been completely stripped and competiveness has been put in its place. We as a society should take this into consideration and really look at how we perceive sports. Really good job Matthew, I’m glad you pointed that side of the story out.
    Stephanie Nodal

  5. The meaning that Wright Thompson depicts in his article is that it takes dedication to achieve your goals. Selvie did not want to consume that much food every single day; however, it’s like he said in the article, he does it for his team. When you are on a team, you are responsible for everyone’s desire to win, along with your own. Thompson is implying the importance of “taking it for the team” aspect. Selvie not only packs in calories every chance he got to improve his stats, but also to make tackles to bring his team to victory. Thompson demonstrates that hard work is dedication. You cannot just eat a lot one day to increase your size, it comes from repetition, practice, and desire.

    Kryston Honea

  6. The meaning of this article is to display the perserverance of George Selvie during his quest to become the University of South Florida's greatest linemen. While he is already a great asset to his team, he strives to be better for himself and for his team mates. George pushes himself beyond the limits of his own body to make sure he gets the appropriate caloric intake so he can perform to his maximum potential on game day. George is a great example of hard work and dedication. Although he is naturally talented, he continues to strive to be the best. I think the author wanted to present the idea that in order to achieve success, you must put in the work. It requires exceeding your comfort level, and pushing yourself past the pain.

    Ross Hoffmann

  7. Matthew,
    You make a great point. I played baseball my entire life and was finally given the opportunity of a lifetime when I was drafted in college. In the blink of an eye, my dream was over when I broke my hand. None of the training that I had received could have prepared me for that.

    Ross Hoffmann

  8. The meaning of this article can be interpreted in a variety of ways. I took it to be about the struggle and hard work it takes to be a star athlete in today’s world. The man in this article was forcing himself to overeat in order to gain weight, so he could better perform on the field. He put his body through the pain of consuming way too many calories per day. I kind of thought of this in a negative way, people shouldn’t have to force feed themselves to be better at anything. It was kind of gruesome to think about and know that this really happens and people really encourage it. After all, it can’t be healthy for a persons body to endure so much high calorie food, the foods he eats are exactly what doctors warn you about. Once he gets older the consequences of all this will eventually catch up on him and may even shorten his life, all for the game. I think that people put way too much into the value of sports and lose sight of things that should be more important, such as a persons health.

    Lacey Patterson

  9. What is the meaning of this article? What are the implications of the authors work?

    I have to say, I’m not sure what the meaning of this article is. The way it is written, the author seems to have written an entertainment piece, rather than commentary that shows concern for this college athlete’s health. It’s interesting that the author’s first line is, “I’m not sure if this is a comedy or a tragedy” in reference to “choking down cupcakes” at 4:30 in the morning. For me, it’s a bit of a tragedy that South Florida would believe it’s okay to put a player through this regimen because they are “building their own” All American team. What about the long term health effects they are exposing him to? Selvie’s daily focus is centered around food and school traditions rather than academics, his health, his future. It’s as if he’s been led to believe his future IS food and school traditions (with all the Selvie quotes in the story). As a parent, my first thoughts were of his mother and grandparents – I don’t understand that they are okay with this as the article seems to suggest. The overeating they are condoning is just far too extreme.

    I understand this commentary is “one day in the life of an athlete”, but it’s written as if his days are so consumed by a calorie count there isn’t time to do much else (especially if he feels nausea most of the day from overeating). I would want my son’s college experience to be one where he is exposed to all that he can be – I wouldn’t want him to believe he has one road to travel and he should travel it at all costs.

    Theresa F.

  10. The author showed us two sides of Selvie’s condition. The first side is Selvie himself, trying to do what is best for the team, which is to be his best in order to get the sacks. The author also shows us the darker side of Selvie’s objective by eating along with him and showing us what is also happening. There are several agendas here, and it’s been pointed out what a great commitment Selvie has and how the coaches are helping by giving him extra calories. Selvie is a good guy, he has a good heart, and he wants to do what’s best for his team. Eating as much as he can of a high fat high sugar diet in order to pack on the pounds is his agenda to success for himself, his team, and to win the game. His objective is to get all the sacks he can. The coach’s objective is to win games. Their route to those wins through Selvie is to get him as heavy as they can so he can play the game as the largest player who can knock the other players out of the way and get the sacks. Selvie’s mother understands the objectives of everyone and just loves her son. She plays a supporting role, but the author doesn’t present her as having any objective except to support Selvie’s bid for success. The author shows us the darker side by letting us see the immediate effects on a regular person of such a diet. He expresses the physical disgust and discomfort he feels from such a diet. He begins with feeling like he is going to “soil his pants” to eventually “holding back the vomit” in a later eating fury. Did this happen to Selvie at first until he became used to eating so much each day? What questions can this prompt us, the readers, to ask? First, how about, how is this diet affecting Selvie both in the long term and in the short term? What is happening to his internal organs with such an aggressively high fat and high sugar diet? How is his metabolism responding? How does this affect his pancreas, liver, and heart? Is it okay for him to eat like this with no regard and no consequences? The reader is left with an understanding of Selvie’s motivation and the way football needs to be played, but there is also dissonance relating to the form of diet he is utilizing to get there. Is this diet a special exception that Selvie can only glean good rewards from? The author shows us the opposing side of the lifestyle and prompts us to ask these questions. The unknown answer would be the key to unlock the mystery of just what will become of Selvie and this diet in order to get the sacks.

    Laura Harris

  11. This article shows the hard work and determination that goes into be a NCAA football player in today's world. Selvie has to pack on the pounds in order to get to his ideal playing weight of 245 in order to compete at an even higher level than he is at now. The article mentions that he was the first consensus All-American in his schools history which is a major accomplishment. In order to keep playing at this level he must maintain his weight because he did lose a lot of wight as the season went on and was not effective the last three games of the season. The way he eats is enough for three people. The writer was not even able to keep up with him when he went plate for plate with Selvie. This shows that anyone can just jump into this sport and expect to be able to pack on the weight and compete at a high level. Determination is what drives Selvie and other players to become the best at their positions.

    Agustin Garcia

  12. I believe the meaning of this article is to make us understand that to reach one goals one needs motivation, sacrifice, and commitment. Without either one it is quite difficult to achieve your dreams. I mean look at this guy he is eating the triple calories that he is suppose to intake to be the best he could be; he does not want to let his teammates or himself down. The actions of this young man goes to show us that anything is possible as long as we have the appropriate mind set and we set ourselves to do it.
    I think the author is trying to imply that reaching your goals takes motivation, sacrifice and commitment. He tries to follow the lifestyle of this individual and he fast realizes that it is difficult and discipline this kid has is immense. He goes out to show that being determine can get you a lot in life!

    Ana Garcia

  13. Matthew Jeffries,

    You make a really valid point. We all focused on the positive of the article, but we fail to recognize the sacrifice this kid is making can be very damaging. Great Outlook!

    Ana Garcia

  14. It's interesting that the article showed us all mostly the same thing. We see the dedication of Selvie, and his hard work for his team, but we also see the unhealthy side too. It appears many of us saw that Selvie is trying really hard to support his team by a huge commitment, pretty much 24/7, to put on the pounds, perform in practice, and get the sacks at game time. I like how many of our classmates saw Selvie as showing us that being determined can bring you success in life. This is a positive take to glean from the article as well. I also thought it was very good that some were able to hone in on the question of health for Selvie too. It seems to me that this is also an important part of the article, and that we could see the author showing us the other side of the high fat high calorie "coin" as well.

    Laura Harris

  15. The meaning of this article is to show what it takes to be an All-American at a prominent football university. This article shows the determination, loyalty, and pride many college athletes have. This gives people that insight of what it takes to play football in college. Individuals put their body through hell for a chance to win and be on top of the competition. The crazy thing is that even when he is stuffing his face with about 7,000 calories, he still can’t keep the weight on. One thing I got out of the article was that when he was slowing down at dinner time, he thought of his teammates and kept on eating. This shows that football is a team game and most players will do anything to help their team win. He was not just eating for his self, but for his team. The implication of the authors work is it gives a greater insight into the life of college football players. It is not just going to practice for the week and playing your opponent on Saturday, but rather a three to four year dedication toward a greater goal of becoming one of the greatest college football players in the nation. This article shows that you just can’t go out and play football and except to win, you have to put your body through some dangerous situations. One of the biggest implications of this article is football is not just a game anymore. There is so much pressure on these young athletes to win, that many don’t have a choice. Either you build your body up or you can be replaced.

    Nealson Hanner

  16. I agree with Anna, good points.

    Ryan Barker

  17. The meaning of this article is to show what it it takes to be a football player at a Division 1 level. I don't think many people know what it is like to play sports for college, especially at a Division 1 level. It is like a full time job. It seems like Selvie's full time job was to eat as much as he could while going to meetings, practices, games, and not to mention class. The author showed what dedication Selvie had to not only himself. It seems that what he is doing to his body is unhealthy and good eventually lead to health problems. Overall, the author did a good job of showing what it it's like to live a day in the life of a collegiate football player through meals.

    Ryan Barker

  18. Matthew,
    As I read, I also interpreted the meaning of this article like you mentioned as one of a “less positive light”. As I read, I kept thinking, wow, this guy is slowly killing himself by the eating habits he has been geared and accustomed to. I’ve heard (from my psych professor) that the lifestyles that linemen in football engage in concerning their eating habits to maintain their desired or “ideal” weight is the reason why many of them die at fairly young ages compared to the rest of the population. I think that the author wrote this article in an attempt to inform us about the struggle and length to which these individuals go in order to be good at the game. The reason why I thought this rather than what most of the others have written was because the author said he had “a reputation for gluttony”, but even then, he was not able to keep up with Selvie and all of the food that he was consuming in just one day. I agree with you that he is pushing himself to the limits. Whether eating such large amounts is part of being a dedicated team member that wants to be good and better at what he does, the amount of eating and food choices that he is making are hard on the body and will eventually catch up to him. Hopefully, this risk he is taking with his health pays off and he becomes a professional player.

    Brenda Castro

  19. Ryan,
    You mentioned that being in a sport for college is like having a full time job. I definetly agree with you. Selvie's time revolved around doing things that would make him a better player.

    Brenda Castro

  20. Wright Thompson depicts in his article that is takes dedication to acheive goals.This article tells us about team work that when you are on team , you are responsible for team.Selvie did not want to take that much of food every single day but he does because of his team. The term "Takes it for the team" tells us importance of team. Overall the author did a good job. veena kumari

  21. Hai Kryston
    I am agree with you that this article is about deication and team work. I amm agree with you and you explaned this article vert well. veena kumari

  22. What is the meaning of this article? What are the implications of the author’s work?

    Tysanne Cullum,
    I agree with you. This definitely demonstrates dedication to his goal of 245lbs. To do what ever it takes to get to his goal. What Selvie did is a true team player. The writer mentioned if he couldn’t eat anymore he just thought of his team and why he was doing it.

    I was amazed to hear this. I really didn’t think that some football players had immense pressure to be at a desired weight. I always new that sports like boxing, mixed martial arts, and wrestling put pressure on players but not foot ball players. After reading this article it gave me much more perspective of some of the things that football players have to go through. For one I noticed it takes dedication. He conditions for the season way before the season and has to always stay on point to watch what he eats all the time. I can say that only person I personal witnessed this immense pressure daily would be my uncle and my brother. My uncle had to do it because he competed in ultimate fighting as a mixed martial arts fighter and my brother did it throughout all their years in school. It is amazing what they do and scary at the same time because I could only imagine what this does to their health. With all the greasy food their heart can not take this well. I know that Selvie had a nutritionist in this case but its so much food that he is in taking that it can’t be good at all. I only wish the best to these guys. The writer was basically trying to portray what some football players have to go through year around to meet their goals in football.

    Helen Rosario

  23. Ryan,
    I guess it is a lot different playing sports in college than in high school. I played sports in high school and after reading this I am amazed at how much dedication a player needs to have at a college level, especially at a division 1 level. I think you touched on a good point, but I think it is too much; then again if the player is really ready to be in the game they will do whatever it takes. Good post!
    Stephanie Nodal

  24. Matthew – Laura – Lacey

    It’s great to see how each of you gave both sides of the story. Here is a young man, at a great university, who is dedicated and determined to succeed. Then there is the negative aspect about how it could endanger his health and his future. Great posts from each of you!

    Theresa F.

  25. I too found it hard to determine the exact meaning of this article. However, what I took from it was the principle of hardworking and discipline. Selvie was an extremely disciplined man who was willing to do any and everything that he could to be the best that he could be at his position. It is obvious that he has a lot of passion for his sport because he is literally willing to put his health in jeopardy in order to eat all of the fattening things that he must eat in order to get to the weight that he needs to be at.  I never knew that football players ate like this before reading this article. I knew they ate a lot, but I was unaware that they ate such unhealthy things. Selvie is truly giving all he can for the benefit of his team. He has a good heart, with very good intentions.  His team is lucky to have such a devoted player. 

    Ashley Cockrell

  26. Thanks to everyone for the replies!

    Like Ross said, this guy could break an arm or a leg and his football career could be over. I think college sports leave us in a weird predicament. Many people work very hard when it comes to sports so they can get college scholarships to really cover their education costs. But, spending so much time dedicated to sports can really detract from your studies. In the blink on an eye, all that hard work could be over.

    -Matthew Jeffires

  27. The meaning of this article is, a young man dedicating himself to a sport that gives him the opportunity and chance at a fulfilled life. He conditioned himself to be able to pack on pounds and sustain the appropriate weight, that is required for optimal performance. This is not an average meal plan that anyone can do, it takes time and adjustments to fulfill such a calorie intake.

  28. I think that this article is an entertainment piece. It gets into the lifestyle of a college football player. It shows how much hard work it takes to be a start in college sports. Eating so much food is not an easy task. The author takes this challenge of eating as much as the football player. Even for the so-called glutton, this was not an easy task. It was funny to hear about how the mom was so involved with the son's eating. The story gives insight into a world that few people know about. It also gives it in a funny light that is enjoyable to read.
    Daniel Betancourt

  29. I agree with most of you. This article is about hard work and dedication, but I also agree with Mathew. What Selvie is doing to his body is not health.

    Dacia Zamora

  30. What is the meaning of this article? What are the implications of the author’s work?

    As most of you have already explained, I also believe that this article is about a college football player that works extremely hard to accomplish becoming a professional football player. This article has several meanings. The first meaning is that some individuals need to try harder than others to achieve their dreams; some individuals are naturally granted the talent, while others have to work hard for it. The second meaning is that some individuals work extremely hard to accomplish their dreams. Those individuals are focused and dedicated. The last meaning of this article is that wanting something really bad blinds individuals, because they only think about what they are trying to accomplish and nothing else. In this case, Selvie was eating three times more than the average Joe in order to gain weight and to look like a football player. However, he was blinded by his desire of becoming bulkier that he was not thinking about his health; eating so much has several consequences that Selvie did not think about because he was blinded by the desire of accomplishing his dream. Moreover, I believe that the author of this work was trying to imply that if you want to accomplish something in life, to think about the consequences and what might benefit you.

    Dacia Zamora

  31. The meaning of this article is kind of hard to narrow down, but I think it is simply to show the lifestyle of a college football player. The author did a really good job writing in detail the dedication and efforts the football player has to do each day in order to be a better player. While writing this article, the author did realize how much dedication and effort is needed daily to be able to play in these
    Intense games. I think the authors intentions were tto show how an athlete, such as this one, thinks as an athlete all day long an everything that comes along with it. And while doing the article, the author realizes it's actually a lot of dedication and effort to maintain the lifestyle of a college football player.
    -Christina manriquez

  32. Daniel,
    Really good post.. I agree that the author wrote this article for entertainment and along the way figured out how much dedication is put into his lifestyle. I'm glad you pointed out how is mother is so involved with her sons lifestyle and how she supports him along the way.
    -Christina manriquez

  33. What is the meaning of this article? What are the implications of the author’s work?

    I think the meaning of this article is to show what some athletes must go through to achieve their goals and how dedicated they have to be to continue to push forward every day. Before reading this, I had no idea that there was such a demand for football players to maintain a certain weight. It's incredibly interesting to hear how hard Selvie has to work every day just to maintain a certain level. I like how the author attempts to 'walk a day in the life' of Selvie by eating his way through it with him. It's a great way to show that not everyone can eat like this, even those who think it's easy. I think ultimately the author is trying to bring to light two points, one: not all football players weigh a lot because they don't work hard enough, and two: every sport requires dedication.

  34. Ryan,
    I agree with you'r post, the author wrote this to show the football players life style. I also agree with your point on how the author did a really good job on describing the daily lifestyle of a football player.
    -Christina manriquez

  35. I never understood the dedication of a football player until this past football season when my fourteen-year-old played for West. He had many of the characteristics of the player shown in the article. The football player is a dedicated team player who will do whatever it takes to become the athlete the person wants to become. My son goes to school everyday at 0630 in order to attend zero period and workout in the schools gym or run at least two miles. He eats a lot of protien filled food as well. He, like the player in the article, hopes to play football for a college team and possibly play professional.My son's goal for now is to play for the United States Naval Academy when he graduates from high school.
    The author's purpose in writing this article is to allow the common reader some understanding of an athletes state of mind when playing football. The athlete is extremely dedicated and want to be the best. This attitude extends to his everday life and not only while he is playing football.

  36. Posted by Jim Adams

  37. Ryan,
    After seeing the dedication of my child playing for West this past season, I definitely agree with your comments.
    Jim Adams
