As an online course, the writing that we do in English 305 is substantially different from a face to face course. As such, it is imperative that you understand the course style from the start. Nearly all of your work in this course will be posted on the course blog. EACH WEEK YOU WILL HAVE THREE BLOG ASSIGNMENTS:

Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the Friday (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. You have all week each week to complete the reading and writing for that week, but there are no late assignments accepted, so be sure to be disciplined about the work from the start.

Let me re-state that point; if you do the assigned work before or during the week it is due, you will receive full credit. If you do the work after the Friday of the week it is assigned, you will get zero credit for that week.

Grading Scale


Weekly Blog Entries: 10%
Writing About the Reading: 10%
Restaurant Review: 20% (DUE SEPT 24)
Tipping Point Essay Final Draft: 30% (ROUGH DRAFT DUE OCT 28) (FINAL DRAFT DUE NOV 4)
In Class Essay: 10%
Peer Revision: 10%
Participation: 10%

Friday, August 12, 2011


What is the greatest movie of all time and why?


  1. If you have trouble posting, choose COMMENT AS below, and selecti anonymous. If you do this, be sure to sign your comment like I'll do right now.

    Dr. Schmoll

  2. It is difficult to choose just one film to obtain the title of “the greatest movie of all time”; however, Pulp Fiction, directed by Quentin Tarantino and co-written with Roger Avary, gives the title a run for its money. The 1994 American crime film is not only known for its rich dialogue and ironic mix of humor with violence, but also for its nonlinear storyline and allusive references to pop culture. Along with many other films by Tarantino, Pulp Fiction is not presented in chronological order. It joins the intersecting storylines of Los Angeles mobsters, small-time criminals, players, and a mysterious briefcase in such a creative manner that doesn't allow for the audience to get lost. A large quantity of screen time is dedicated to conversations and dialect that help depict the character’s sense of humor and point of view on life. Many individuals agree that this dialect and constant exchange of humorous one-liners is why Pulp Fiction is one of the greatest films of all time. Needless to say, Tarantino also did an amazing job with the casting in the film. John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson both have such charismatic personalities that worked off each other to create such an amazing film. Pulp Fiction received seven nominations for the Oscars, including Best Picture. Tarantino and Avary also won Best Original Screenplay, if that is not enough to put Pulp Fiction at the top of the list, I don’t know what is.

    Kryston Honea

  3. To me the greatest movie of all time is Disney’s The Lion King. Some may find this weird and think that out of all the movies ever made, why a children’s movie. The reason is because most of life’s lessons are learned as children and most of our values and ideas of how life works, have been adopted from the television and movies we watched as children. Most of us have seen this movie and It was through the Lion King that we learned about friendship, loyalty, sacrifice, betrayal, family ties, what is right and wrong, and how to cope with the many stones that life throws at us. By watching a movie like this we learned how life works and what to expect. It showed us that there are problems in life and at times it isn’t easy, we aren‘t always happy and it shows ways to deal with our problems. For example, Simba learns the value of friendship as well as how to cope with a loss, when he is betrayed by his very own uncle. He finds himself all alone in the world and becomes friends with two very unlikely creatures, Timon and Pumba. They teach him how to be a strong person and persevere through life’s challenges no matter how big or small. This is just one example of the lessons this movie teaches, but throughout the whole movie there is a lesson to be learned, it covers the many different walks of life. This movie is an American classic and has been shown in family homes for years, it is a moral foundation to life. It may sound silly, but there is much to be learned from a movie such as The Lion King. It is still one of my favorite movies today, because as I watch it now I realize how strong the message actually is.

    Lacey Patterson

  4. Pulp Fiction and Lion King...what a great start!

    dr. s

  5. It would be impossible for me to just pick one movie because there are several movies that I love. However, one movie that sticks out is Forrest Gump. The reason I chose this movie was because it gives us an excellent illustration of what society was like during the 1960’s. I am not the kind of person who enjoys reading history books or watching the history channel, but this movie teaches you about history on a more personal level, making it easier to connect with that time period. Another feature that makes this movie so amazing is the different stages of life that the character, Forrest, goes through. It shows you every part of his life. To me, this is the best way to explain what shaped the character to become who they are in the film. Forrest Gump is also a well-rounded movie. It is a comedy, drama and romance film and was made for everyone to enjoy it.

    Lindsey McGuire

  6. I would definitely have to agree that choosing just one movie proves to be quite difficult! I would probably have to choose the movie Crash. This oscar-winning film combines several families and individuals, of different ages and races, in present Los Angeles. The film develops a series of stories for each family and portrays the racism that is unfortunately present in today's world. As each story continues, a web of inner-connecting events take place. The reason why I loved the film was because although many of the characters were racist in certain ways, their knowledge about society's web of interaction became clearer to them. Their characters grew to become tolerant of other people and that stereotypes cause harm. There is a lot about this film I could keep discussing but that was probably the best thing I loved about it. The biggest theme of the movie in my opinion, was that everyone has good in them and that racism never benefits anyone. It doesn't matter the color of your skin or ethnic background. Humans are humans. It is such a great movie!

    Quinn Holsonbake

  7. I think picking a Disney movie was an awesome idea. If I had to pick a Disney movie I would pick Tangled because I thought that movie was so unique from the original story.

    Lindsey McGuire

  8. Quinn

    I would definately have to agree that Crash is an amazing movie, it brings to light things that people don't pay much attention to in today's world. It shows that racism is still very prominent and even if you don't have to deal with it on a daily basis it still exists. There are so many movies out there, but this one teaches a very valuable lesson and makes you more aware of issues that some believe no longer exist. Great choice.

    Lacey Patterson

  9. Lacey,

    Thanks! I also loved the movie Lion King! When I was reading your post, I agreed that it teaches a lot of valuable lessons, especially when I was a child. Death was a shocking part of the story for me when I first saw the movie, but it taught me that it can happen when least expected. I liked how Timon and Pumba taught him how to move on past the difficulties he faced as a cub. It is definitely one of my favorite Disney movies. My favorite part is when Simba realizes who he is and what he must fight for. Thanks for sharing.

    Quinn Holsonbake

  10. I definitely agree with all of you in that it is difficult to give one movie the title of the best movie of all time. I have seen many great movies and one of my favorites is Freedom Writers. This is an awesome drama movie that gives a very positive message to all the viewers. It is based on a true story of a dedicated teacher who wants to help disadvantaged students in a high school by rearing them in a positive direction. It mainly takes place in the classroom and emphasizes on the diaries in which the students write about the violence and trauma they are experiencing or have experienced in their lives. The message that this movie gives off is that everyone deserves the chance at life and making good choices. No matter what hardships you have had to face, everyone has the chance to become who they want to become. I have probably seen this movie about three times and not once did it fail in making me get a little teary eyed. I loved it.

    Brenda Castro

  11. In my humble opinion, and I know a lot of you will disagree, one of the greatest movies of all time is "Smokey and The Bandit". This is one of the funniest, if not thee funniest movie ever made. The premise is quite simple, a rich Texan pays Bandit to bring 400 cases of Coors beer from Texas to Georgia, which at the time was bootlegging. The movie takes off from there with numerous funny chases and encounters between the main characters. Along with being extremely funny and full of action, the movie shows a more romantic side of Burt Reynolds in the developing relationship between Reynolds' character of Bandit and Sally Field's character of Frog. The comedy shown during the movie, along with the action and romance make "Smokey and The Bandit" one of the greatest films ever made. It's also a classic.

    James (Jim) Adams

  12. Without a doubt, the greatest movie of all time would have to be The Count of Monte Cristo. The story line has everything you would ever need in a movie: true love, betrayal, adventure, and a "twist." The main characters, Edmond Dantes and Fernand are brought together by fate but torn apart by greed. Their long standing friendship is put to the test when Edmond is deceived by his best friend Fernand. The inner struggle of Edmond Dantes's character between good versus evil is what truly makes this movie the greatest film of all time.

    Ross Hoffmann

  13. Lindsey,
    I also love the movie Forrest Gump.The best thing about living in Monterey and working at Bubba Gump's Shrimp Company is that the movie plays constantly! I could probably recite every line in the movie... I guess I am lucky that Forrest Gump is one of my favorite movies, or else I would have gone insane having to watch it every day.

    Ross Hoffmann

  14. Ross,

    The Count of Monte Cristo is a great movie! I agree with you; it has everything a good movie has. It has always been one of my favorites.

    Quinn Holsonbake

  15. The Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston, Yul Brenner, Anne Baxter, and Edward G. Robinson is the greatest epic movie of all time because the film was ahead of it's time in special effects, color, costumes, and set. The movie was made in 1956 and attempts to convey the message in the Bible of Moses and the story of Exodus. That is, the captivity of the Hebrew people in Egypt and their deliverance out of the hands of the Pharoah via God's chosen deliverer: Moses. The epic story was directed by Cecil B. DeMille and the largest set in film history was built out in the Guadelupe Dunes near Pismo Beach, Ca. The site of the set has been excavated at various times. The story is filled with exciting costumes, realistic sets, and spans over 120 years of Moses lifetime. If you like Disney movies (and I do too,) you may be familiar with the movie "The Prince of Egypt." This is the story of Moses "Disney" style. The Ten Commandments will take you into a whole new world of epic cinematography which is amazing as the movie is 55 years old!

    Laura Harris

  16. It was good to be able to consider the benefits of watching Pulp Fiction as a piece of artistic cinema, rather than as senseless profanity, murder and mayhem. Quentin Tarantino is such an artist that appeals to many in pop culture of today for his parallels and ironic representation of society. Lion King, Forest Gump, Smokey and the Bandit, and The Count of Monte Cristo are also good candidates for the greatest movie of all time. Movies with a message and the manner in which the message(s) are conveyed are appealing and can serve up many benefits to those who enjoy them, and especially for the movie industry when a work is successful. I agree with your posts and especially enjoyed what each of you pointed out. I also believe that the awards a movie garners are not also indicative of it's greatness, but rather a response of a small panel of judges. I have watched many movies that did not gain any rewards and many actors that have never been nominated but still produced great movies and great acting.

    Laura Harris

  17. There are so many good movies that I could pick, but if I had to narrow it down to one, I would say that my favorite movie of all time is Schindler's List. In an era where it seems most movies fall into being either a high budget, special effects filled action flick, or a clichéd romantic comedy, Schindler's List really exhibits a more artistic and natural approach to film making. This Steven Spielberg film was produced on a modest ten million dollar budget, yet it seems like no portion of the film was denied the absolute best talent. The main acting trio of Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley, and Ralph Fiennes as Oskar Schindler, Itzhak Stern, and Amon Goeth respectively all deliver amazing and realistic performances, with many more minor characters also being excellently cast. John Williams’ score is top notch, and shows what I would consider his most diverse film score, including traditional Jewish and German folk songs and classical pieces alongside of his original instrumentals. But I think it was really Spielberg’s directing that pushed this film into greatness. Most of the movie was filmed in black and white, and while I think most people might not enjoy watching a movie these days in this medium, it really works here. Whether to simulate how films were shot during World War II, or to be less distracting and allow people focus in on the story and dialogue, this black and white medium really adds to the atmosphere of bleakness and despair and despair that covers many scenes in the movie. But not every scene is soul crushingly depressing. There is an emotional depth that I think few movies get to, where it weaves in and out of humor and sadness, calmness and calamity. Filmed on location in Poland, with dialogue of German and Yiddish sprinkled in, it really feels as though you are not watching a movie, but the real lives of these people during World War II.

    Matthew Jeffries

  18. I think the Lion King is also a really great movie. Recently, I've begun studying animation in the hopes of making my own cartoons, and the Lion King is one of the most beautifully traditionally animated films I can think of. And other than a few of the Pixar films, it's one of Disney's best.

    Matt Jeffries

  19. Like everyone, it is extremely hard to just pick one movie, but since i have to i would have to say that "The Blind Side" is the greatest movie. "The Blind Side" is based on a true story about NFL player Michael Oher's life and how he got where he is today. This movie shows so many different sides of the world. It shows how there is extreme poverty and extreme riches in the world, but they can come together and make something great. It proves that no matter what battles you are going through in life you can overcome anything and be whoever you want to be, all you need is a little help. This movie goes to show that without a wealthy persons help, this young black boy would have been another statistic, just like the friend that was killed in the movie. The Touys invested time, money, patience, love, and kindness to ensure Oher had a better life. They knew he deserved something better and they gave him a second chance at life. If every rich family in the world gave there time and kindness to a person in need this world would be such a better place.
    -Haley Garmon

  20. To Lacey Patterson (I am not sure if this is how we respond to someone else's post) I totally agree with your statement on how a lot of life lessons are learned through Disney films. It was actually difficult for me not to pick a Disney movie, but I would not be able to pick just one of them. I will always be a fan of Disney though.

    kryston honea

  21. The greatest movie of all time in my opinion has to be Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The film was directed by James Cameron and starred Arnold Schwarzenegger. Not many sequels can come close to being as good as the original but Terminator 2 is much better than the original in almost every aspect. It is apart of only a handful of movies where the sequel is considered better than its original. I remember watching this movie when it first came out and being in awe from the story and the action scenes. I remember begging my parents to take me to the theater to watch the movie again. The characters in the story were very memorable like the Terminator or the villain the T-1000 which was a liquid metal machine and could also assume another persons looks. This is the movie that made me intrigued with science fiction movies and novels. The plot may seem old but the way it is executed makes it feel new. I was on the edge of my seat for the whole movie hoping that the characters could avoid the bleak future that awaited them if they failed. It may be just another action movie to others but I consider it to be one of the greatest movies of all time.

    Agustin Garcia

  22. I believe the greatest movie of all time is Titanic. The sinking of the Titanic is part of our history that will never be forgotten and may be watched by many generations to come. Titanic portrays the fictional story of two young adults, Rose and Jack, who have different economical status, but still develop unconditional love for one another regardless of what others may think of it. It shows how Rose and Jack were living in the moment and were not thinking about the consequences of their actions. They were following their hearts and continued their love for each other even though their relationship was not accepted by those around them. Their love story is an example of how it is hard to stay away from whom we love and who makes us happy. This eventually becomes a sad movie that makes me cry each time I watch it because it has scenes when the ship is sinking that are unforgettable. For example, the old couple who were embracing in bed with all the chaos around them and they just held on to each other as the ship sinks. I could just imagine that some might have actually done that because they knew or thought they couldn’t make it out alive. I also think it’s a great movie because it shows the disarray in which people were faced with in what were their last minutes or hours above water and it hits you that the tragedy was real. What also makes Titanic so great is that the shots of the real sunken Titanic are mostly real. It’s amazing that director James Cameron went through great lengths to get as close to the real story as he possibly could. It is an overall great movie in my opinion.

    -Elizabeth Sanchez

  23. Brenda,

    I agree that Freedom Writers is a great movie. It's amazing how she was so dedicated to her job and to her students to the point that her personal life was being affected. I also got teary eyed when I watched this movie the first few times because I put myself in some of the students' positions and her position that were quite difficult at times. I like how she never gave up on finding ways to make sure everyone understood her lessons. I appreciate the teachers/professors who go the extra mile to help you further your education.

    -Elizabeth Sanchez

  24. Lacey,

    The Lion King is such a classic and is a great Walt Disney movie, but the part where Mufasa died was hard for me to handle and I used to always look away on that part. I used to say I didn't like that movie when I was younger, but I only didn't like it because his dad died and it was too sad for me. Once i grew up and understood the lesson behind it I was able to accept it. Now I would agree that it is one of the greatest movies!

    -Elizabeth Sanchez

  25. ok, it's guys are great. These types of blog entries and responses are exactly what I was hoping to see here...

  26. woops, that last post was from me.

    dr. schmoll

  27. Elizabeth,
    I also love the movie titanic. I think it is a great movie. I must admit though that I don’t think I have watched enough movies in my day. Many of the titles that some people have mentioned, I have never even heard of. It makes me so sad. Anyway, I think titanic is a great movie that it incorporates love, some humor and tragedy. The part of the movie that I though was really sad was in the end after the ship has sank and people in the water are crying for help, and yet the lifeboats that looked like they would still fit more individuals, continued to draw away. Good choice, this is a movie I would also choose as one of the best movies.

    Brenda Castro

  28. There are hundreds of great movies that I could pick, but one that stands outs for me is The Shawshank Redemption. This movie is a wonderful presentation of someone never giving up and always believing in their dreams. Written and directed by Frank Darabont and based on the book “Rita Hayworth and Shanshank Redemption” written by Stephen King. The movie follows Andy Dufresne played by Tim Robbins and Red played by Morgan Freeman. Andy was convicted of murdering his wife and her lover and was sentence to life in prison in Shawshank. While there Andy meets Red and they end up becoming great friends. Andy claims his innocents through the entire movie and in the end escapes through a tunnel in which he dug for almost 20 years. This movie has everything you want: friendship, hope, greed, corruption, humor, and even a trip to Mexico. The Shawshank Redemption shows how one individual’s hope and integrity can help you moving along in life even when the individual is in prison. One of the biggest messages I get from this movie is never give up in your dreams. Always have hope that something is going to happen. One of the best quotes from the movie is this “Andy crawled to freedom through 500 yards of shit-smelling foulness I can’t even imagine. Or maybe I just don’t want to. 500 yards. That’s the length of five football fields, just shy of half a mile.” Andy never gave up on hope and in the end he was free. I believe this movie is one of the greatest movies created and I suggest you go see it if you have not already.

    Nealson Hanner

  29. Just like everyone else, it is hard to just pick one single movie as my ultimate favorite but since “Freedom writers” and “Crash” have already been talked about, which are some of my favorites also, I would have to say another one of my favorites’ is “Remember the Titians”. This film is based on a true story, where racism plays a major role. In this film it is the high schools first time ever playing as a racially integrated team and for the first time where the head coach is an African American. In the beginning of the film much of the players did not like each other let alone have much respect for one another; however the coach did something very amazing and not only won many games, but got the players to get along and actually care for one another as brothers. Although a lot of the parents and community was not too happy about the new change of blacks and whites getting along, the team still became very close and stood up for one another. This is really good drama movie and I never get tired of it!
    -Christina Manriquez

  30. Like I said in my original post “crash” and “freedom writers” are some of my favorite films. I love the drama and racial issues in both films. But I really like how in both films it tries to demonstrate different points of views for different races. They are both great films and can be an eye-opener for many people.
    -christina manrqiuez

  31. The greatest movie of all time is The Shawshank Redemptiont, directed by Frank Darabont. It was nominated for seven Academy Awards in 1994, but was beat out by Forrest Gump. The two lead character Red, Morgan Freeman, and Andy Dufresne, Tim Robbins, do an amazing job in depicting what life in prison is like. It really shows how being institutionalized can affect a man's life. This movie is a feel good movie and the moral of the story is never give up and never lose hope. Throughout the movie as an audience you can really connect with Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins. "Get busy dyin', or get busy livin'" is the best line in the movie said by Morgan Freeman. It is a great story with depth about hope and commitment. A must see movie.

    Ryan Barker

  32. I agree with a lot of people. The two movies that I agree with are Pulp Fiction and Crash. Two really good movies. Good stuff people.

    Ryan Barker

  33. I, just like almost all of the rest of you, feel that it is extremely hard to choose just one movie to call the best movie of all time. However, it is even harder for me considering the fact that I really haven't seen too many movies in my 20 years of living. A lot of the movies that have been mentioned so far sound amazing, but for the most part I haven’t seen them. So out of my small library of movies I am able to chose from, I would say that I feel that The Blind Side was one of the greatest movies ever made. It was an extremely touching movie about a young black male who is on his own until a loving family takes him under their wing and shows him the truest love you could ever show a person. This movie was based on the true story of Michael Oher, who is a football player for the Baltimore Ravens NFL team. The family honestly treats him as one of their own, despite the color difference. Because of this family, he improves his grades, and gets offered multiple scholarships to play football in college. He ends up choosing Ole Miss because that's where all of his newly found family attended in the past. I think the fact that it was a true story, made this movie one to remember.

    Ashley Cockrell

  34. The greatest movie of all time, for my money, is Caddyshack. I've been watching this movie since I was seven and I still love it. To me, that's how I judge a great movie. How many times can you watch it over and over. This movie has never let me down. It's a tale as old as time. Rich country club snobs who cannot deal with some of the newer members. Caddies running wild. A rogue gopher terrorizing the golf course. Chevy Chase, Bill Murray, and Rodney Dangerfield are firing on all cylinders in this one. Even the supporting actors are hilarious. Ted Knight is incredible as Judge Smails. What other movie has had this collection of comedy talent? It's got physical comdey, it's got wit, it's got profanity, and even some slight nudity. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and watch it. The best part about Caddyshack, aside from it being the funniest movie of all time, is that you can quote almost any line from this movie. And when someone gets that quote you are both instantly best friends. Also, like many other great films, Caddyshack has a topnotch soundtrack. Easily Kenny Loggins best work (better than Top Gun even).
    Honorable Mentions: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Back to the Future, DieHard

    Kyle Bennett

  35. Pulp Fiction is right up there with Caddyshack in terms of great cinema. So is Shawshank Redemption and Forrest Gump. Great actors, great soundtrack, great writing. I'd watch any of those movies if they were on TV right now. Jim great call on Smokey and the Bandit!

    Kyle Bennett

  36. Lacey
    I think Lion King is probably the greatest movie of all time, and if you wouldnt have already chosen it i would have! it shows every emotion possible and it really shows so many of life's lessons, which i think most disney movies show.
    -Haley Garmon

  37. I must agree that Pulp Fiction was a great movie. However, I must admit the first time my wife and I watched it we were both a little disturbed. After watching it a second time, however, I began to realize the art of Quentin Tarintino masterpiece.
    Jim Adams

  38. To pick one "greatest movie of all time" seems a disservice to so many other fantastic movies out there; however, if I'm to pick only one, I choose the romantic tragedy "Boy's Don't Cry." This movie follows the real life story of Brandon Teena, a transgender man played by Oscar winner Hilary Swank. When Brandon is found out to be biologically female, he is raped and murdered by his male acquaintances. What makes this movie great is its underlying themes of freedom, hope, fear, and the courage to be yourself. Every day for Brandon is in a constant struggle; He is on a journey to find himself, searching for love and acceptance from a society that doesn't understand what it means to have a sexual identity crisis. He dreams of a place where he can be free, just to be himself. This film has received positive critical acclaim and some critics have even declared it to be one of the best films of 1999. If you haven't seen this movie, I highly recommend it. If the subject matter makes you uncomfortable, the movie is doing its job. What was depicted in this movie was a terrible tragedy and should never have to be repeated.

    - Heather Irvin

  39. I agree with you, Lindsay. You bring up a great point. Sometimes, movies take us to explore different eras in society. When reading history books or watching the history channel is not for us, movies sometimes becomes a way for us to become interested in the topic.

    Dacia Zamora

  40. I truly have too many favorite movies but the one that comes to mind at this moment is the movie "Walk the line." I just think this is one movie that shows the raw truth of how love doesn't have to be perfect it just love. Walk the Line is a 2005 American biographical drama film based on the early life and career of country music artist Johnny Cash. The film stars Joaquin Phoenix, Reese Witherspoon, and many others.
    The film focuses on Cash's younger life, his romance with June Carter, and his ascent to the country music scene, with material taken from his autobiographies. Overall, their performance was great and I loved it.

    Helen Rosario

  41. Heather,

    The movie you mentioned sounds really good I can't wait to see it.


  42. What is the greatest movie of all time and why?

    It is difficult to choose the greatest movie of all time without classification of genre. Each genre such as action, adventure, comedy, crime, fantasy, romance, and so on must have one great movie out of the many within its classification. In the romance genre, I believe that the titanic is the greatest movie of all time, in that category of course. The titanic takes us to an important time in history. Technology was advancing, and discrimination amongst social status is definitely apparent in this movie. The titanic is not the traditional romance movie where the two main protagonists’ fall in love and end up living happily ever after. This movie goes above and beyond. Jack ends up dying and in doing so he helps save his true love’s life. I am the type that likes movies that are not traditional and this movie is definitely is not a traditional romance movie. It is it’s spontaneous that makes me believe that this is the greatest movie in the romance genre.

    Dacia Zamora

  43. I think that "Ocean's 11" is one of the greatest movie ever. It is a character driven story that has a lot of humor and tells an exciting story in a unique way.

    One of the reasons I think that "Ocean's 11" is a great movie is because the way all of the characters are developed. Each character is given a short introduction into what their lives are like. It helps develop interest in each individual and allows a lot of people to connect to the characters. The director, Steven Soderbergh, did a good job developing each one into a character you can love. The characters are a huge reason why the story is so exciting.

    The story was written very well and is full of action and humor. There is also an aspect of suspense while they are planning the robbery. The conflict between Danny Ocean and Terry Benedict is drives the story with them both chasing the same woman.

    The story telling is very cool because it shows all the different people and what their jobs are, on top of showing different parts of the robbery that are happening all at the same time.

    I have seen the movie over a hundred times and it never gets old. That is why it is one of the greatest movies to me.

    Daniel Betancourt

  44. It is very hard to pick one movie as the "greatest movie of all time", especially reading all the choices many of you have made. Lion King, c'mon you just cannot say no to that, and Crash, an emotional tear jerker that opened my eyes in many ways, is awesome. Trying to decide for myself about this is kind of hard, but at the moment the movie that comes to mind is The Shawshank Redemption. I find this movie to be extremely inspirational. I mean, it is a story of person who was in prison, but the morale behind the story and the portrayal of this falsely accused man, to me, is just great. I cannot imagine being in a situation where I cannot prove my innocence and have to deal with the consequences of another person. The majority of us look at prisoners as bad people and think hell of them at times, but we never really sit down to think a little outside the box and perhaps put ourselves in their shoes. Another reason this movie sticks out to me is the serenity Tim Robbins portrays as Andy Dufresne; I feel like this guy is tortured in this film and he's able to keep himself sane with an ending no one expects. I cannot forget about the stellar performance of Morgan Freeman, that man is just amazing at what he does. The story told in this film is an unfortunate one, but the ending makes me want to keep hope and faith alive within myself. This is a great movie and if any of you have not seen it, I deeply recommend it!

    Ana Garcia

  45. I would have to say the greatest movie of all time in my opinion would be Man on Fire and I could even say Taken. For me Man on Fire was a great movie due to the fact that a man gave up his life to save the little girls life. He showed courage, compassion and heartbreak for the mother who had lost her daughter due to her own husbands selfishness. He sacraficed himself for the reward of knowing if he did, the mother and daughter would be reunited. As for Taken, I found this to be a great movie because a father shows his love for his daughter by doing everything in his power to get her back from the people that kidnapped her. Both of these movies are in my opinion amazing. You see how much compassion, love, and how much one will sacrifice for someone else to make sure they are safe once again.

    -Stephanie Nodal

  46. I do have to agree with the others that said Lion King is one of the greatest movies. It by far has instilled life lessons and has showed us as individuals what we believe to be important; from freindships, family, struggles in life, etc. As children we watched this movie for the characters, but as we grow we can see that there is a larger story behind the characters. The Lion King is a great movie that children can learn some wonderful life lessons from.

    -Stephanie Nodal

  47. I do believe that most of the movie previously noted are awesome movies. Greatest movie of all time for me would have to be Fight Club. Some people would say it is just a classic and an awesome Brad Pitt/Edward Norton movie. And until last Spring quarter I would have said the same. Spring quarter I took a Philosophy class with Dr. Paleologou and after looking at Fight Club in a philosophical sense and discovering the different layers of the mind it made me see that not only was it a movie that made you think with an intense twist at the end, Fight Club had a lot of learning points in it. The mind has always been fascinating to me so the different ways the mind can slip and slide into different areas is interesting.

    My favorite quote from Fight Club: "Quit trying to control everything and just let go." -Tyler Durden

    Tysanne Cullum

  48. The greatest movie of all time.... after reading the blog entries here, I realize I have a lot of movies to watch! I agree that The Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, Ocean's Eleven, and The Lion King are all great movies. if I had to pick one from that list, The Lion King would come out on top. As a mom, I guess I tend to gravitate towards movies with life lessons as Lacey so eloquently stated. For me, the movie that first came to mind was Miracle on 34th Street. About 15 years ago, I was fortunate enough to watch this movie everyday for about a year and a half, sometimes twice a day! My son developed a mini obsession for this movie -- I even had to purchase a second movie because the tape broke on our first copy. As a little toddler, he would finish the lines of Susan, Kris Kringle, and other characters. And now, years later, we watch this movie every Christmas and finish the lines - they are forever embedded in our memories!

    Theresa F.

  49. I agree with many students that there are many great movies.I also like many moovies. I saw Indian movies and many American moovies also which all are great moovies but The moovie which is near my heart is "kITES" the Indian moovie Directd by Anurag Basu and Produced by Rakesh Roshanin 2010. This is really good moovie showing that love does not have any language. In this moovie A indian guy from India in Los vagus does fake marriege with girls to give them green card by taking money because this guy is citizen in America. this poor guy earns money like this and works as a dance tutor. one day he marriege one a girl from maxic by taking money to give her green card and forgot to give her divorce and forgot about each others but luck brings them infront of each other again.beacuse this is going to marry a rich Indian girl and the girl from maxico wgo earlier married with him for green card is gonig to marry with brther with risch Indian girl. tHIS guy and girl from maxico are marrying with rish brother and sister beacuse of money. but someting happened andagain this dancer guy and girl from maxico ran fell in love and ran away togher even without knowing each other's language and fanally got married according toritual in Maxico. and This girl had to dye to save life of her husband beacused bad men of rich boy killed her. and at the end guy{husband} killed all bad men and rich man and jumped in river where his wife died.This is really heart touching moovie that even without knowing each other lanhuage they fell in love and died for each other.That means love does not accept boundaries of countries,languages and interests .Ilove many moovies but this moovie is near my heart

  50. i wrote about moovie"Kites" veena kumari

  51. Well that is like asking me what is my favorite outfit! I love too many to count and a different one for every occasion. For this blog though I will choose my favorite comedy Old School. I can watch that movie over and over again and not get sick of it. It is my favorite comedy because there is never a dull moment in that movie. Every scene in that movie is hilarious. I always like movies where the under dog wins and the guy gets the girl.

  52. James-
    I have never watched Smokey and the Bandits, but I will definitely see if I can rent it on demand. I'm sure Burt is great in it and not bad looking in his younger days as well.
