As an online course, the writing that we do in English 305 is substantially different from a face to face course. As such, it is imperative that you understand the course style from the start. Nearly all of your work in this course will be posted on the course blog. EACH WEEK YOU WILL HAVE THREE BLOG ASSIGNMENTS:

Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the Friday (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. You have all week each week to complete the reading and writing for that week, but there are no late assignments accepted, so be sure to be disciplined about the work from the start.

Let me re-state that point; if you do the assigned work before or during the week it is due, you will receive full credit. If you do the work after the Friday of the week it is assigned, you will get zero credit for that week.

Grading Scale


Weekly Blog Entries: 10%
Writing About the Reading: 10%
Restaurant Review: 20% (DUE SEPT 24)
Tipping Point Essay Final Draft: 30% (ROUGH DRAFT DUE OCT 28) (FINAL DRAFT DUE NOV 4)
In Class Essay: 10%
Peer Revision: 10%
Participation: 10%

Friday, August 12, 2011


Can values be taught in school? Should values be taught in school?


  1. There are some values that can be taught in school, and some that should be taught at home. Basic values like: sharing, not to lie, not to steal, respect, caring, and treating others how you would like to be treated should be taught in school because some children may not learn them anywhere else. These are just basic things that most people feel are important and everyone should know. You have to teach children these things or you would have children running around with no direction.

    Some values that shouldn’t be taught in school: Religion, family values, and tradition. These are values that are up to the parent to teach and educate their children about. Most parents would get upset if the school system tried to teach their children religion, especially if it wasn’t the religion they practiced. Of course children will pick up on the stereotypes of how life should be, but they shouldn’t be taught in school about how a family should work and what the roles of each person in a family are, because each family has a different way of doing things.

    Of course, values can be taught at school, but should they. I think that values should be taught at school, but to a certain extent that doesn’t get in the way of the families own values. Some children that don’t have parental support will learn lifes lessons at school and it can affect the rest of their lives, so there needs to be some sort of value system within the school system.

    Lacey Patterson

  2. I believe values can and should be taught in schools. I don’t think that all values (beliefs) should be discussed in school, but values like sharing, politeness, etc, should be showcased. I feel the values that a lot of Disney Films display through their storyline, should be taught. Values, such as sharing, help keep the classroom in order, It helps everyone if these values are continually taught throughout the child‘s education.

    -kryston honea

  3. Lacey-
    I absolutely agree with you, but you said it better than I could. Values like sharing and not to lie or steal is exactly what I am talking about when I think of values that should be demonstrated in the classroom. Sometimes I feel that even Junior High/ High School need a reminder of these values.

    Kryston Honea

  4. I believe that certain values can be taught and should be taught at school. There are, however, values that are just inappropriate to be taught in an education environment. Many of us do the mistake of not teaching young ones values, such as, religious values, moral values, self values, within other values, at home and think that those can just be taught at school; in fact, these are to be taught by parents and people that live withing your circle. School can only teach up to a certain extent and we all have to understand that faculty can only do some much. I have always been taught that education begins in the home and that has yet to fail me. Like I said before, there are values that are taught at school, but overall I believe that most values are taught in the home and just strengthen and grow at school. The majority of us are taught to share, care, be respectful, responsible, and prompt in the home, but these values become more apparent when one enters school. For these reasons I believe that values are ultimately taught in the home and grow stronger in education environments!

    Ana Garcia

  5. Lacey,

    I really agree with you, but after reading your post I thought a little more of what values meant to me. I do think you have a very valid point though. Good post!

    Ana Garcia

  6. Yes, I believe that values can and should be taught in schools for two reasons. Many children are raised by families who are failing to teach them a solid and positive value system. They do a poor job in teaching them what is right from wrong allowing them to grow up with no sense of respect towards others and maybe even themselves. Giving them the opportunity to learn positive values such as being caring, fair, honest, responsible, obedient, respectful ect. in a different setting can give these children the opportunity to grow into good people and possibly rear them in the direction to make good choices with their lives. As for children that are brought up in well-structured homes and are taught values by their parents, the reiteration of them in school will help reinforce those values that are being taught at home.

    Brenda Castro

  7. POINT NUMBER ONE: Are values only things like honesty and discipline, or could they also include things like having good manners?
    Also, what happens in societies that lose those simple civilities?

    POINT NUMBER TWO: I think you people are from outer space. I have never had students write so well or so much, so thoughtfully on every post. Honestly, it's just fabulous to see this sort of written work. Thanks you, dr. s

  8. Dr. S-
    Yes, good manners are considered good values to attain. They are also taught in school, and I don’t see how someone could ever be opposed to them being enforced in the classroom. Since kindergarten kids are taught to say things like please and thank you and they are also taught to use proper language (no cursing). Although for some children those good manners are only evident inside the classroom, I still think it’s very important to incorporate this teaching to them.

    Brenda Castro

  9. Can values be taught in school? Should values be taught in school?
    I think that values are learned both at home as well as in a school setting; although not all values should be taught within a school environment due to conflict with families. Many children are brought up in their homes being taught values such as tradition, honesty, and religion (just to name a few) because they have the mentors to do so; for some children they are not so lucky. I believe that values can and should be taught in a classroom environment because some children would be lost without the basic values of life.
    At school there are many people there to guide the children and make sure they walk away with knowledge and skills that will help them in their future. Basic values are crucial for children to get along with others as well as manage to make it through life. I would say some values that are and should be taught in school are ones such as, honesty, sharing, treating others as you would like to be treated, etc. These are the type of values that all individuals should possess, because without them the world would be somewhat chaotic.
    As for values that are better off being taught at home; religion, family values and family traditions. Every family has values, and most values will have a general base across the board, but some families feel strongly about one more than some. These types of values can be controversial making it difficult to teach in a school environment. That is why I feel it is important to teach values in a school setting as well as in the home. Some children have the resources while others do not. Everyone should have a base of values whether you learn it in school or at home.
    Stephanie Nodal

  10. Kryston,
    I agree with your post. The values such as politeness, and sharing should be taught in class. I found it interesting that you brought up Disney films and the values they instill from their storyline. I guess I never thought how they showcased values throughout the story. The next time I watch a Disney movie with my niece, I’m going to have to pay attention and relay the message that is being taught to my niece. Good job on the post, and for making an interesting point.
    Stephanie Nodal

  11. Lacey,
    I think you have made a really good point as to what is appropriate to teach in a school setting and what is better to be taught at home. It is hard to navigate in a way that allows you to teach children a great value system when one they don’t have the mentors at home to reinforce the values, and two some children are taught the same values but it may be different for their family. But I would have to agree that I think values should and definitely can be taught in schools.
    Great post!
    Stephanie Nodal

  12. Important values should be taught in school that include respect, honesty, courteousness, care for your fellow human, equality, responsibility, and the list will continue in a broad scope of human rights and standards. However, these values should be reinforcements of what is being taught to the children in their homes. But this is not often the case. Sometimes teaching these values in school are the first or only place children are able to learn it. These values should be incorporated into the structure of the classroom setting and the scope of the curriculum. When my children were in elementary school, they were instructed in some of the values above that I have listed. But, they were only an addendum of what they were already being held responsible for knowing and living in our home. It must be hard for teachers who have children from all kinds of backgrounds and “family way” in their classrooms to be able to manage their charges as a whole. The objective would be to establish and maintain a particular set of ethics for the classroom. This is very important to promote the optimum learning setting for the children, but also to contribute to the overall life experience of the individual child and hopefully, send them home with a positive value system that is established and/or reinforced. With the permutations in our society in its development it would seem that now more than ever this is a very important objective. So many varied backgrounds and lifestyles have made us very diverse in concepts and behaviors. There are many children who can benefit greatly from a positive infusion of values as well as encouragement.

    Laura Harris

  13. Values can and should be taught in school. They can be assisted by their teacher to learn how to treat their classmates and how to deal with each other. This is generally how kindergarten works.

    When children are young it is important for them to develop their values. Showing compassion and being loving can be taught by the parents, but other values such as sharing, lying, and being nice to people can only be taught in a social situation. Children are introduced to other kids their age in kindergarten. This is when they should learn how to interact with their peers and learn their values.
    I think that children should be taught values at an early age in school. This is when a lot of their development will happen and the school is the perfect setting for it.
    Daniel Betancourt

  14. Like others have stated, it really depends on what we are defining as values. If we define values being taught to children as being things like “do not steal,” “do not use drugs,” or “do not hit,” those aren’t only values, but laws that children must learn to be able to survive in a society. Since those types of values are so intrinsic to our world, those types of values should be taught in schools. Other values, like Professor Schmoll brought up, such as good manners should also be taught in schools. Having a proper appearance, speaking cleanly, and having table manners affect how other people perceive you. Without those types of values (given that they aren’t taught at home), you would be viewed negatively, and it would be more difficult for you to find acceptance and grow in society.

    However, there are other types of values that should not be taught in schools. These types of values aren’t necessarily “teaching religion” but might overlap with religious teachings, such as not having premarital sex. Values such as those are totally up to families to pick a position to teach to their kids, or may be left up to the individual to decide on.

    But can values be taught at school. That’s a bit harder to say. I’m leaning toward no, they can’t be taught in schools. In our country we are seeing a breakdown of the family with kids being taught less and less by their parents with more emphasis being put on schools to teach kids values. But it seems that many people still aren’t learning. I meet many people daily who are rude, use extremely harsh language, and are generally just disrespectful.

    -Matthew Jeffries

  15. Ana,

    I like how you said that most values are taught at home, but grow stronger in education environments. I partly agree with this, because most of the time this is true. But, sometimes there are children who aren't taught values at all, or even are taught bad ones. These are the children that it is most important to teach values to.

    Lacey Patterson

  16. I agree with many of the posts that some values should be taught in school but others should be taught at home. I remember in grade school some of the values that we were taught. These were values like sharing, keep the classroom clean, being nice and friendly and other values that children are taught. These values are also taught at home by parents and other family members. Being taught these values at a young age such as when we are in grade school I feel are very important and do have an impact on our lives. The values that shouldn't be taught in school are values like religious values. Religious values should be taught at home by the parents because the separation of church and state that does not allow any religious teachings in school. Values that we learn in school and at home help us develop our own morale code that we use in our everyday lives.
    When I saw this as our week 6 blog entry I immediately thought of those commercials they show on TV about values and how they are "the foundation for a better life".

    Agustin Garcia

  17. Yes I believe that values are and should be taught in school. It's not very often I hear or see a value I don't like. Now with that being said, religious values need to be used in discretion. School is another institution where my children spend a large amount of time at, and learn and develop social skills. It is essential they are being taught right and wrong when dealing with their classmates and teachers. Values our present in any culture and therefore teachers within my community abide by these values and pass them on.

  18. Dr. Schmoll,

    To me values range in a variety of ways from good manners to discipline and respect. I believe that anything that makes a person whether its their belief or how they perceive life is some sort of value to them!

    Ana Garcia

  19. Lacey,

    You bring a really good point! I never really thought about it that way and that is true. Unfortunately there are those children that are not taught values, or like you said, are simply taught bad ones and these are the ones that can learn good values in school. Overall values should be taught and kept alive everywhere! Thanks for pointing that out!

    Ana Garcia

  20. I agree that there are some values that should be taught in school and some values that should not. I do believe that to have discipline and respect it must start at home with the manners. To teach manners to a child, they are being taught to discipline themselves in very mild ways. By teaching a child yes and no, and please and thank you, is showing them the polite way of life. I do believe that those factors should be reinforced from kindergarten through time each student graduates high school. Just last week in one of my classes the teacher asked us, "What is one of the first things you learn in Kindergarten?" The answer was sharing. Those types of values should be started at home because the only discipline a child knows is from their parent/guardian. Religion is something I do not believe should be practiced in school but I do firmly believe that each religion, whether Christian to Pagan, or Muslim to Catholic should be referenced so that children know the differences. Not I do not believe that anyone should pressure another or force their religion in someone's face but I do believe knowing the differences can help to understand why people have the values that they do. It comes from tradition in the family and values, whether or not they should be taught in schools, should start with the basics, as many have said, at home.

    Tysanne Cullum

  21. Ana and Lacey-

    Those are the kinds of points that need to be brought home!

    Tysanne Cullum

  22. I believe that certain values can and should be taught in school. Values such as honesty, sharing, good manners, and respect can be developed within the home and strengthened inside the classroom. Teaching and reinforcing these values daily can help children become more well rounded individuals. I believe more personal values such as religion and family traditions are meant to be taught at home. These values should be taught by the parents, as they are usually passsing down their own beliefs. These values are important because they are the foundations to their beliefs.

    I also agree with Tysanne in that it is important to educate children about all religions and their differences.

  23. I believe that certain values can and should be taught in school. Values such as honesty, sharing, good manners, and respect can be developed within the home and strengthened inside the classroom. Teaching and reinforcing these values daily can help children become more well rounded individuals. I believe more personal values such as religion and family traditions are meant to be taught at home. These values should be taught by the parents, as they are usually passsing down their own beliefs. These values are important because they are the foundations to their beliefs.

    I also agree with Tysanne in that it is important to educate children about all religions and their differences.

    Ross Hoffmann

  24. Lacey- great post! I definitely agree that values within school should be taught to an extent to which it doesn't interfere with the family values being taught by the parents.

    Ross Hoffmann

  25. It appears that our entire class pretty much agrees that there are values that are important to teach in school. Even values that are laws should still be taught because there may be children in classrooms where their home training includes drug use, physical abuse, stealing, and lying, etc. There is a family member I know that has lived as an opportunist, a taker, someone who would steal and take, someone who would lie, and does so often. This family member has raised 5 children who are now adults. Most of these children have incorporated the values they spent their formative years learning into their adult lifestyle. One of them lives a life opposite of that, with care and concern, and giving. Perhaps these values were learned at school and chosen as a better way. If our children will be taking their education from a public system, then values should be taught as a matter of an ethical administration of that education. Beliefs are a matter of choice and belong to the families who are free to believe. That's what makes our freedom in our country so great. It is also what makes our educational system great, and the value of our society can be a very positive influence in our school system. It's very refreshing to view all of our class opinions and realize that these values are just as important to all of us, and that we are fair and democratic in the application of values in our public education. Good job everyone!

    Laura Harris

  26. I Don't think it would be impossible for values to be taught in school, but I do think it would be somewhat challenging. I have several friends that are teachers and they are always telling me how school is so constructed now, it hard to do anything outside of the outline. I also think it would be up to the teacher to be willing to do it. I know having 30 plus students in a class with all different beliefs, would be difficult not to offend anyone. However, values that are good in general, no matter your beliefs, would be good for our children to learn. It seems that we are losing those values that we should be holding dear to us. like people have said, honesty is a big one. I wish we could be able to trust people more but in today society it's almost every man for himself. It's hard to really allow yourself to let someone in your life like that. If schools decided to teach values, it would also mean that parents would have to be supportive at home. No matter what you tell a child, if they are hearing different at home, it will never work. Overall, I think values are important and should be taught to everyone. The question is, would we be willing to teach them or not.

    Lindsey McGuire

  27. yes Dr S-
    Values are including good manners, discipline,honesty and respect to others which can be and should be taught in home and strengthended in school.It is said that parents are first teacher of a child.A child learns about tradition,respect, honesty,discipline in home under supervision of parents,child's mind is like blackboard The first word is wriiten by parents and parents. A child learns about his religion, his tradition and respect to elders from his elders at home.Tradition, religion should be taught at home.Parents starts discipline and good manners from home and then child goes to school.Yes education is must and teachers sharpens the personality but I strongly beleive that first education by parents and elders in home keeps baseline of personality if a child has a habit tospeak a lie and parents incite chikd to speak lie a teacher can not improve that child.yes education improves pesonality but some basics manners like honesty,discipline, respect to othersmsharing can be and should be tagught at home as parents are first teacher of a child then school strenghtening the manners and values. sometimes a child who does not follw parents,will learn discipline, vlaues from school so tradition,religion and home values should abnd can be taught at home and child learns to shair and respect teacher at school sharps child's personality.
    Yes Dr S-If we look at history we will know that famous civilizations were absent from history because they lost their values and discipline nd tradition and values . if society will loose their good manners,values there will be imbalance in society and destruction of good values.SO good manners, values,discipline and awareness about good and bad starts from home and deveolp at school and then one good personality takes birth. So my friends who are reading my views and have children ,please try to teach your children to be honest,to give respect,humane nature,and having good values so that they can be a good ersonality.if we will keep this in mnid that Begining starts from me....veena kumari

  28. Values are already being taught in schools. For example, very often in school I hear teachers say how high education will take you far in life and that education should be a high priority. Teachers often teach the value of education to their students every chance they get. As prior posts mention, values such as respect, honesty and trust can and should be taught as well as enforced in school. The more personal values should be taught only by the family. For example, religion is a sensitive topic; therefore shouldn’t be taught in public schools because you have so much diversity. Family beliefs and values need to stay in the family as well because school systems shouldn’t be involved in the student’s personal lives. Churches or homes are more appropriate places to be taught a families personal values and beliefs such as religion. I think most values could or are being taught at home, but are re-enforced at school. Parents teach proper etiquette and values at home, then the schools re-enforce some of them. I believe some general values can be taught in schools, but personal values such as religion, family beliefs, values, and traditions should not be taught in the school systems.

    -Liz Sanchez

  29. Lacey I agree values should be taught at school and some values are better to be taught at home.

    Ryan Barker

  30. There are many values that can be taught in school. You would first have to define the word values, find the concept of values, and be able to find what values are appropriate to teach in school. I think that that you can teach different values at different levels of school and education. At lower levels you could teach basic values such as respect. If you can teach respect at a young level, many other values will be easier to teach and will kind of fall into place. I imagine it would be hard to teach values in school, especially at a younger age. I think that school systems should make it mandatory to teach basic values as part of the curriculum.

    Ryan Barker

  31. In my opinion values should not be taught in school. I feel values are an important element of a family’s make-up and schools have no place in the teaching of values. If the school is expected to teach a child values, the child will learn what values the state wants the child to learn and not the values the family feels are important. However, schools can reinforce the values parents are trying to instill in their children. This is especially true if the teacher is encouraging the students to go on to college or a trade school.
    Jim Adams

  32. Liz, I agree values such as encouraging a child to go to college should be taught in schools.
    Jim Adams

  33. I think some values should be taught in school but im not sure if they are even being taught. You go to school to be educated but also to learn values such as respect, honesty, friendships, and so on. Over the years i think schools have really just focused on the education part and not on values which are in some ways more important. You use these values through your whole life.
    Of course there are some values you should learn at home such as family values and religion. It is very important for your parents to teach you these values, seeing that you cant really learn religion in school. Some things are just better off being taught by your parents.
    Values are in my opinion the most important thing you can learn in school and from your parents. Without values, what kind of person would you be?
    -Haley Garmon

  34. Can values be taught in school? Should they be taught in school?

    Yes and yes.

    Don’t we all remember a teacher or coach who made such an impression on our lives that we talk about them 5, 10, and for some of us, even 20 years later? While we all have fun memories, don’t we also remember the lessons we learned – and repeat those stories to others or use them as teaching moments for our children? Remember the 1st grade teacher who taught us how to say “yes, sir” and “no, ma’am” because it’s good manners and respectful? Or the volleyball coach who said not to gloat when you’re winning 14-2 because it’s not kind or good sportsmanship? Maybe it’s the 8th grade teacher who led the junior high students in a lesson on respecting yourselves and others. Or the heartwarming Christmas play that taught the entire student body to be appreciative of what you have and compassionate towards others who are less fortunate. These values all fall outside of defined school curriculum, i.e., reading, writing, and arithmetic, but they play just as vital a role in teaching young children to be honorable, trustworthy citizens.

    When you figure the amount of time a child spends in school during their formative years, it becomes more apparent to me that values should be a part of school curriculum. Between the ages of 5 and 18 years of age, kids spend 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, 9 months a year for 13 years in a school setting with an average of 35-40 different teachers and coaches. Throughout these years, teachers provide the academic studies and lessons to help students gain knowledge and build new skills. If teachers, educators, coaches, and scout leaders can also help to reinforce values and serve as great role models, then why not? Each one of them can help parents form strong, moral character in their children.

    Maybe asking why teachers choose this profession is an entirely different question. But I think it adds merit to this discussion. Do you suppose it is because they love teaching 2nd grade math? Or 8th grade biology? I don’t believe either is the case. Rather, I think it is because they remember a teacher from their past who made a difference in their lives.

    At the end of the day, I would hope that every parent wants to know that they’ve done everything in their power to ensure their young adult is prepared to face the real world head-on as he or she heads off to college – with their computers and books in tow – and their bag full of values.

    Theresa F.

  35. Kryston,
    I absolutely love that you brought up Disney movies being important in showing values. This is so true. I still watch Disney movies, and im 20. There is just always something that you can learn from them!
    -Haley Garmon

  36. Brenda – I agree with your post. School can serve as a reinforcement to those students who already have values taught to them at home and can be a first line educator for those who don’t.

    Dr. S – My initial thoughts on your point as to what happens to societies that lose these simple civilities -- are of those children / young adults who end up incarcerated for one reason or another. As the media begins to wonder what happened, questions arise. Where did the parents go wrong? Why didn’t anyone in the educational system catch this? Didn’t a teacher notice improper behaviors? It’s interesting commentary that the educational system is sometimes blamed for a child’s “conduct” outside of the classroom, when values and character, or lack thereof, come into play.

    Laura – Great post and very well said!

    Theresa F.

  37. Can values be taught in school? Should values be taught in school?

    Of course, values can be taught in schools. Currently, students are being taught how to say please and thank you, how to speak to elder persons, how to respect others, how to be polite, and so on. Students can be taught manners, because the values that are taught are values that are put into practice at the school.

    Values should be taught in schools to better prepare children to be respectful, polite, and students with manners. These are values that are put into use in one’s daily life. Therefore, values should be taught in schools. However, they should be taught to a certain extent. I don’t believe religion or culture should be taught in schools unless children are enrolled in private schools like religious schools. Culture and religion varies from families to families and since we all don’t have those commonalties, they cannot be taught, whereas, being respectful and polite are values that we all share. Therefore, politeness and respectful values can be taught in schools.

    Dacia Zamora

  38. Lacey,
    I definitely agree with you. Values should be taught and are being taught at schools, but values such as religion should not be taught at schools because of the so many diverse cultures and religions that are being practiced.

    I agree with you that some children are not being taught values at home and therefore, values should be taught at schools. However, they should be taught to a certain extent.

    Great thoughts everyone!!!!

    Dacia Zamora

  39. Like many of you have said, it depends on how one defines values or separates certain values from one another. I believe values are taught both at home and at school, and both balance each other out. Values are first taught at home, and then the school just applies or help work on those values.
    For instance, my nephew is in pre-school and we at home teach him values such as respect, politeness and to share and at school they reinforce the same values as well. There are also many kids who do not get so much structure at home for different reasons, and for these cases it is great that they are able to learn values at school .

    Other vales such as religion and faith, however should not be taught at school. Sharing for example, is a value we all share, but who or what we believe in can vary. I don't believe it's right for students to practice any type of religious practice matter while at school; only because these can lead to many different problems.
    Some families my take it offensive teaching their kids diffetnt beliefs, and no good can come from that. Families have their own traditions and beliefs and that doesn't mean one way is better thn another, but simply their way of doing things.
    - Christina Manriquez

  40. Ross,
    Really good post! I agree really like how you say that values should be taught at home then strengthen at school. I believe bailed should start at home and just be a reinforcement at schools.
    - Christina manriquez

  41. Lacey,
    Good point. Nowadays it’s a shame that children are not being taught values in school. Also, I think that many parents are not doing the same at home.

    Values can be taught in schools and should be taught in schools. Children are in school at least in school 8 hours a day so they spend a large amount of time in school so it is really important for the educators of today teach them values. Children should be taught basic values like good manners, sharing, respect, and honesty. Its sad but some children are not taught these values at home or anywhere else so that is why its really important to a child’s early years because they assist in building a Childs character and who they will become. On the other hand, there are some values that shouldn’t be taught at school like religion and family tradition. Of course these are some of the things that children should learn at home. Overall, society definitely needs schools to teach children some basic values that they may not learn anywhere else. As a society we need to build the future and prepare young adults starting off with values taught at school.

    Helen Rosario

  42. I believe that values can be taught in school, but I don’t believe all values can be taught in school. The values of sharing, discipline, equality, liberty, kindness, privacy, respect, trust, and good manners can and should be taught in school. These kinds of values are ones we all have to deal with on a daily basis. I feel that these values can be taught in a classroom setting and they should be. These general values everyone should follow because if they don’t, society would become a crazy world of anarchy. I was taught these values in school. On the other hand, values like tradition, religion, and family values should be taught at home and should never be taught in school. These values are different in every family and only the people within that family are able to teach their family those values they stand by. It would be difficult for teachers to teach these values because everyone’s family values are different. With regards to religion there can be major differences and controversies which make it hard for schools to teach. However, if the school is private, like a religious school, then they will teach those values related to that religion. Going to a school like that is the parent’s choice. So, I believe that certain values can and should be taught in school, but family values should be left up to the parents.

    Nealson Hanner

  43. Can values be taught in school? Should values be taught in school?

    Helen, I completely agree with you. I'm finding it hard to write my own response now after reading yours.

    I strongly agree that values can and should be taught in schools. It's important that our children learn how to share, listen, respect one another, be polite, say please and thank you, be understanding and learn tolerance. As obvious as these seem, not all parents teach these values. And if they won't, it's important that we as a society let our schools teach what is needed for a peaceful tomorrow. It's as simple as the golden rule, treat others as you would like to be treated.
