As an online course, the writing that we do in English 305 is substantially different from a face to face course. As such, it is imperative that you understand the course style from the start. Nearly all of your work in this course will be posted on the course blog. EACH WEEK YOU WILL HAVE THREE BLOG ASSIGNMENTS:

Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the Friday (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. You have all week each week to complete the reading and writing for that week, but there are no late assignments accepted, so be sure to be disciplined about the work from the start.

Let me re-state that point; if you do the assigned work before or during the week it is due, you will receive full credit. If you do the work after the Friday of the week it is assigned, you will get zero credit for that week.

Grading Scale


Weekly Blog Entries: 10%
Writing About the Reading: 10%
Restaurant Review: 20% (DUE SEPT 24)
Tipping Point Essay Final Draft: 30% (ROUGH DRAFT DUE OCT 28) (FINAL DRAFT DUE NOV 4)
In Class Essay: 10%
Peer Revision: 10%
Participation: 10%

Friday, August 12, 2011


You see a star. Make a wish. What is it?


  1. I wish for happiness and success in my life, and when Im not wishing that, Im wishing for my family to be healthy and safe.

    -Haley Garmon

  2. This is a hard one for me for two reasons: First, when you wish upon a star it is usually a secret and you aren’t supposed to tell anyone, or your wish won’t come true. Second, since it is supposed to be something just you know about, you tend to wish for something real with actual deep meaning. That being said it is hard to decide what to wish for, but I would wish for true happiness. I wouldn’t say I am an unhappy person, but I believe there are very few people in the world who are truly happy with themselves and their lives. It takes a lot for people to let go of things and be truly happy. I think this is something that few accomplish in their lifetimes, and it is something that I wish to accomplish. You can just tell the difference between a person who pretends to be happy and a person who really is happy. Happiness is very hard to accomplish, because people rarely are able to let go and just be comfortable in their own skin and with the decisions that they make. Life is about decisions and the decisions you make help determine your happiness. You are in control and your life will take on the path that you choose, so a person’s happiness is in their very own hands, they just have to figure out how to get there.

    Lacey Patterson

  3. I would wish for our family to continue to be as close and united as we are today for a long time to come. Everyone has said that our family has a very strong bond, and they talk about how they wished them and their siblings got along the way that we do. By no means do I claim we are perfect, but I too believe that our bond is very strong, and I wouldn’t want our relationship to fall apart. Family is very important in our culture.
    Brenda Castro

  4. Haley-
    I also think it is important to wish to be in good health. I myself always wish that I and the people that I love are healthy.

    Brenda Castro

  5. I learned when I was younger that "Wishes won't wash dishes." I learned this in a classroom exercise in school. My father taught me a more vulgar saying on wishing which was his disgusting way of telling me that wishing won't get you anything. However, I am a dreamer, which makes me a wisher. While, yes, I will happily go and wash the dishes, I do know that wishing them clean has never worked. So, I go do them to get them done. But, I will always continue to wish. I have a lot a lot of wishes, and many of them have come true. That's what makes life so exciting! When your wish comes true, you are happy and successful. Wishes are dynamic. When they come true, then you'll have new wishes. I feel very blessed in that I have always had wishes that came true. My younger sister will always cynically tell me, "You always get your wishes!" But, she doesn't spend enough time wishing, in my opinion.

    Right now, I have a very big wish: I wish I will be able to complete my work for my degree at CSUB. Incorporated with that wish, I wish that I will be able to become a successful author. By that, I mean, that perhaps one day, I will be able to publish a story in book form. This is a very big wish! I have wished it since I was 8 years old and I am very much older now. I started going to school later in life because I thought an education would help my wish to come true. There have been so many benefits with my educational journey that I did not even think of when I started classes. I found I love school, even when I'm hating Statistics class. The road to my wish coming true has already blessed me richly. Every time I write a story, or complete a writing assignment, a little bit of my wish comes true. I love telling stories and I love writing. A great man I studied under and loved once wrote, "Dreams become reality for people who believe." My dreams are my wishes, and I believe in them! I enjoy hoping, waiting, and working for my wishes to come true! And I will happily wash the dishes while I am wishing.

    Laura Harris

  6. Laura,

    I love what you said about wishing, I sometimes feel like your dad. You can wish for anything you want, but that doesn't mean you are going to get it and I am a very practical person so I don't like wishing for things I know I can't have. As long as you wish for things that you know are practical, they will come true.

    Lacey Patterson

  7. You see a star. Make a wish. What is it?

    Well I am somewhat reluctant to say what I would wish for because I have always been told if you tell your wish it will not come true. For me, wishing is something very meaningful. I don’t like to wish for things that are impossible, but for things that are realistic. Many wishes that I have made consist of people being happy, healthy, and safe. I would have to say, one wish that I have always wanted to come true is that I will succeed in life as a daughter, sister, one day a mother and wife, but also just be happy with what I have and who I have in my life. From what I have heard, many people wish for more than what is realistic, when I believe that the simple things like happiness, love, and the people and things you do have are what really matter in life.
    Stephanie Nodal

  8. Brenda,
    I relate to your wish because I believe a families bond is very important. A families bond can help the family as a system or as individuals get through situations in life because families most likely have similar views, beliefs, and morals as the other. I think that this is a wonderful wish because it is realistic and yet can be difficult for some families to build such a strong bond with each other. To build a family bond one has to work hard and strive for what they want.
    Stephanie Nodal

  9. Haley,
    I think wishing to be successful in life is very common for individuals and families. I believe this because nowadays it is difficult to be happy and successful in life, but it can be done. I too wish that my family and friends around me can be healthy and safe.
    Stephanie Nodal

  10. All of you that would wish for good health and happiness, I agree with you. I would most definitely wish for the same. =)

    Dacia Zamora

  11. You see a star. Make a wish. What is it?

    I would probably wish to continue having what I thank God for every night before going to sleep: happiness, good health, love, and for my family to have the same. In this life, we are all equal. Therefore, we all have the opportunity for success or failure, but in order to be successful, on needs to have good health, love, and be happy over all. With those crucial tools, we can take our life in any direction depending in our likes or dislikes, goals, and opportunities. I believe we make our own success with the help of love, good heath, and happiness.

    Dacia Zamora

  12. You see a star. Make a wish. What is it?

    I would probably wish to continue having what I thank God for every night before going to sleep: happiness, good health, love, and for my family to have the same. In this life, we are all equal. Therefore, we all have the opportunity for success or failure, but in order to be successful, on needs to have good health, love, and be happy over all. With those crucial tools, we can take our life in any direction depending in our likes or dislikes, goals, and opportunities. I believe we make our own success with the help of love, good heath, and happiness.

    Dacia Zamora

  13. First off, I thought if you shared your wish with someone it didn’t come true? However, I find the whole “wishing on a star” bit to be a little unnecessary, because I don’t like to believe in things that bring false hope into my life. I know I sound like a Debby Downer, but an individual can only take so many let downs before they just give up. However, for the sake of the assignment, I would have to agree with many of my peers and say I would wish for overall success. I feel that success in all forms of my life would bring me happiness and make my family just as happy. Over the years, I have come to realize that we humans are all the same. We want success, love, and happiness. Therefore, I believe I would wish for overall success in my life.

    kryston honea

  14. If I saw a shooting star I would wish for my life to be a little simpler right now. Don't get me wrong, overall I love my life but for the last few months life hasn't been polite to me. I know everyone goes through hard times but with my personality, I take it much harder than other people. Not to mention I worry way too much. Sometimes I wish I didn't care what other people thought of me but then I probably wouldn't be as respected as I am now. It is hard trying to live up to everyone's expectations of what they think you should and shouldn't be. with all that being said, I wouldn't trade my live with anybody and I just keep reminding myself that the hard times are just making all of us stronger.
    Lindsey McGuire

  15. Brenda,
    I think your wish is a very realistic wish. I also have a very close family and I wouldn't make it without them , so I know what you mean.

    Lindsey McGuire

  16. If I was to wish upon a star, I would wish for myself and family to always be healthy, because everything else we are capable of building ourselves. As long as one is healthy anything is possible!

    Ana Garcia

  17. I believe the whole wishing on realistic things is a good point, what is the point on wishing upon things that are not possible. Good one Stephanie!

    Ana Garcia

    veena kumari

  19. I would wish for a large property, around 15 acres, that is close to the ocean and mountains. I would like mature trees all around and ocean views from every window. I would want no dangerous animals like bears, cougars, snakes,etc.. in the area so my kids could explore without being in danger. I would like a huge modern home that my husband and I designed and a guest house a few acres back. I would like a cleaning lady to come biweekly and a cook to come when I didn't feel like making dinner. I would also like to plant all types of fruits and vegetables so we could eat off the fruits of the land. I would like a place where the culture is easy going and people are down to earth and friendly.

  20. After reading everyone's wish I feel like they took this assignment too seriously. When I wish it is for fun, I do not put false hopes in it. It is more what I day dream about. I don't sit around dreaming about good health, but clearly that is what is important to me and for my family. A wish is like a lottery ticket its fun to play!

  21. I know it sounds corny but if I could wish for anything, I would wish for a cure for cancer. Being a healthcare representative, I see a lot of people affected by this terrible disease. Millions of people around the world are battling or have lived with cancer. This disease not only affects the individual, but their families and loved ones. I believe that a cure for cancer would be an unparalleled victory for the world.

    Ross Hoffmann

  22. I also agree with Ana's wish. I always wish for the safety and well being of my family. There is nothing more important than family!

    Ross Hoffmann

  23. I see a star – I make a wish – What is my wish?

    Like many of you, I was brought up believing that making a wish was something you kept to yourself. Whether closing your eyes and throwing a penny into a fountain or blowing out the candles on your birthday cake, these wishes were secrets you shared with no one or they wouldn’t come true. It’s fun to pass these traditions on to your children and watch them close their eyes real tight as they think long and hard to make a wish – with a determination on their little faces that they’ll soon change the world with their one little wish, if only they can keep it a secret! Or maybe it wasn’t changing the world so much as it was that toy truck or new bike they really wanted!
    So as an adult what would my wish be? I guess I would wish big. World peace would be nice. Ross mentioned a cure for cancer. I’m a cancer survivor so that wish is huge for me too. I toured a facility yesterday that helps kids and adults who have special needs. The gentleman that gave us the tour showed us technology that helps those that can’t type on a keyboard be a bit more independent. He showed us voice software to help those who have trouble with speech. This wonderful man was 51 years old and he has spent his entire life in a wheelchair. Another wish? No wheelchairs. That would be wonderful too.

    Theresa F.

  24. To all my Classmates:

    Wishing is just as individual as all of you! We don't have to abide by any rules, and each of our wishes belong to us and can be shared with others as we see fit. I used to also think I could not tell my wishes because of the tradition, and those traditions our ours to have and to hold, or to break with also as we see fit. The beauty of being in this world together is that we're all different. That's what makes each of wishes equally and wonderfully important. I loved reading all of your posts, everyone had such insightful thoughts to add to our melting pot.

    Have a great weekend!
    Laura Harris

  25. If I were to make a wish on a star, I suppose my wish would be to achieve my ultimate goal: to become an animator. Ever since I was a child, I have loved to draw cartoon characters and make comics. And at some point, I realized that there were people out there in the world who's job it was to produce these cartoons. From that point on, there has also been a place deep down inside of me that has always wanted to do this. Unfortunately, it's an extremely competitive field and it's not the most reliable career in the world. I'm also not much of a risk taker either, which is probably why I'm an accounting major.

    But, when it comes to dreams and wishes, there is one piece of advice that I constantly remind myself. This advice comes from a hip hop song by Aesop Rock where he says "I've never had a dream is what you want to do but still haven't pursued. I knew what I wanted and did it 'til it was done, so I've been living the dream that I've wanted since days one." And lately, I've really been trying to live it more than dream about it. I try to squeeze in as much time as possible to study computer animation, and slowly but surely I'm starting to grasp it. In a few months, I'll hopefully have enough of and understanding to be able to produce my own shorts. Wishing on a star would be much simpler however.

    -Matthew Jeffries

  26. Ross, good wish man

    Ryan Barker

  27. I like how everyone is saying you need to keep your wishes to yourself or they won't come true. I would like to know where that originated.

    Ryan Barker

  28. If I saw a shooting star I would wish for an "A" in this class. I hope that I didn't jinx my chances of getting and "A" since you aren't supposed to tell people what you wish for.

    On a more serious note, I agree with most people in the class I would have to wish for good health and happiness. To be honest I would make wishes for other people and for their lives. Wishes are for dreamers, and to have dreams is a really good thing to have. Be careful what you wish for.

    Ryan Barker

  29. I wish that my family and close friends are safe and that they can achieve happiness in their lives. I wish that the problems and sadness that have happened recently go away and that the world brightens up for me. I wish that things can just go back to normal.

    Chase Amos

  30. I would wish that there would be some way to make handling death easier. With the passing of my grandpa last week, it was hard to see how upset everyone was getting. It warps the minds of all the close people involved and can take a long time to actually get over. It was very hard to see my great grandparents having to witness the burial of their son. This whole experience has been difficult to deal with and I wish that there was a way to make it more acceptable.

    Daniel Betancourt

  31. After seeing a shooting star my wish would be to become extremely rich. This wish may seem selfish but I would not just spend the money on myself but I would share the wealth. Not having to worry about living pay check to pay check would be a huge relief. I would spend this money not just on me but also on my entire family. I'm wishing to become extremely rich so there would be more than enough to go around. I know they say that more money means more problems, but I would hire the right people to manage my finances and not let me waste my money on unnecessary things. I would also give back to the community by helping out with the schools, churches, and local charities. I would also use this money to set up many foundations and organizations that would help with scholarships and medical expenses for low income families and other things as well. I know that we all have to work hard for the life we envision but if I could wish for something it would be for this because I would be able to reach out and help people in so many ways.

    Agustin Garcia

  32. To all who wished for health and happiness – I agree!

    Ryan – An “A” in this class – well, we might as well throw all our classes in with this wish – that was funny!

    Matthew – Follow your dreams. There will always be children, teenagers, and adults who love animation! Comics, cartoons, video games, animated movies -- and companies like Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks aren’t going away anytime soon! Who knows, we all may be saying, remember that Matt guy who wanted to be an accountant – he’s CEO of Jeffries Animation!

    Daniel – I’m sorry to hear about your Grandpa. Death is so hard. God bless you and your family.

    Theresa F.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. You see a star. Make a wish. What is it?

    I wish for all the things that everyone else does, but above all, I wish for happiness and the wisdom and confidence to make good decisions. The funny thing about wishing on a star is, you never know how your wish may turn out. There have been many a time when what I've wished for has come true; however, it just wasn't in the way I had originally imagined it to be. It reminds me of an old Twilight Zone episode when a woman wishes for riches and magically, that same day, she receives more money than she could have imagined. The catch is, her husband died that very same day in a car accident; it was his life insurance that she collected. Granted, this is only a science fiction story, but it's not so farfetched that this scenario couldn't happen. It's become my own superstition, I always think of my own experiences and possible stories like this before wishing upon a star. I never wish for money or anything very specific. I figure if the wish is vague enough, maybe the end result will be better than I could have ever put into words.

  35. I would agree with most of you about not telling anyone what your wish was or else the wish won’t come true, but if I saw a star I would wish that I can stay focused and graduate from CSUB in about a year and a half. I would wish this not because I can’t stay focused or I’m not motivated, but because as crazy as life can be, sometimes it’s hard for me to imagine that I could be done soon. From needing to work many hours at my job, to life’s obstacles, and not having proper time to dedicate to my education, I am wishing that I can pull through and finish my last classes. I’ve also been unsure of my major so I also wish that I stick with my major and be able to get a good career in that department. One wish leads to a few other wishes, but my main wish is to stay focused and receive my degree as soon as possible. I will most likely go back to school for a Masters, but for now I’m trying to work hard for my B.A.

    -Liz Sanchez

    Agustin- That would be a great wish to have come true! It’s said that money doesn’t buy happiness, but by donating and creating programs for the least fortunate will bring an enormous amount of happiness. Happiness won’t only be for the people being helped, but also for the person who is helping.

    Lindsey- I too would wish the same things. It seems like life is out to get me right now, but in other aspects I love where I’m at in life. Hard times come and go so we just need to keep our heads up and stay positive.

    Brenda- Family unity is very important and I’d wish for my family to stay close. My immediate family is so close because we are all we have. We don’t have a good relationship with our other family members so we can only count on each other. I would never want to see that bond broken for any reason just like you.

    Ross- A cure for cancer would be more than great! I wouldn’t be surprised if it actually happened in the next few years or so….I WISH it does.

    -Liz Sanchez

  36. There are many things that I would wish for in life. Pretty much everyone has hit the basic wishes and I would wish for good health and happiness for my family. If I saw a shooting star one night, I would wish for a couple of things, first, to stay in the white house for a couple of nights. This would be amazing to stay in a room of a former president. From Washington, Lincoln, FDR, or Nixon, I would have a blasted thinking about the history and the decision that were made in those particular rooms. You could go into the Oval office and act like the president for a day. Visit the West wing of the white house, where some of the important decisions about the United States were made. I would have so much enjoyment. It might be the best two days of my entire life. The second thing I would wish for is going to a Green Bay Packer game in Lambeau field in the winter watching the Packers destroy the Bears in a shutout victory. I’m a huge Packer fan and I just want to go to one game in my life in Green Bay. While there visit the Packer Hall of Fame and see the Vince Lombardi memorial and learn about the greatest coach there ever was. The last wish I would make is finishing all three of my classes this quarter and finishing school this November and finding a great paying job so I can take care of the family.

    Nealson Hanner

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I would wish for my house to magically clean itself everyday before I got home from work and school. This would cause me to have less stress, which I'm sure would give me better health in the long run. Also, it would definitely make me very happy. So technically I would be getting three wishes in one: a clean house, better health, and happiness!  Now if only this wish would come true..... 

    Ashley Cockrell

  39. When you wish upon a star, what would I wish for and what would it be? My wish would be quite simple really; I wish that all United States troops would come home from all foreign lands and come home safe. I realize this wish may be a pipe dream; however, it is one we all need to wish for and pray it comes true. The world relies on our country to be the police for all their problems and it's time for the United States to take care of our domestics problems and not worry so much about the rest of the world.
    Jim Adams

  40. Haley,
    I completely agree with you. Happiness and success is very important and those are things I would wish for as well.
    If I seen a star I would wish for happiness, peace, faith, hope, and love to everyone in this world especially to my family that may be going through the hard economic times that many are going through these days. I would wish for the health and well being of my family and friends. Pretty much I would wish for all that I could think of at the moment hoping that some of it if not all would come true.

  41. Haley,
    I completely agree with you. Happiness and success is very important and those are things I would wish for as well.
    If I seen a star I would wish for happiness, peace, faith, hope, and love to everyone in this world especially to my family that may be going through the hard economic times that many are going through these days. I would wish for the health and well being of my family and friends. Pretty much I would wish for all that I could think of at the moment hoping that some of it if not all would come true.

    Helen Rosario

  42. Jim Adams
    That is a great wish, but I don’t think it’s going to come true anytime soon. It’s just too bad that America has to be the “Police” for the rest of the world. Like you said, we need to fix our own problems here.

    Nealson Hanner

  43. Ashley Cockrell
    That would be a great day when you could come home and have your entire house clean. Just to think that you would never have to do any cleaning around the house, forever. I would pay some serious money for that system.

    Nealson Hanner

  44. I would wish to be a rich philanthropist. This would require my bank account to be filled with just stupid amounts of money. So much money that I couldn't even give it all away even if I tried (I will be trying). I would just travel around the world meeting new people, making friends, and helping people where I see fit. Obviously my friends and family would be taken care of first. Then my school teachers would be given a hefty pay increase (as long as they gave me A's). When I'm not busy being the world's coolest philanthropist, I would buy all of my favorite sports teams. This would include, but is not limited to the following major sports; hockey, baseball, and football. My estate would have to be named something cool. People would recognize it instantly, and it would probably become a national landmark at some point. Sort of like how Thomas Jefferson lived in Monticello. The estate bars would be filled with only the finest liquors. Wait, no, it would have to have every kind. Even the cheap stuff. Something tells me that it might just make things more lively once the party season rolls around. It would also show the people that hey, even though this guy magically wished his way into this incredible lifestyle, he is still just a regular dude. A regular dude, who made the world a better place.

    -Kyle Bennett

  45. Ross Hoffmann
    A cure for cancer would be unbelievable. Earlier this year I lost one of my grandparents to cancer and if there was a cure then he would still be around. He would still be telling his great war stories and just some of his great general life tips. Great wish. Hopefully one day it comes true.

    Nealson Hanner

  46. I don't think wishes have to be "realistic" at all. What's realistic for some, may not be realistic for others. So if you only get one wish, why not go big?
    Also I think it's more fun to write about crazy, stupid, wild wishes than the standard. Peace, happiness, and joy to the world. Which don't get me wrong, is still a great wish.

    -Kyle Bennett

  47. Theresa,

    Thanks for the encouragement! That would be really cool, but I still got a long way to go. Time will tell.


    I know exactly what you mean. I work as a dishwasher, and every day I go to work I just wish that it was a slow day and there will be very little for me to clean. Two and a half years of cleaning the same kitchen day after day gets really boring.

    -Matthew Jeffries
